Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Anybody Nuked Yet?


Mr. Brown –

I’m sticking with the Canadian birth theory for the following reasons:

1. Apparently, my paternal “grandmother of record” died twice. This could be confirmed with documentation if anyone cared. The key records for this fact are in Canada.
2. A Canadian hospital official, who is on my not yet stolen like the others phone’s “Contact” list, said, “Howard Hughes was a very powerful man. Those records could have been destroyed. I’m not the new Supreme Court nominee, but a Hughes was Chief Justice long ago. Of that man, and his DNA, my late father of record said, “You should look into that.”
3. I did indeed look into Charles Evans Hughes, and a packet about his gravesite had to be mailed twice, because someone stole the records on the first attempt. I’d guess Susan and Rosa still work at that cemetery in the Bronx.
4. The Church of Scientology believes much is perceived while still in the womb. This would explain the familiarity of the sound a Lockheed Constellation makes inside the aircraft.
5. In Dellwood, Missouri my late maternal uncles pointed to the sky over EMERSON ELECTRIC and said, “Look Billy!” The aircraft above was a Lockheed Constellation.
6. Charles E. Hughes was a mysterious fellow, and I stood next to the airplane with him when there was only one “new” terminal at Lambert International Airport. This explains the familiar sound of a “Connie” powering-up and departing. To my recollection, the airplane said “TWA” on it. Confused or skeptical? I am not.
7. Regarding my late alleged dad, a grade school friend of his, MARY ANN HECHT said, “He was a very private man.” (Like Hughes Aircraft was a very private company)
8. The reason he was so “private,” I have discovered on the open all night Internet is that he signed-on with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in 1945.
9. This, as Charles would say is all “Very interesting.” And as I say, “It does not buy me a doughnut,” nor do the local media here in St. Louis.

Perhaps Chicago media persons would find this of interest. My old license plate was WGN 688. Please do not join with the Trumpian Brain Dead and say, “There is no more WGN” or “That was a long time ago.” Any Gano or Hughes DNA would prove my ancestry and the “help” in this town has been nutty enough to actually say, “Bill you need to get that 14 day free trial on ancestry.com.” Where is the law here? Apparently they are busy defending the actions of spies.

The Hughes is always “fair and balanced” with matters like drug dealing and spying. It is unlawful to sell cocaine I am sure. Murder is not legal, I am sure. Further, Mr. Obama “spying” on Mr. Trump should land his black ass in prison. What was the lesson of Watergate? The President of the United States is not above the law. I view Mr. Trump as a wealthy brat and inelegant thug; however, he did win the Electoral College vote, did he not?

My trouble is: I need a passport. Why? I will not tolerate this garbage any more. By golly, I might call the police the next time someone bumps me, threatens me, or tries to run me down with a vehicle. Three Swiss banker names and I can’t travel one mile? This can’t be legal, and I squarely blame Mr. Obama. 

Always frankly,

William C. Hughes

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