Monday, December 30, 2013

One Word

My "problem?"


What does a big BOOM at the Olympics have to do with Olympic Avenue in LA?
What does STEVE HILTON have to do with the Harrahs insurance carrier?
Did my casino burn down yet?
How much is a Bic lighter?
I got money.
FBI at the door?
Fuck 'em. 
NOT A JOKE, missouri gaming commission   get my 2008 fax?   bunch of cheap-o mobbies!
Smell smoke?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry X-Mass & Happy New Eon

Hey Einstein bagel! More evidence of what we're not talking about?
Oh, it will be discussed. LOUD? You ain't heard nothin' yet. 
Live long and prosper, doomed mafia.

@Let's see...AAR14-01. Did you have a nice flight? You're chopped up into itty bitty pieces because of spies and rotten intelligence community types? Your head has been severed? We'll call it to the attention of Sen. Diane's committee!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Your tax dollars at work sawing a drunk out of his or her vehicle. Mine were taken away, so I can't get any tickets.

I was abducted by froggy e.t.'s, and they took me to Westport Plaza, but it was 1977 and Network was showing at the theater. No? Have another drink on me A-B, and why not make up another legally actionable lie? MOST DANGEROUS DRUG OF ALL = ALCOHOL. I quit in 1989, but now I'm on a dangerous "dry drunk" that could result in being surrounded by Uncle Tom "DooleyCops." Better keep quiet and kowtow to mafia Democrats. Trouble? I've got the city cops on speed dial, baby. (The non-emergency number, dude). 911 is only for "shots fired." Not yet? 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Nice little police state 'ya got here. Why not criticize some Arab state?"

Blog pieces so old they smell like soldier socks. Enjoying your in~ternet cafe, girls?
Hey, I got that Dallas cricket thang going!! Cameron abusing his "selfie?"
From 11/23/13 NTSB!!

By the grace of God and the inky indigo protection of Lil Wayne, tonight I’ve seen the inside of an old St. Louis architecture home and have sworn to know the neighborhood and defend it to the best of my ability. Regarding fat cats who own a home here, sister said, “Don’t call him!” Gosh by golly, I guess I won’t. I’m told consorting with HH’s ghost is the surest route to the loony bin, and namedropping Hollywood names in St. Louis a close second, but if my family is not in that mode, some BSW* with checkboxes and a clipboard can’t be.

Let us all race to the Probate Court. Let’s not. Try that, and I may “Call the cops” on the Sheriff Department Deputies (Always wanted to do that as a MHC/QMHP). I talk to myself a lot, but probably not any more, as the air is going over my vocal cords in St. Louis and I am not jumping off the spy jungle safari bus at Cord Avenue. What was that 1960 clue from the uncles? “Don’t get off there! A lion will eat you!” I wonder if any St. Louis library has that book about LOUIS GOEBEL. I left a voice mail for the author in 2010, but he did not call back.

Did I just start my eleventh screenplay? Better call BHR!**

*Bachelor’s in Social Work
**Behavioral Health Response

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I made it! (In one piece, too)

Eastbound GREYHOUND line = "Get it right, or I'll break both of your legs."
Eastbound AMTRAK line = "They're going crazy over cases like that not stored overhead, but I did not see it."

Upon arrival in St. Louis, Missouri I kissed the concrete as promised.
This, as with all I do, was not a criminal offense.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mafia, Mafia, Mafia - Brit/Irish Maternal Great-Grandparents: You too?

Who is assigned to my briefing?

Brennan, or...


Happy? In a word, "No."

I'm a Podiatrist's & Dermatologist's job security plan in one man, so I thought I'd sign-up for NergroCare. What did I see? THIS PRESIDENT HAS GOT TO GO!!! 

"NEW Weekend Alert: The Health Insurance Marketplace online application isn't available from approximately 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. EST daily while we make improvements. In addition, between Saturday evening, November 9 and early morning on Tuesday, November 12, there will be times when you can fill out your application, but you will need to return and log in Tuesday afternoon to review and submit it. The rest of the site and the Marketplace call center remain available during these hours."

Bye! See 'ya!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

She what?

My mother referred to Sir Lawrence Olivier as "Larry?"

I think I know what that means.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Alternating Current/Direct Current: Is there an engineer in the house?

YET MORE EVIDENCE HUGHES DOES NOT S-P-Y. HOW MANY PEOPLE NAMED "MOORE" BEFORE I SAT AND DID SOME THINKING? Mind reading is illegal, kids! I'm "nuts?" That's 1970's technology at Hughes Aircraft, you scummy, stoned, Pod Brats!!

"Hi, I'm Bill Bodine. Is there a place to plug in my ancient computer? Hey, gurl, that tattoo is hot! You in the movies or somethin'?"

In the long run, Hughes will end up at Starbucks. You may end up dead. 

"Hi. I'm Bill Pickenson. I'm on my way to Bob Hope Airport. There's a private jet out there taking me to England to study economics. Then, with a fresh Ph.D, I'm taking over the world. Wanna help?"

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doctor of Indifference

Today's 4 a.m. "LA Bum Clues":
Sweatsuit Guy = "Money"
Rolling Case Guy = "Skid Row"
 "His experiences in the navy seem to have been little different from those of other midshipmen (though a tutor accompanied him on board ship) doing his share of the cooking and getting arrested with his shipmates after a drunken brawl on Gibraltar (he was hastily released when his identity became known). He served in New York during the American War of Independence. While the prince was in America, George Washington approved a plot to kidnap him, writing "The spirit of enterprise so conspicuous in your plan for surprising in their quarters and bringing off the Prince William Henry and Admiral Digby merits applause; and you have my authority to make the attempt in any manner, and at such a time, as your judgment may direct. I am fully persuaded, that it is unnecessary to caution you against offering insult or indignity to the persons of the Prince or Admiral..." The plot did not come to fruition; the British heard of it and assigned guards to the prince, who had up till then walked around New York unescorted."

As with prostitution, you have to PAY

1968 - And my 8mm film is where?

 1976 - And my witnesses are where?

New catch! In 1985, Mr. Loser had to check out the "Star Wars" patent owner, eh?

Died of what, Kennedy? I saw her where, Gayle? Hubba, hubba! I did not even think of...

DAN RATHER organized what in 1963? I did not know that until this morning, CBS. Ken-Ken, what is the frequency? 790 AM said, "Bye-bye Hughes." That demographic can't be wrong, however, we all know "CommieCop" is my new nickname for LAPD personnel. Should I join a rock band at age 58? Sorry, I can't sing worth a damn.

And on the topic of not giving a damn, it seems the City of Devils Con job is on heavy again and all I meet seem to lack TRANSPORTATION and/or HOUSING. Nicely dressed and sleeping in a ditch? Doubtful. Got a downtown loft, but I can't come in? Can't pass the boot, LA Fireman? Can't pass the plate again Catholic Monsignor? I'll sue, not over sexual abuse, but rather to seek compensation for all of the times I've defended Catholics when confronted with vermin I term either "Bible Thumpers" or Kook Christians." Got a rifle to kill me like the legal providers of abortions you've murdered? Did I mention I'm ending your "secret civil war" with a real one?

Oh FINBAR, we need to talk. Soon. We all know I detest Mr. Obama, but my murdered momma said to look at the news photos carefully, and I saw what was over his head. You West Coast lunatics were that far along with your crazed secession? Sucking down D.C. money and not sending much East for how long? Since before I was born? Maybe I now understand why Howard put the aircraft company here. Apache Helicopters were built in Texas, stealth aircraft before you'd think in Culver City.

BIG FIRE SALE, SOLDIER!! Someone else will sell you similar shit. Mine is better? No wonder bombs are going off near Chinese commie H.Q. Those jogging China Dolls love me after all! CHP did not see them? "Crazy Ben," "Beavis," Frank, Kevin, and "King Kahmann" did. Kenny said what? "The deputies are not reliable informants." My reply? "You're right, Ken." Is that the only thing we agreed on? I'm not telling the "Chicken Salad Sandwich Toss" story here for free. No way!

Back to business, should I concentrate on access to h-MONEY? How? Go to Skid Row? As their savior and neo-Jesus? Recipe for a gang war. Nice try, DrugThug! Much like a larger version of 1000 Oaks, Hughes says, "A pox upon the elites and peeps on the street." In Ventura County, my term was "Court Approved Jesters." Here? Rather undignified to be labeled a "Street Snitch." Thank God the senor bums know I don't do that, or there goes the thing depicted in Jodi's Contact. The other copy is in Iran? Damn! Maybe I should have signed-on with CIA in 1979. You would never have suffered through all of that ABC Nightline. Not with a 24 year old Bill Hughes over there.

I'm going on CA General Relief with MOJOB relief waiting? No. (Look "no" up in Webster's, robots). The riots start when, GOP? Max Food Stamp benefit falls below $150. Trust me Rand, I've been on them for 5 years. Never coming back to California? The Harrier went into production when? I exclaimed, "Man, that's cool!" when? Yet another 5. As with five years between a certain St.L air show and assembly lines humming. How close was he? My hair blowing in the jetwash looks the same today (when clean).

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hard Heads, Mush Brains

The Irish have been worshiping longer, Persians spying longer. I know I'm right.

I walked a half a block away from the LA death festival, and said, "Who was that on the phone?" (94.7) If so, man are you in some deep doo-doo. I'll explain later by magic slate SlateMeeting. The USA's Country Code is...?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Autism A+

"We" know that always and everywhere the mantra of geopolitically bloodstained blood & oil-suckers is "Kill Bill!" Therefore, I was impressed that in  a 3 a.m. round of "Name Your State Capitals," the man of the hour knew Carson City, but I had to provide the ultimate stumper of "Jefferson City." Dover, DE, too. "You from Missouri?"

No, I dropped-in from one of JPL's many Pasadena dimensions. Progress? When Lutherans change their stories, it means Martin's tacking upon Catholic doors was an utter failure. How many times must this be proven, Minnesota?

They praised Magic's moves, and though way younger than I, knew of Kareem's revolutionary "Sky Hook."

They called him what? An "A-hole?" Even I know what that means.Yelling his name at LSSS shelter sites in 2009? What DEADline are you talking about?

Another MASW News Note?
As I napped, a newbie "homeless" scumbucket stole a bag with two tacos and a Snickers Bar. Much like my Missouri Department of Mental Health I.D. at the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER, I was able to snatch it right back. Deputy? On doughnut break all night & all morning. Don't talk to me, lawman. I need to be in Zurich--NOW. Could somebody perhaps break "cover" and fly there? I can't sit up front on the left yet. Right side? Thanks!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Oh Mafia! Illuminati! We're making a list and checking it twice!!!

The Godfather was Paramount? Where is my e-mail from them, Sheriff Baca? I'd like to read it again. My car with the HUGHES 2008 bumper-sticker? Worth a lot of money after I'm dead, right Charlie Beck? Worst cops I've ever seen in this here territory, and by the way, I am not JIM MORRISON or JOHN LENNON, but I probably know who killed them This is Mr. Hughes.

I'M GOING TO KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU--WITH PUBLIC FUNDING OR PRIVATELY? google, YOU WOULD BE WELL-ADVISED TO STOP SCREWING AROUND WITH MY BLOGS. They will be moved to my own server after my lawyers start talking to yours. It won't be pretty. It will all be legal. I came back to this not in USA ShitPit to pay off a $180 fine? Fuck your movies!! Let's starve-out some Jewish producers by blockading LA. Rain, you say? My documents are not getting wet or stolen, weather control birds! 

Ask President Obama why I have to call the U.K. to have a rational conversation.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mr. DrugThug Needs a "Cranial Ventalation"

"I'm not voting for Hughes. He doesn't even know how my pod works." To borrow from the KABC ratings philosophy, I wouldn't need support from people too stoned to vote unless it's on the Internet, and in that event they'd be stuffing the e-ballot box for my opponent. I need the people who are so old they can't even turn the computer on--and they'll talk about their limo ride to the polls for weeks!!

Let's all sit in Union Station LA and starve to death. Nah, let's start a Civil War! You are going to threaten me in front of the building, Mr. Latino piece of shit? I'll get elected to something and fuck you up bad. First, I'll torture your little brown ass. Then, I'll have your heads blown off. Questions? Refer them to half of the U.S. Justice Department, Central Intelligence Agency, and State Department encamped in downtown Los Angeles. Secret Service? My old joke = "Is anybody on Barock and Michelle?" You don't think so, little worthless shit? I've noticed the quality of the type of person standing or laying over me while "homeless" has gradually improved.  Must be well-dressed tourists who take meth and "tweek" all night.

C'mon motherfucker, shoot my ass right in front of them. You'll have about 15 seconds more to live, I do believe. Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers. I must thank the Great Satan Barack Hussein for creating a "Food Stamp Class" of drifting aimlessly Americans, and at times I could give less than a shit about you, but you are instructive of USA's rapid dumpster dive maybe I can't stop. Perhaps my royal ass does not care about you. Trying baseball, Chevrolet, & apple pie? Sorry, I don't like apple pie, almost wrecked the big boss' new Impala due to that crappy GM suspension, and though famously from St. Louis, I don't give a shit who wins the World Series. [The latter = WARNING, BILL'S ABOUT TO WHACK YOUR ASS AND GET OUT OF JAIL FAST].

Back to Barack and his drone show, it's just a bit more of a dance on the barrister devil's pin to order all mafia types shot & killed right here in the USA. What you idiots don't seem to understand is there is a reason I have no friends and can't get out of LA to save my life. All I know are apparently skilled government killers, and they might chose to kill your ass and get way with it--absent my knowledge of the dirty deed. Call the cops? They resolutely don't care about your scummy ass. "Oh, we did not think that." Better think it now.

Far be it from me to tutor "Dark Side" facts, but I'm trying to help you until the Medical Examiner attempts to find your mafia momma because you are on their slab quite dead. Drugs, drugs, drugs. You sure seem to like them. Sorry, I don't use any. Except, as the 605 Starbucks gang said, holding their Venti cups high, "Caffeine is our drug." Mine, too! That said, look forward to dying privately when I get some capital, or through the use of public funds if I get past a New Hampshire landslide. Why might I go home to the EU? Kinda dangerous wiping mafia off the face of the earth. They love that spying shit too, which is why I have erred in trying to separate you motherfuckers. That's God's job when you are "gone."

What little shit started the real "Drug War" early? Momma probably only gave him one street name. How about a neighborhood expression from "The Loo?" "Eat shit and die." I'll be eating junk food at my Chevron until some cop makes a name plate and pretends to be real. Yes, I figured out a long time ago why the Hughes Aircraft logo looked like CHP's. Today's CHP? Up to their ears in shit. And, who was that crazed Uncle Tom attorney in Florida who thinks a dead fake Secret Service girl's license plate number is unremarkable. Let's see...fake CHP killing a Secret Service impostor.

Makes sense to me. What makes no sense is I'm blogging this, not dictating it to a paralegal. Folks, I'm out of patience for this lawless California crap. Want a big "however?" However, an attractive lass at the local federal court told me she needs shoe repair, and the not Wall Street Journal heard on the street quote from Friday, October 25, 2013 was: "The federal wire failed, so they had to go to a state wire." [I think "they" know who is nearby, though shabbily attired and holding up a Chinatown lamppost too often].

May I kill you all now? Wait for Merkel's O.K.? Whatever.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Australian-Gifted Amay's Fortune Cookie

 "Spare change?" In 1971, I already had a job. Oh fibi, where is Emilinda Tolod?

Currently waiting for Judge Stewart's bio to download. Thanks for the Australians [my "problem child"] and their gift of:

--Little Debbie glazed doughnuts.
--Little Debbie Powdered Sugar doughnuts.
--Little Debbie generic Ding Dongs.
--Two fortune cookies.
--Little Debbie Blueberry Muffins (remains unconsumed)

*Did you like my "testing the pipes" this morning?
Notice no cops were called?
Please, pull the plug on my PA.


p.s. The first cookie said? "You should be able to undertake and complete anything."

And the second, opened today [10.24.13].
"A sweet surprise awaits you."
She's only "sweet" if she gets my ass out of Los Angeles, California.
I had to inform the Starbucks staff Howard did not invent the airplane?
Nah, Uncle Orville did. In N. Carolina, dude!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Get the hook! Close the B.O. Show

I for one, am tired of having my life threatened by what I have come to call a "Mafia Democrat." You remind me way too much of my reading on the old Soviet Union, which if I'm ever allowed out of the political pen, I'd allege never really broke-up. I have many maybe only classified answer questions, like, "How could commies have infiltrated NASA?" Taken it over? Golly, that would make me a space program "moderate," I suppose.

My toys in the service of guys who put icepicks in each other's heads? Nazis who prefer to see you suffer rather than kill 'ya quickly? I get the distinct impression others have known for a long time about what I call "Vandenberg shit." Admit you are not me, quick!! 


And, I am tired of saying, "They didn't change my name."

WALTON lost Wal Mart?
COORS lost the brewery?
FORD lost the car company?
GETTY clan broke?
KENNEDY has no library any more?
HILTON was kicked out of his own hotel?

Not likely. So when is the media going to "get it?"
You "SpyCreatures" want all of the information, then I get a lolly pop?
No, you'll get the fully armed TYPHOON, unless you can change.

Why do you hate me on the Internet?
Recent examples would be:
--The Clinton "Bill! Bill!" video.
--The (yet more) Apollo 12 launch audio. [Why are they playing with antennas at about -15 seconds? How do I already know what's wrong? Did I mention I'm Howard's grandson? Listen yourself with better headphones than mine. To what? The Saturn V is 20-30 feet off the ground, and Conrad says, "Got a road map?" meaning, twits, something ain't right. The reply from another Navy nut? "Aw, let's go." As if they had any choice at that point. My poor grandfather is indicating his displeasure with this particular mess by creating some awful funky video. With Richard Nixon present in the rain? Too much! At granny's house, the uncles provided a solid clue by approaching my late dad and saying, "Africa? Charlie they were over Africa!" OFF COURSE--A LOT. My dad, per usual, said nothing, like me today, LA].
--My mentor George McGovern at the 1972 convention. 
--BILL'S blood pressure is up, spies! One Guardian news piece about the drone missile-happy gals at C.I.A. and...? Who came by to chat? A representative from the U.N. Human Rights and Counterterrorism investigators. How am I sure? I changed a Yahoo passcode to his clue. Yipes! I'd not know that without fighting the computer for hours just to see some "white world" news, soldier/cop/spy.

ShitHeads/Potheads/Nutcases, you have zero chance of encountering my dilemma. You've won the first presidential primary by a lot and don't want the job. 


Why am I writing a federal judge to beg for four walls and a roof? It's called "TERRORISM" right in the open, directed against me for how long?

Got some sort of a bomb shelter, MR. & Ms. Extremist? You might need it, because I am the biggest version of the pissed off good guy in human history. See an old movie to appreciate how he lays waste to his enemies.

Mine don't have long to live.

On to, as the ex might say, "Some cathartic Obama-bashing."

I heard one black male down on his luck just yesterday exclaim, "Obama's not doing shit for me!" He's right!! And, we must go on record regarding the unshakable nature of 21-29 year-old SS girls who want to have babies unaffected by some bigger than 9/11 terror event. Hughes tires of the lump in my/his/Bob Dole's throat when they run by and I exclaim "You just won't give it up!" That's not what they are? You LA morons love all that "signaling?" Yesterday's signal was, "Hey Bill, they gave us guns." [Don't tell Mitt Romney].


Looks the part. Why not Julian Bond?

Where did my highly political mind get this name? What was not to like here with Vernon Jordan?

And how about one of my favorites, Ron Dellums, who abandoned Mr. Obama before the 2010 midterm elections?

May I discontinue looking like your average schizophrenic who won't show for his Haldol shot? It's $155 away, or a shot away. The one that went through your head, bitch! [And I don't even know who I'm threatening without a court order for an intelligence briefing. YOU won't be there, whoever you are]. The old spy at my Webster Groves Starbucks? Better call 911 if I see that bastard! He and others wanted to know how "it" was going to turn out. As a spook I once loved said often, "What are you talking about?" "It" to me today is looking kind of Edward VIII. You just have to talk "P-word?" Get my ass out of California before I croak, and with an Irish vacation of sufficient length, you can all go to bed early the first Tuesday in November, 2016.

Let's Get a Cop in Starbucks #15062 Two?

"Hi Howard. Oh, I'm doing okay."

No Wi-Fi?
Wi-Fi connects, but does not work?
Above the Hughes computer pay grade.
It's all gone.
Fire hose in Starbucks!
The line for amused deputies?
"This place was kinda dirty and needed a good cleaning."
Why do I not get arrested, wet ones?
Google "Bruce Jenkins, Utah" and see what you get, moron.
He's not getting his e-mail, fools.
As wiser bums said in Thousand Oaks, "Hands up!" 
[When lawful--just in case] 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tit for Tat [STARBUCKS Wi-Fi off yet?]

For every one of these, you know what I'd do, don't you?

6411 Alamo, 1E, Clayton, MO  63105

Bob's son is where?

Right now, idiot!

--Big BEN and his clock.

--The 1W neighbors had no furniture (That's why my postman misfiles the mail--OFTEN)
--The 2E neighbors and the fire? NOT HERE, Obama .gov RoboPods.
--Bob's son entering unannounced? With a gun, or without, Clayton PD?
--ONION HORTON & MARK? Not illegal, neo-Nazi!
--It's not a museum, it's the guy's HOUSE on our refrigerator door, right BAS?
--The 9/11 snitch 14 year-old in the photo said what?
--I'm enjoying flight video in 2001 and looked at like I'm nuts?
--Signs of nearly forced entry? Who did I call; and can do so again!
--The "pizza box" computer? Where?
--Too many people with the word "Liberty" in their geography. I'm taking that to mean you don't know what the fuck the word means.
--May I call the President of the United States a clever, lying, arrogant, nearly whacked regularly, Oreo, C.I.A. experiment, not liberal at all, neo-Nazi? You just did, Bill!

FIVE YEARS ON FOOD STAMPS? Don't think so, Governor/Emperor Brown. The murder jury is hung no matter what at this point. What is that called, trust fund/SSI brat? A "free shot." The court-appointed shrink hears what, as I'd make so much sense in that orange jumpsuit? Part of the undeniable logic would be, "Dr. XYZ, I am a leader and a 'Type A' Seventies person. Four-plus years with no job? Nothing productive to do but write books and screenplays on speculation? I should have killed the fucker sooner."

Not a joke.
Not a game.
As with many people & circumstances, I wonder where the 1977 photo is.

As the Iranians have said, "Makes sense to me."

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Not Over?

Today's KLOS Pod Kiddie Klue is...

Jessie Unruh

Let's see. A 25% California drop out rate, but they sure know what a cell phone "dropout" is. I'd say another 50% of high school grads out here know next to nothing, and the other 25%? Headed to a cheap state university to smoke some sorta legal pot all day. The student from China? He & she has already made California a Chinese protectorate. The solution? Not here, as I need to be paid for my political incorrectness. The not Democrat-approved shout? "Free C-17 ride home!" Not today. How about January, 2015?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hey Joe & Fatso! It's already over!

"What does he mean? What does he mean?"

"What do I do now?"

1. Who is ahead in the NL Playoffs?
2. Why can't I listen to KSHE, fruitcakes?
3. Why would I bother to return from Ireland?
4. Why do I pre-announce everything to your mind-scanning SpyCreatures? Two slogan/clues for late 2015. What day is it? What time is it?

"Everything you see on Star Trek, we already have!" [For REAL]
"You need a fucking job!"

$50,000 of my own money. Not a penny more. All Democrats are sent home defeated & confused, right Gardner? Right!

Does the Concord, New Hampshire Mariott still serve free brownies? Is there still going to be a fucking idiot across the hall with a big EAR on the door? Do I run a meth still? No, "Ed Tumbleson." Are the single-digit license plate legislators going to watch me smoke a cigar again? How about the Holiday Inn? Where? Frederick, Maryland. When Hughes looks up photos of a slain politician from the Middle East he used to like from college on, what happened, DARPA?

Flying triangles from Air & Space delivered the new crop of Amgen-manufactured NASA female astronauts. We retired to the Premier Inn to pitch condoms out the window in order to be sure that when they reach Galaxy XB-171, the human race will be just as dirty and evil as ever. Later, we...

Sunday, October 13, 2013


And, it's time to go to C-O-U-R-T with this>>>>>

"Your Honor, I arrived at Union Station in Los Angeles and looked at the clock tower. Keep in mind, they had stolen two watches and my cell phone. Therefore, I had no idea what time it was when a private security guard woke me up. I sat down on the concrete and took a short rest. When I did so, the clock read four ten a.m. After resting for what I'd estimate to be ten minutes, I got up. The clock read two a.m."

Date of anomaly? 10/13/2013
Date of first such event?
May I think?
1985 or 86?

As I often offhandedly say, "This shit ain't new."

More relevant testimony?

"Mister Hughes, did you actually see anyone disappear?"

"Yes, my Air Force neighbor and his wife. Right before my eyes."


Not the occult.
Not Mr. E.T.
Not witches & warlocks.
Not Hughes on LSD.
Not new. 
Got a CA hit today?
I'd take it.
My favorite?
She raced over the hill. A good mile away.
Pulled up next to me laughing.
Not so funny today!
Wi-Fi off yet, Obama?

"Your code word is 'water'." 

No, you are full of shit.
Deputy, I'm claiming to be an Irish citizen--NOW.
Got an I.D.?
Let's see it, copper.
SpyCreatures don't need much of it.
The clue from 2009?
"You drinking enough water?"

--HOW TO SPOT A SpyCreature--
- Face is pale white.
- Face is flushed & pink.
- Muscles are rigid.
- Facial expression is fixed.
- They are kicking, or waving at imaginary flies, like a pre-Thorazine schizophrenic.
- They are babbling about numbers.
- They are staring at Bill Hughes. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"KELLY BEATON" & "PAM BLUM"---Handcuffs Now

1001 "Spencer clues," and I'm sleeping in the Garcetti mafia's LA streets, unhoused for how long?
NOT DEAD. GET REAL ! [She "died" during the only hour of TV I watched? Nuts !]
"What color is her hair? What color is her doggie? What color is her car?"


You are risking:

Gang War
Civil War
World War III

I'm effectively no longer a U.S. Citizen. Arrests? When?
Who's handwriting scrawled the name of someone involved in the Lennon conspiracy?
I know right where it is.

My Typhoon, please.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Say Again, Please

"I know how to spell Hughes."

When the bank president complained to lowly clerk me about a need for an M&I merger with a cig hanging out of his mouth, you'd think I'd get a clue. The "Hippie Goddess Janitor?" We'll leave that for an elevator in the movie along with a lit at Midnight Edward Kennedy office on the capitol square now ruled by evil Republicans. I did not hit the STOP button, however "artistic licence" could depict...

I once had a boss named "Angela." This can be proven in a court of law. Which one? Before or after my not Jesus or John Lennon ass is dead? New RKO Lennon theory? John looks like he's going the way of Warren Zevon in the pic I saw. They killed a far healthier-looking body-double? I did hear awhile back that Mark David's social worker was among the spying throngs wanting to have my butt murdered. I bought her dinner? Ouch!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Like Grandfather, Like Grandson

"Nobody holds a gun to my head."
-- Howard Hughes, Jr. (1957)

Who is dead in Washington? A female? Anybody I know? NOT FUNNY, GARCETTI/BROWN/FEINSTEIN. The big .gov briefing is when?

Oh, it's Hughes, so I get what?

"Your're looking good."
[From the LA County Deputies]

"We're here."
[From my alcoholic Secret Service people]

Not enough! U.K. changed their LA phone number? As Charlie Brown exclaimed, "Good grief!"

I'll be in Starbucks/Union Station until the family research is complete. You cannot effectively "Call the cops." I need to talk to them, but not here.

"In 1998, a gunman burst through a security checkpoint at the Capitol and killed two Capitol Police officers in an exchange of fire that sent tourists and other bystanders diving for cover. The suspect, Russell Eugene Weston Jr., was not charged with a crime because of apparent mental instability."

Copyright © 2013, Reuters

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

No More Talking in the United States

I no longer believe I was born in the U.S., and no, you cannot see any I.D. or my Birth Certificate. The Saint Louis Archdiocese knows all, and if you try to keep me out of Missouri, your ass is being made good and DEAD. [No, I do not have any "weed." Spending your SSI check? Good! Be sure to claim your bastard child is mentally ill to get another one.] Greedy, corrupt, murdering cops here yet?


--In 1977 Europe, many a Canadian passport was shoved in my face with the line, "This si the best one to have." I said, as a 21 year-old American, "I beg your pardon, I have a nice blue one right here." (Where is my old passport, Sheriff Baca? Headed to a federal prison, or re-election?)
--In 2008, I was tossed out of Canada by five (5) (V) border security officials as witnesses. The line? "Mister Hughes, now don't go buying-up Canada."

My nickname for the Calgary & Edmonton Baker Hughes operations?
"My orphans."