Saturday, July 8, 2017

Dear Ms. Climate Change

June 30, 2017

Dear Mr. Washburn:
I had one seven minute chat with the producer of Atomic Homefront and I cursed his name. Why? According to other sources, he’s uttering a lie a minute. Then they get on your ass? Unreal! This stings because when I was new to the car and tent dwellers in California, I thought I’d make a documentary about the homeless population out there. This sounded good to the homeless, but when we move to the Mafia-controlled entertainment industry, I was told, “We’ve got a lot of movies about homeless coming out.” The simple response was, and is, “Not like the one I’d make.”
Sticking to your considerable problems, I highly doubt, even with my limited science database, that the landfill in Bridgeton is going to “blow up.” That said, I am given many clues like the spy movie I wrote long ago. In fact, if you want to look it up, my first effort in this genre is called Ask Not and the Hazelwood High grad moron would not know from where that title came. JFK wanted you to do something for your country; I refuse.
I met a female from Cuba. I met two from China. I was given a hat by a very pleasant woman from Iran. There was law broken? Only by the government you work for!
“Post 9/11 and with two ongoing wars, many believed that government surveillance – including warrantless searches and seizures – was limited to foreign nationals, not American citizens…These Soviet Style dragnet tactics went far beyond the scope of what Congress authorized in Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Government simply cannot disregard the law just because it is inconvenient.”

-          Ted Poe
Mr. Poe is a Republican congressman from Texas outside of Houston, and my bull ride in a bar is long overdue. The fact that a Baker Hughes female manager flirted with me for two years does indeed have something to do with the EPA. If I am related to Howard, which is painfully obvious at this point, share the fact I am all for nuclear energy in a power plant, and at the same time astounded at how policy makers don’t seem to remember the ABM treaty, and no matter what Boeing’s liars may say your missile interceptor is not going to work unless North Korea phones ahead and gives up missile trajectory to the Air Force. In that event, there’d be a 50/50 chance of keeping Seattle intact.
The better course of action is called a “treaty.”
Excuse me, I apparently need to call “Tim Hunt” at the Seattle Secret Service field office to tell him President Wilcox is fiction, and so are the 40 or so nuke blasts that end the world if I ever get to Mr. King’s office alive.  Rocket staging is loud, and I could probably get a movie deal on one rude line. It is: “I’ll have them shitting in their pants.”
Back to the landfill, I wonder if brilliant Feds ever thought someone might rent a plane from my buddy Dennis, and push a very conventional bomb out the door over your site. Then, Republic and the Missouri DNR would have a problem. I seem to think of certain things, and on one topic I heard the new St. Louis mayor saying, “We didn’t think of that.”
Think hard as I remain,

William C. Hughes


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