Sunday, January 15, 2017

Coke Dealer, BushMan, Niggah Boy, and The Idiot

Another member of the dismissed Obama team unable to find work

2 Democrats, 2 Republicans, and there goes 28 years down the toilet. Do I have to wait 32 years after “The Shah of Idyllwild” steps down? Frankly, I’d rather be caught in Tehran traffic, and consequently late for a meeting since “Ketchup Boy” Kerry freed-up their assets. Many times my late dad made negative murmurs about POTUS #39, so I’d ask, “Why don’t you like Carter?” He would thereafter crush out a Benson & Hedges cigarette, keep opening postal mail, and said nothing.

I would sure like to visit the Gerald Ford Presidential Library, and there are two for your convenience. Many people have traveled around your evil and corrupt nation going to all of the major league ballparks. Back when I cared, I thought about going to all the presidential libraries for wise, well-read rulers in my sorry life. I made it to Truman’s, Nixon’s, Reagan’s, and was scared off JFK’s by an air rifle and trash talk at a Shell Station outside Boston. In memory of Ronald, when does the bombing begin?

It seems James Madison Hughes’ Wikipedia page is missing from, as Howard Hughes’ girlfriend posing as my granny would say, “This here computer.” Where is that fat, bald intel creature with his “memory stick?” Kids, the totalitarians will yank your file off of one of those too. Do they go through the firewall and port 32L or is it wireless? I say the latter, and as for Wi-Fi, you’d be better off skywriting if you think that crap is “secure.”

So, let’s all talk in Celtic code. Sign language? I only have one, and it means, “Fuck you, Donald Trump.” I wouldn’t touch your Barbie doll English-impaired wife with a scurvy sailor’s prick. What a disgrace! You just could not get elected mayor in New York first. Too busy selling drugs? How about whipping Andrew Cuomo? Oh no, big deal to make down where those brown ones are no longer allowed in. Personally, I’m not afraid of the Mexico City shopping mall. Richmond Heights? No way!

Mr. “B.O.” has to stay within the Beltway so Sasha can finish school. America, I fear unlike Mr. Bush, he may say something to upset the Shah. Then there will be demonstrations and tear gas and the usual Mall spectacle with the crowd much understated by the Shah’s best fascist friends who control “The Media.” They had better beware, as the leftist mind is full of treachery. For example, if Malia Obama is dragged off and arrested during her “gap year” this will prove: a). Dad had bail money; b). She might want dad’s old job someday.

Bush, George W. was silent, but no doubt insulted at the…BANG BANG BANG. Excuse me, someone has been shot. Anyway, he may have taken great offense to the way Jeb was dismissed as a wimpy Huckleberry and exact some sort of revenge. His mother is a grumpy sort too when treated like that by the Shah’s fashionable smooth talkers.

Poor Hillary can’t find a wrinkle cream that will have her back in the 2020 saddle, so why not pile on the “criminal” allegations as jails & prisons are emptied of “non-violent drug offenders” who have just stolen your car to buy drugs. No one was harmed! What are you complaining about? Just call those bastards at Progressive; they will replace your car, not the awful Wilco CD in the glovebox.

What is the vice president’s real job? Hughes has often wondered about this. It is primarily to watch the president’s back, but the other component is a bizarre, byzantine cabal that works on selecting the next commander in chief. Gore thought he’d be taking over, whereas “Fighting Joe Biden” probably will. I was dumbfounded when he decided not to run in 2016, and was not in the room when he said, “I need more time this is such a fucking mess.”  Why should I apologize for knowing people who were in the room? It is a good thing that when I was asked way too often about George H.W. Bush I said, “He’s kind of moderate.” My, I’m not.

Farewell to Chicago mafia

Down with the Shah!

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