Friday, August 25, 2017

How many photos are in the million page .gov file?

U.S.D.O.J. –

Forward the message to Bob or hit the DELETE key. I was happy to pass a board exam to attain a license and practice clinical social work. Like the driver exam in 1971, my score was not as high as I had expected. What I blamed at the time was a “psychodynamic study guide” that cost me a lot of money. Then, someone probably stole it out of Charles Hughes’ Raintree Apartments apartment. Your Intelligence Community (IC) is very good a taking things not noticed until later—like the super-slow “pizza box” computer disappeared by worthless cunts who tried to set 6411 Alamo Avenue ablaze. Their idiot “boyfriends” did not know how to install a natural gas dryer. I asked my Air Force girlfriend, “Who the hell uses gas to dry clothes at home?” Answer: Spies who want to kill you and make it look like an “accident.”

I think I’ll hang myself in the Green Room on Prozac I’m so upset about Princess Di not being dead. Big French Intelligence operation, eh? I suppose I need a podcast like Alex Jones to allege Camilla was so nasty and unacceptable to the Queen, somebody had to go, and Diana volunteered. The tradition of your correspondent turning on a rarely watched TV for “This just in” is both spooky and absolutely true. The events include:

Space Shuttle Challenger
Princess Di’s death (Announced during ER? Is this a bad joke?)
Governor Mel Carnahan’s plane crash
Regime Change in Turkey (The coup failed, but not really)
Many Dallas cops shot

There’s more, and it’s enough to keep the TV dark and cold all weekend.
How am I spending my day?
I think I will call select congressional offices and tell them this:

“It’s not narcissistic, it’s Antisocial Personality Disorder.” If I still worked at a mental hospital, I’m sure I could find a psychiatrist who would utter the professional shorthand. It is:

“The president is ASP.”

Thanks for nothing,

William C. Hughes


August 21, 2017

Mr. Zott:

After more big fun on the #21, I have a blunt statement for you. Your transit system is racist and I gather white people are not supposed to ride on it. Did I mention the African-American pot smoking bus driver who barked at me to sit down? Now, another African-American bus driver has allowed a young black female to ride almost my entire journey with no fare. Would you like me to try that with a “secret camera” on? The doors would be thrown open and I’d be ordered off the bus.

Oh, there’s more from my weekly ride to enrich Mr. Dierberg and the nation of India. On the way back with an injured arm and plenty of deceased friends who would probably have given me a ride, I was barked at once more by an African-American bus driver because my $8 Brazilian shoe was over the yellow line in front of your bus. Thank God someone else rang early for the stop they like pass up.

Your system is a mess like the rest of USA under Mr. Trump. I’m not from Wales? I can prove that much, and I’m going home but I seem incapable of shutting off the gene that wants to help. I’ve used every kind of analogy to deaf ears like the battlefield medic who must move on.

You could call and say you feel sorry about my plight. I’d love to be in Europe bragging that I coined the term “Trump Riot.” Are they having one in Phoenix? I’ll be sure to not watch on CNN or any provider of “fake news.”

William C. Hughes

 “Just another guy from Wales”

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