Friday, July 7, 2017

f.b.i. PR Disaster

June 29, 2017

Dear Amanda -

To my complete lack of surprise the Secret Service Intern has today directed me to “Tell the FBI.” All joking aside, if you know how, please forward this to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. I have a more lighthearted e-mail dated before my Internet service gobbled-up the remaining data and I am pleased to report a fresh 12 G has been received. [Now (07/04/17), my android phone is being hacked, and the Microsoft “Task Manager” has been disabled by hackers to prevent “multitasking.”]

My first nameless voice at the Saint Louis Secret Service Field Office I shall call “Mandy.” This is because when I was being tortured and tormented in Jerry Brown’s California, before I was granted a bus ticket after a contrary to law municipal code $180 ticket, there was an intern at a Lutheran agency furnishing the Greyhound named Mandy. One day, to kid her since she was an attractive young woman reportedly working on a Master’s in Social Work, I quipped “I’d like to be your Field Supervisor.” (I held the highest level Clinical Social Work license in two states). The next joke she found unfunny with most of the clientele drug users or former drug dealers. I said, “You look like a Fed.” Given her stare that followed could peel paint off walls, maybe I was right.

My initial complaint on the field office was abandoning their post 45 min. early on a Friday (06/23/2017). Intern Clue = “Maybe they were in a meeting.” Next Intern Clue = “The supervisor is in a meeting.” Intern Clue #3 = “I don’t have their e-mail addresses.” Intern Clue #4 = “Tell the FBI.”

Ready for George Orwell 1984 stuff? “Mandy” also said “We don’t make referrals to state agencies.” Call Dr. Rick Gowdy who is still with the Missouri Department of Mental Health, and he will tell anyone from a federal agency they formerly did. Otherwise, I could never have four “Secret Service” intakes for civil commitment investigations. Yes, I am already suspecting some of the Secret Service meetings are about how to deny they ever called. Why? Since 2003, I cannot interest over 120 lawyers in anything, not even clear-cut personal injury cases over an assault in a public building, or an injury suffered while on a publicly funded bus.

Yes, people identifying as Secret Service called, and I think these referrals were basically sick pranks gone bad. It would be easy to find my former coworker Debra Waller-Lee who would not change her story on the following 2002 exchange:

“Debra, you are getting a Secret Service case.”
“I don’t like those guys.”

The considerable problem that should come to the attention of Special Counsel Mueller is simply this: Some or all of these “Secret Service Agents” were impostors and stalkers. Pardon me for being able to prove it. What does this have to do with Mueller’s investigation? One of my more frank heterosexual females with Russian genes said this over coffee long ago: “I don’t remember much about Moscow. We moved to Boston when I was a kid.” Another said: “I dumped my wealthy boyfriend. He turned out to be gay.” Get it? Hooray! Like a fictional movie plot, I’ve waited a long time for someone to surrender a Secret Service badge to be arrested, prosecuted, tried, and tossed in prison. This would not be in the newspaper of record? Local smart-Alek media people know how St. Louis suppresses a scandal, thus the radio station at 550 AM says, “Call us when it’s a news story” and the most venerable scribe at Pulitzer’s former flagship, our Post-Dispatch has unhelpfully said, “Just keep doing what you are doing.” (Until I’m sleeping in the streets?)

Busting bad boy Feds is not a news story? I think it is. No more information will be provided until I am told Robert Mueller knows of this mess, and I think he already does. How about an e-mail from the Special Counsel before he too is fired? Both NARA and EPA, plus Senator Richard Burr  have written to: The address is a joke about Charles Evans Hughes, who was on a crusade to limit the tonnage of U.S. Navy ships, whereas I’d like to see the Pentagon’s budget cut in half. Charles, a presidential loser in 1916, got what he wanted in the treaty, but I can’t even get a ride to see my alma mater in nearby St. Charles Missouri.


William Charles Hughes

p.s. Why did it take so long to send this? Out of the 60 police departments and seven sheriff departments that I worked with as a state official, finally one Sargent has shown some interest. That might be all I need.  

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