Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hughesville Hughes


Dear Greg –

Thanks to you and the tax collector, I’m “sold” on Patrick County, and I dream big. Like what? The County Board minutes note I dropped by and the joke is: “We know how to spell Mr. Hughes’ name correctly.”

Here in Saint Louis, if you can believe this, a Catholic nun became very defensive and said, “You are not telling the whole story” so apparently I am not allowed to reminisce about Sister Mary Ann Eckhoff or enter the high school where I carried their credit card in 1970 and nobody “called the cops” if I forgot to return a master key to the building in 1973.

Their bad excuse seems to be, “That was a long time ago.”

I thought my political slogan was going to be “Let’s get real.” After simple internet searches on the Hughes family, I’m ready to say, “Three hundred sixteen years was a long enough wait.”

I’d like to think I could reside in one of the following structures:

1. The old firetrap hotel
2. A double-wide trailer
3. Aunt Bea’s house

My latest screenplay idea I’m happy to share is called “FutureCops.” The police car has one “cherry” on top and is from 1965. Our cinema problem? The 911 calls are from 2075. You would not believe who told me how the Apple computer does all of this. HINT: He won a Grammy award the next year, and was in a really bad movie. (Oops, that was two clues).

I’m just not nuts!!

William Hughes

More Family Fun Facts:
Harold Hughes asked Bobby Kennedy for money to run for Senate, and RFK said, “When do you want it?” I don’t get that kind of treatment around here!


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