Why can't I upload my gurl from Face Book?
Don't like her name? File type my ass! It's SYDNEY DITTO.
Mountain View, you are not the NSA, and soldier is admittedly not that smart...
however, he has all day to hack into your server.
Secret? That's Julian Asshole's deal.
Al –
May I comment upon the
status of women in the USA today, and copy-in the troops at “Deeds Not Words?”
First, I’d like to state bandits cannot keep my copy of the LP with “Hello,
It’s Me” by Todd Rundgren. Further, thieves cannot keep the Nazz CD, and we
need to clarify some facts about Todd buddy.
He was the one worshiping
John Lennon, not Mark David Chapman. Mr. Rundgren wrote postal letters to Sir
John, and John wrote back. Then he was shot and killed, I allege by a New York
City cop. Are we legal so far, ladies? It seems that when I purchased the Todd
LP where he is depicted with a hangman’s noose around his neck, two females
insisted I play it. “Not his strongest album” I said, before dropping the
stylus on my “missing” vinyl. Later, I’d discover this was the 8 track tape
left in a hotel room when Mr. Chapman went off to supposedly kill Mr. Lennon.
Later still, as I dined with one of the same females near the prison in
Clinton, NY where Mark still resides, I said, “Maybe I could interview him” on
the later stolen by a German nurse Sony tape recorder.
All true statements so
far? Yes!
Long ago I called the law
office of Wendy Davis. Then, in writing, I was called a “hero” by a Texas guy
with a very conservative talk show. If it were up to him, there would be no
Planned Parenthood. Sex would be reserved for the lawfully wed. On the other
end of the ABC Spectrum, there are women who want to dance with drug dealers
until four a.m. and engage in sexual intercourse in order to ingest white
powders. When they make babies, we must pay for them and their diseases with
tax revenue nobody wants to cough up.
Did Donald Trump write-off
900 million dollars on his taxes? He sure did! Did someone female I know boast
of writing off $8,000 worth of old clothes? She surely did. I got no farther
than a 1040A in my sorry yet noble mental health career. You can surely fry up
the bacon. You can surely bring home the bacon by making more money than I and
support me as I clean the litter box. Angry with my newfound “misogynist”
views? Feel free to write to me at:
Who sank the Golf class
Soviet sub? As I told Hollywood types about the Las Vegas cocaine-related death
of a member of The Who, “I’m looking into it.” Why not ask, “Hey Bill, how do
you like casinos?” The answer would be, “Nuked to ashes.”
Not related to Howard?
Howie did not like nuclear weapons, whereas I think somebody will eventually fire
one in anger. This would ruin the day of many with a way too much inherited
wealth and a purebred pooch.
Have a bad day,
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