Sunday, July 30, 2017

$5.50 $550 $5,050 $5,000,000

No more cancer?
I gather Mr. Brock has HEALTH INSURANCE.
No lying, please! I talked to his niece, not him. (In 1985, spies).

Mr. Springer –

I love waking up early on Sunday to hear the Emmis girl I talked to on the bus three years ago tell of the Food Bank that will supposedly help. Hundreds of homeless sleeping on the beach in France I heard. Must be a failure of “socialism.” No, there are many more in Los Angeles, where I happen to know how much Ms. Hilton gets for a hotel room. Out of sight those “rack rates!”

Now, it’s time to rent a trailer up by Ronald Reagan’s hometown with no money. How about the movie trailer that would pay for the one that keeps rain off your homeless head? The lawman is going to harass lawful Bill again? I can hear me saying, “Deputy, apparently my dog does not like cops.”

Get it?

To the Federal Court we go!
#08- - -
Hughes v. [REDACTED]

I tried to reason with the defendant again. This does not work when they are from St. Petersburg and I am not talking about Florida.



p. s. The Russians are coming? Guys, they took over your entertainment industry a long time ago. What am I supposed to do about it? Attend a Trump rally?

Friday, July 28, 2017


I'm not spending all day wondering where I saw her.
Worse than East Germany!

Jul 26 at 1:32 PM
Hi William. Thanks for your note. Not sure what the story is here for Yahoo Finance, and we don't make deals where we promise to write about anything. But I'm happy to hear what's on your mind. 


Today at 10:32 AM

Rick -

Okay, I am at a minimum a prematurely retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I worked since 1989 for the Missouri Department of Mental Health and Barnes Jewish Behavioral Health in St. Louis, St. Louis County, Jefferson County, and Franklin County Missouri. I wrote four books and ten screenplays. There was much interest from literary agents, publishers, Hollywood producers, and police officials.

Already, you should think, "What is wrong with this picture?"

In 2004, someone said, "See The Aviator."
In 2007, someone said, "You are a very important man."

So, I quite logically thought, "Gosh, dad looks like Howard Hughes, and never denied he's related."
Thus began many years of research on Howard Hughes Jr. and Sr. This has taken me all the way back to Wales and some Royal land grants that allowed MY family to start buying-up land in Virginia, Kentucky, and later they went up the Mississippi to Iowa where Felix Hughes Sr. is buried with his many children in Keokuk. Felix's grandson Howard make a lot of money.

The largest figure I had seen was 2 billion at the time of his supposed death in 1976. At my college, it was a MIKE DEAN from Boston who said, "Hey Hughes, did you hear Howard died?" The Irwin Hall housekeeper's name was "Rosie," and she later brought her own copy of the newspaper for me to read the brief obit. You can look up the fact FBI director J. Edgar Hoover did NOT think MY DAD had died. Further, the powerful "Hughes Organization" never provided a fingerprint sought by the FBI. Why not? Sir, the dead guy was probably a Mexican wino who looked enough like Howard, and the man had several "body doubles."

Yahoo Finance staff might want to know me when the DNA matches, because I will be happy to send you a Chicago Tribune article that corrects the wealth figure to a whopping 22 billion 1976 dollars. The estate, settled by a woman who also did NOT believe he had died, gave away a paltry few hundred million all the way down to sixth cousins. There is a Wall Street Journal article on this you could easily find. My copy was stolen by a California sheriff.

To the legal front, I have lawsuits already filed against the HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE and HUGHES NETWORK SYSTEMS, LLC. I've had several chats with the security chief at my network, and if you want to ring my phone I will give you his name. As for the flirtatious female facility manager at BAKER HUGHES who chatted for two years and called me "Sugar," I will absolutely not disclose her name, because I am a big-time heterosexual and like her. As for CEO Martin Craighead, perhaps he needs a horse head in his bed like that Godfather movie, but that is NOT how I operate. I am always lawful; always truthful. So, I will close with a career criminal's line from one of my screenplays. It is:

"Nice gets you nowhere."

Never more true than in Donald Trump's USA, and I wrote that line in 2011.

Let's keep communicating, and please read the Tribune article. 
That's a lot of money, and by God the Russians sure know who I am!

Thanks for your reply,

William C. Hughes

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Page Extension

"Uncle Clarence" was not a relative, and as for Howard trying to see the Queen naked, even I think that was rather strange.

July 26, 2017

Mr. Page:

When I was in a class called “Community Politics” I did not care for Professor Dick Weir. However, local personality Robin Smith liked the guy. Weir boasted of working hard and attending Blackburn College as I pondered how the I.H.O.P. bacon fried itself, the sound gear hopped out of the Ryder rental truck magically, and as for the KCLC bulk tape eraser, also sitting next to Howard Hughes’ Uher tape recorder I could not afford, I said, “That thing does not erase completely. You should always run it past the heads.” (Meaning “record” and “play” magnetic tape heads). Even Rosemary Woods knew this!

Yes, I’ve lived long enough to “block” an aircraft mechanic who claimed he does not understand my Google+ wisecracks. At the same time, a prominent Lindenwood alum said, “We love your work on Facebook.” That is not “work,” but Hughes Investigators, LLC could rock John Belmar’s world for a modest fee. Not sending a cab so I can attend the next meeting? I am not worthy of becoming a Saint Louis County Council “Add On?”

In that event, I suppose I will go back to reading-up on Russian lawyers who died mysteriously, and Moscow-New York banking scandals. Mr. Putin dares to boast of this? Trump fired the prosecutors who were handling this? We all know the prisoner “Slipped on a bar of soap” as my uncles put it in 1962. Yes, I’m so in love with your police department, I’d like to tell PA Bob just how much I loved watching the famous Jack In the Box security video many years after I sat in my mental health office and said, “I guess the car was moving.” No, it was not. Moving to a few days ago and a heavily armed thug who may have had a girlfriend who called 469-6644, I realize you have to close I-55 to determine what happened, but my comment to any cop would be: “Looks like a Mafia hit.” Aren’t they supposed to shoot the shooter and not riddle the suicidal guy’s car with embarrassing bullet holes?

I would not claim to have prevented this from happening to an ambushed orange & white cop car, so since nobody is paying for the Suburban cab ride or my “quaint” Route 66 motel room, maybe the sarcastic essay no rag will publish is a better idea. You see, Bill McClellan stole my idea from the 1970’s on how St. Louis should annex the East Side and either form a separate state or “join up” with Illinois. This could explain the improbable Secret Service field office in Fairview Heights. I challenge you to find any record of a president or candidate shopping over there.

I think this has nothing to do with my former Chestnut Health Systems coworker who lived there, had an Iraq vet boyfriend who would not show up to argue with me, disclosed once more that cocaine is popular with today’s modern gal, and tended to travel with a half dozen really big guys, all around the time local attorneys started saying, “We can’t help you.” Who those “big boys” were I do not know, but I am quite sure four people were murdered nearby while we worked there and Granite City does not misplace their records, nor do I.

I will call Tony Messenger of the Post-Dispatch to ask him to tell Bill this merger with the East Side is madness. The better course of action is for the City of St. Louis to make Russia and simply “annex” Shrewsbury and the Village of Marlborough. Then, they could steal, or rather “acquire” the tax base from Saint Louis County, and the only action needed at the Shrewsbury Police Department would be to give them blue shirts and repaint the existing cop cars. Just like that, the city would have plenty of money for those workhouse air conditioners, and when the governor calls a special session, all Democrats from the St. Louis area could book rooms in Branson and ignore him.

As always, I am happy to write futile e-mail to local politicians.

Below, all recipients can see even the Congressional record cannot spell my name correctly. I’m serious about investigating your troubles, because as with Hollywood movies I’ve been told I know how to do it. Life was not good with the Missouri Department of Mental Health and one quick example would be having taken a peek at the other guy’s expense report. May I have my state e-mail recovered to Claire McCaskill when she was State Auditor? A kook at Associated Press said they re-use mainframe backup tapes. I don’t think so. Meantime, Claire got a better job; I did not.   

Hushes, Hon. William J., a Representative in Congress from the State of
New Jersey, and chairman, Subcommittee on Intellectual Property and
Judicial Administration


William C. Hughes

Attached: The first e-mail sent to your county government, and I don’t like the date on it, as I continue to be detained in a motel room. Selling more poison over at the Webster Groves CVS? Trump’s FDA does not seem to care, so if an old lady dies from it, you cannot “Blame Hughes.”

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Dear .gov

The statue is in Germany, dude.

July 25, 2017

Dear CRS Report Authors:

Please read the attached document, and don’t tell me it won’t open. Instead of legal action, I’m supposed to watch the “Manafort, Sessions, & Trump Russian Circus?” No thanks. I’m supposed to start working for the next handsome and/or glamor girl Democrat running for your highest office? No thanks. I’m supposed to run for public office myself? No thanks.

I’m supposed to go without health care for another 10 years?

Why not find the elusive “Dr. King” and FBI Bogus Special “Agent King?”

I know where to find Graham King.

I’m not e-mailing Senator Angus King.

I’d like to go where the doctor does not bill Anthem.
Yes, I had that health insurance, and every month we played a little “game” where I had to make sure the payment was received.

Who lived next door?
An Army torture specialist to the north; Air Force spy creep to the south.
I’m sure the City of Clayton Missouri has lost or destroyed all of their NAMES.
Those meth dealers down the block?

Probably still in business.

In one of the many government documents I’ve read lately that were created in response to the Bush 43 war crimes and homeland murder squads, someone speculated on the long term effects of government-sponsored torture. What I’ve noticed in my case is, I’d simply like to be left alone. In other words, do not bother me, do not question me, and for God’s sake, do not harass me any further.

The people aligning themselves with terror groups created by the Central Intelligence Agency may indeed be up to something of a criminal nature. That was never the case with me. Therefore, it seems to this observer that your Constitution is a huge, utterly confusing and arcane lie. Consequently, your government has rapidly become an indistinguishable from a TV show farce. Let us be clear I had nothing to do with it, I can’t repair it, and I care little about it.

Good day,

William C. Hughes
“Just another guy from Wales”