Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Immaculate Inception

St. Louis Illuminati stand ready to fund a new homeless shelter
We all know life begins when two Republicans get drunk at Soulards in St. Louis. If they are the same sex, there will be a problem, not with the girl-girl action, but with your criminal record at the adoption agency. It seems that dad’s cocaine profits could not get some assaults with deadly dildos removed from the REGIS rap sheet.
Yes, many, many, GOP women are badass dykes, but will not admit it. The GOP guys need to get out of those Forest Park restrooms and admit they are gay. You had to break off the lock and pay a teenager for sex? Yuk! Please don’t video that and send it to my Facebook page, or I may be forced to call the cops.
We all know how Dr. Rick’s treatment program got famous, don’t we Governor Eric? Long ago, a New York publication wondered how a JeffCo B.J. Queen ended up consuming so much of the state budget all by herself. I myself, in yet another stolen manuscript, wrote of the judge who declared a female on male rape to contravene human nature. However, the judge does not go out with women like this Hughes has; and would again if not “trapped” in Shrewsbury.
My joke as a state bureaucrat on the B.J. specialist labeled a “predator” by my boss and others was: “If that is now a problem in the trailer park, they need a way bigger unit down there.” Bob Holden heard of this remark and “cut the cord?” With people like that in charge, my Chinese language class cannot be far off. I promise to behave myself at the Great Wall, unlike certain BJC coworkers who would not explain their idleness while guarding Bridgeton site’s Cannon copy machine. Not the same women? Oh yes it was!

Are you traveling to Los Angeles today?

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