Sunday, April 30, 2017

Private Texas Prisons

Spy and read my e-mail, please!

"Given the absolutely suppressed manuscript is about 9/11, drug policy, CIA drug running, and congressional ineptitude, it’s suddenly fresh material thanks to your new Commander in Chief and some of my Soviet ex-girlfriends, one of whom said, “I don’t remember much about Moscow; we moved to Boston when I was a kid.” Understand the “Hughes cold shoulder” toward Russia? It should be “trending” on Yahoo with a decent photo of me by now.

I was not naïve or unschooled on intelligence activities in the immediate “post-9/11 world” but it all came from published books and journals with no tenured PhD academic job to stay off Food Stamps. Just because female friends tend to drive like a James Bond movie and punch guys in the face never seemed like a reason to break off contact, but now it all makes sense having researched my last name thoroughly."

Thursday, April 27, 2017

LA: Not Confidential


Dear Advocates:

I’ve been trying to make a Hollywood type movie since 1986. In 2010, several people in “The Business” read my work and said, “This is good.” The old con job line is “Keep writing,” isn’t it? The script snoops included a fallen TV producer, a famous comedian, and a now deceased Star Trek actor. Not related to Howard Jr.? Are you nuts? I’m not.

I’m so happy with LA and Governor Brown, if North Korea lobbed a nuke on you, I’d laugh. Does the sheriff illegally take your screenplay and fail to return all of the pages? Do flunky actors chase you around a hot parking lot while high? Does the WGA “misplace” your screenplay?

Did you say “politics?” All are free to look up my failed FEC PAC at The idea was to raise a few million and make like Ralph Nader. The difference was I’m not a Republican [Nazis] or Democrat [Mafia]. I thought I could start a joke of the Third Party. Instead, I ended up a Lieutenant in General Jeff’s Skid Row Army.

When Jeff and “Soldier Boy” approached incognito at Main & Cesar Chavez, I believe I said, “I like sleeping on Chinatown bus benches; Skid Row is not my style.” Later, when a guy in Union Station said, “I’m an old Black Panther. I’m a communist” my response was, “Nice to meet you” and I shook his hand. This went down right alongside friendly chats with KABC 790 people, and many may have noticed their leftward drift since.

When it comes to bipartisan rhetorical head chopping, I’ve been known to refer to former President Obama as “That skinny little Mafia [N-word] from Chicago” in the same breath as calling the new guy simply “The Incompetent.” This could have, in a different dimension left me a fan of Alex Jones podcast, but in this world I say, “That guy is nuts.” Yes, when a certain Arabic TV network was approached and quizzed, the assignment was to cover “Some demonstration” and the guy seemed to care little about alleged “news” content.

The way spies play it in USA, I was also penalized for chatting with a female Univision reporter and her cameraman when CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS removed them from my cable box. She was later promoted to the anchor desk, and thank God a Swiss woman got me out of the hellhole you call “Los Angeles.” If you’d like to visit Saint Louis, know that our River Des Peres looks just like the LA River, but we already have jogging paths. I’d recommend a surgical mask because on a bad day it smells like all of LA.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Obama Snipers, LLC

Another 1.7 billion for that F-35?
Why not fire-up some "legacy" airplanes?
Aw, don't make me call McCain again.

Don’t you spies hate it when an honest writer gets his corrupt cops “mixed-up?” Yes, the late Charlie Hughes would say, “They are mixed-up” which I have painfully come to conclude did not mean, “They are confused,” rather it likely meant, “Nobody knows which side they are on.” What does the word “salad” mean to spies? Why not change the topic, Bill?

Let’s see…TERRENCE GAINER is the cop who spent millions detaining one little old lady “occupying” her Illinois farm with oil beneath on a mental health order, and it seems my psychiatric journal paper on that mess has gone “missing” along with my copy of BTO’s Greatest Hits. Later, Terrence would Romanian fiddle while a runaway psycho Secret Service Boy from Illinois shot his capitol guard. Hitting the deck in Congress? Bill Hughes sure hopes this does not happen again to Paul Ryan. <Cough, Cough>

On the other end of the Corrupt Cop Station, Maryland’s CHARLIE MOOSE is going to have the D.C. snipers handed to him by the “Other Charlie” who clipped whiskey coupons and ran a scam whereby this Bill secured another bottle [One to a customer, Uzi girls]. After the cop Charlie enjoyed the CNN limelight and started showboating, he was more or less shown the door and…

Don’t we know even the worst cop can find another job, this time in one of Barack Obama’s many home towns. Then, Charlie M. retired on his inevitable book revenue and the Simon & Schuster man is on the way to see me? He must have gotten caught in Missouri I-270 “Murder by Ram truck” traffic. My, it’s been a long time since I was late for the meeting due to another fireball and more Kill Bill “make work” for the fireman.

Drive carefully, and remember how to discern your interconnectors from your circumferential highways, or you can go back in time and call me at the AAA Auto Club of Missouri. SpyKids, if sharpshooter Lee Malvo is paroled and writes a book before mine is published, I just might…..

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Gina's All Natural Cosmetics

Should a TX workplace shooter arrive, Hughes recommends you get behind the dumpster

April 14, 2017

AM Radio Ladies and Gentlemen:

Why report one more word to “The Authorities” when I already detect the “Saint Louis Stench” whereby absolutely nothing will be done about the racism, free riding on the transit system, dope dealing at the bus stop, or commonplace drunk driving with “Not enough cops” according to the much like 1970’s Iran POLICE STATE.

I don’t go to protests, because Bertram Gross already wrote the book in 1979 which included a “Frog Analogy” noting that by the rime you figure out Nazis have won, you are already scalded, unable to exit the pot of hot water, and are about to die. Judge Gray’s book was largely ignored in 2001, as was mine. You don’t read much? Before spy-creeps lacking an FISA order kindly “stored” every scrap of my property in 2008 Burbank, I thought I could get a low-wage job and sell a screenplay. Later, someone in the movie business said, “What were you thinking? You aren’t Jewish.”

The first two clues were a Hollywood movie set carpenter telling me to call a famous director in Krispy Kreme. I thought he was nuts; maybe not. Later, the counter help guy from Nigeria said, “Writers need inspiration” as he handed me my coffee. As for the Asian guys wearing dark sunglasses indoors who drove a big black Mercedes Benz, I will not speculate.

The judge’s book said basically that your rights under the Constitution have eroded to where you don’t really have any. Then, the World Trade Center fell down, and what happened then? Legislation passed that had been rejected for decades. They slapped it together and dared to call it the PATRIOT Act. I think that was ready to go for decades as the terror plot simmered without detection. Baloney! Your military forces know about it since at least the mid-1960’s.

In my book, on the topic of illegal drugs I said that the military has to assist with tons of heroin and cocaine entering USA. Coast Guard and Navy interdict 2% of the cocaine, so they say, and that is likely a fabricated number. Try .02%, because both the soldier & sailor’s “straight” girlfriend and punk rock prostitute like the stuff and won’t quit using or report for rehab.

Just this morning I heard on an FM “alt-rock” station that a “kilos of cocaine on the beach” story was actually a government drug narc set-up. How often does that fake news item appear? It’s like phases of the moon. Bales of pot on the beach? Kilos of cocaine for free? Radio people, nothing is free, especially Jimmy’s Lordo’s Diamond shop ad. I’ve got a question for all of my former St. Louis associates. It is:

“Selling some dope?”
My term is “Front Company.” The media now calls them “Shell Companies.” Your battered and down for the count C.I.A. has long called them “Cut-out’s.” Why not register an LLC and start selling crack to urban black people today? Nobody cares in Saint Louis, Missouri where the Zoo is still free while the citizens are not.

Bill Hughes

Saturday, April 22, 2017

CVS Service

The building where Sgt. Ostendorf works is named after Westfall.
Not that Buzz!


Mr. Curran –

Please review the attached e-mail to KMOX’s Charlie Brennan I’d like to hear from the County Executive. As I often say, YES, NO, or MAYBE would be appreciated.

Meantime, I’m about to call the Webster Police Department about “grocery shopping” at the CVS inconveniently located near too many drunks at Hot Shots. Friday, April 21? Maybe we can talk about the female Webster cop who used to tailgate me while I worked on a book about 9/11 and C.I.A. drug dealing.

§  Nice to take a spill in my $8 Brazilian shoes on a wet parking lot. Which presidential candidate was watching over at the Chippewa Motel?
§  Great to see the CVS help off work and in their store trying to buy booze while drunk and without an I.D. He found a relative to support U.S. distilleries I’d like to close. Alcohol is bad for you. (Advocating for a Prohibition 2.0 is legal, sir)
§  I always like to see key rattling white punks on dope buying beer. Call the cops? Almost!
§  Stalking me is not legal. Tell me the fat white boy was headed to Q.T. after glaring at me in CVS.
§  How about a Saint Louis County police car missing a headlight? Unreal! Need a clamp on that tailpipe, officer? Why not fix the cars before you hire more cops?
§  This took the cake as I observed one of your finest follow a Gray Mazda with no lights on for about ¾ mile before initiating what is called a “traffic stop.” Yes, I cheered and applauded on the closed garden center lot.
§  Bill Hughes can’t help but notice when another traffic stop pointed out something to the truck driver with a ladder that is not likely for painting or tarring roofs, traffic slows to a trickle. You have to see what I saw when a deputy comes in a California fast food restaurant, and then it looks like the place caught fire. Anybody on drugs or selling them? They sure do hit the door fast.
§  I saw the Post-Dispatch on paper in QT and learned that some guy I should have committed for psychiatric treatment shot and killed some utility workers. (Russian hackers may want to redouble their efforts to crash my computer so I sit in ignorance). Why didn’t that make the Google. Yahoo, or MSN “news?” Possibly because most of that garbage is not really news!
§  How about I write another screenplay for Hollywood crooks to steal? As I have often asked, “Would you rather steal a Cadillac or buy one?” They get away with it every time!

William Charles Hughes

Friday, April 21, 2017

NSA Meth Addicts Need Treatment

Mike, let's whistle a tune and wait to get nuked.
Peggy – 

I am fully expecting someone from your radio station to either come in my Wayside Motel room, or meet to prepare a show across the street at the doughnut shop. Last night I called an old number I had for David Cline [555-1212]. Long ago a board operator had given it to me. I think you know that I could run that audio board too. Lern Colvin of KSHE would probably deny our 45 minute LA pay phone conversation which covered how the modern radio station works.

The classic line that should have been on 550 or 1120 by now was uttered by the D.J. with a rock music song in the background. I asked: 
“What are you doing right now?”
“Talking to you,” said Ms. Colvin. 

Not long after this conversation my fan from Iran showed up and I am convinced that she collaborated with a Swiss woman to get me out of there! The financier is a Christian missionary. What’s the common thread that Rex Tillerson possibly does not understand? The Iranian is obviously a “moderate” to dress in jeans with nothing on her head. As with the missionary who went to Brazil, they are quite strident about religion. 

More? Only this; when it comes to religion, I think they both knew I’ve skipping Mass for a long time, whereas Charlie Hughes attended 7 a.m. Mass because “He gets through it quick” so my late dad could settle down with his Sunday Post-Dispatch. I now painfully understand why the Swiss woman said, “Are you sure?” when I gave Saint Louis as the desired destination. 

Moving to the “9/11 Desk,” all spooks, kooks and real government official seem to be crazed about the term “LIGHT.” My own mother said, “Let’s put some light on the subject.” On that topic, to me I had a rather loud helicopter in my Clayton backyard on Alamo. The Air Force girlfriend was not awaking either through indifference or prescription drugs when the aviation lit up my bedroom from treetop level. 

Where is my e-mail to and from the FAA on my State of Missouri account? After that exchange, the World Trade Center fell down, and I think it is a matter of record they were slow to report they had a “problem” that day. 

XXXX Main Street
 Santa Monica, 90405 
William Hughes