Friday, January 27, 2017

Face the Facts

Useless to Hughes

It is a FACT that Harold Hughes may well have been Hubert Humphrey’s running mate in 1968 instead of Ed Muskie. I think if he had been chosen, they would have won over Richard Nixon. We did not have Internet or U-Tube in the 1970’s or 80’s. Therefore, I did not know Harold Hughes sounds and talks like my late dad until recently. They were not related? Yes, they were! So now, like the rest of the morons I talk to; please do not say, “I don’t care.”

Instead, why doesn’t Bill write yet another movie script where Hubert & Harold win? The actor who looks suspiciously like me would holler, “Dad, some Secret Service guys are here!” Get the joke? I think if Hubert served eight years, guess who might have been the nominee in 1976 instead of Jimmy Carter? History tells us Harold Hughes got depressed after his buddy RFK died and founded an institute to help alcoholics.

Useful for diagnosing motel-dweller drug shit

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