Friday, August 18, 2017

Banking in the Ukraine

Is she the bank teller in Kiev? I'm there!


Thanks to an intemperate remark by a Missouri State Senator on a Facebook page, I took the following lawful actions.

I looked in two old phone books, because unlike your average bureaucrat or punk with an I-Pod, I do not have 24/7 Internet access.

I called “Tyler” at KMOV-TV to get the number of KMOX AM. This I have done previously because why would I save the numbers of unhelpful and possibly criminally liable local media personalities on my phone? Tyler is a very busy young man but he provided the number.

I called “Jody” at KMOX AM and did not even need the newsroom to be provided with the local Secret Service supervisor’s NAME, and the correct spelling of her name.

I then got on the Internet and found her biographical information and a photo.

I am now 90% sure this woman was wearing a weak disguise and interviewed me twice on a hot California parking lot where I was oddly “stuck” despite gene-twisters at AMGEN providing rolls of quarters for pay phones at the Alex Fiore Teen Center in Thousand Oaks, CA. A local drug dealer supplied the ice tea.

Two clues that do not require Scotland Yard were: 1). No voice mail left in her California agency box produced any follow-up. 2). When I contacted another staff member at the social service agency she had no idea who I was talking about.

The “real” Secret Service chief has the “real” social work credentials to get such a job “undercover.” She should be fired immediately, and then I get a few minutes of fame. Idiots in Mr. Trump’s sham of an administration can look at my Facebook page all day. You will find nothing threatening to the POTUS or others.         


William C. Hughes 

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