Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fynno Duw Deifydd

ERIC GREITENS = Unemployed Navy Dumpster-Diver
"So sad to see a Vet in such bad shape"

“Reagan, to me, was a joke.”

-         Harold Volkmer (D)-MO

“The county records show that Orlando Hughes, the immigrant, died in 1768, and that his wife's name was Elizabeth. His sons were Anthony, Josiah and Leander. This son, Leander, died in 1775. His sons were Powell, Stephen, John and Archelaus. So that these county records show that Col. Archelaus Hughes, of Revolutionary fame, was of the third generation in America. The Hughes family are long-lived people. Many of them have lived to be more than ninety years old.”

As respects myself, I have done no good since I took that fatal appointment. It marred all my peace and happiness, and hung a gloomy cloud over me for months; but a ray of peace and hope has at length shone along my dreary way, and I begin to hope for better times. Archelaus [Hughes] arrived here in good health and appears to be tolerably well satisfied. He will add much to my comforts. I am highly pleased with his principles: he appears to be an immediate piece of myself. I went to Doctor Sandery to see about his tobacco. It has arrived safe, but I could not expect a sale. I think it will be a bad article in that State in consequence if so much being taken there from Kentucky. 

It is Archelaus' opinion that it had better remain here until you come yourself. My best respects to Sister; tell her I hope her last days will afford her much pleasure; hope her many sons will be an ornament to her and her connection, and her little daughters will comfort her in her old age; and when she has received an the enjoyments allowed for her below, she may be received in the mansion above, where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest, is the wish of her affectionate brother. Accept for yourself my best wishes for your welfare here and hereafter. I must lie down; the watchman has passed my door and cried the hour of twelve.

-         Lucy Henderson Horton

Howard R. Hughes, Jr. (b. 1905 – d. 2002)

Any questions for his son Bill?
 That’s me.

“While Attorney General Archelaus Madison Hughes did his best to convict the guilty; he never used his influence to prosecute anyone, believing it to be as much his duty to let the innocent go free as to convict the guilty. In one instance a female indicted on a criminal charge was, as he thought, insufficiently defended, and, believing her innocent, instead of continuing the prosecution, he addressed the court in favor of her discharge, which was granted by Judge Dillahunty with a high compliment to the Attorney General. He was an able and forceful speaker, and most courteous in debate. He was a man of superior mentality; of decided views; but never obtrusive.” 


“Captain William Neill Hughes of U. S. regular army 13th Infantry, which showed great gallantry at San Juan Hill, was later a retired Major. He lost his health in the Cuban campaign. Capt. Hughes married Annie R. Murphy, June 3, 1875. During the great World War Major W. N. Hughes did magnificent work as recruiting officer. He loves his flag with a perfect devotion; and has written an interesting and edifying article on ‘Old Glory’."

General William Martin to John Hughes
Highly bipolar! ADHD!! Totally insane!!! No, pal of Andrew Jackson.
Jim Martin is where?
Susan Jackson is where?

20th March, 1824.
Captain John Hughes, Patrick County, Virginia

Dear Sir:

>>Removed 01/15/2017 due to espionage and hacking<<

Wm. Martin.


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