SLU Care doctors fully support weaker gun laws
Good for business!
This legislation is designed to loosen gun laws further so an RN
may have her moment of fame saying, “We saved some lives today.” The Republican
sponsors will fail to mention the [FILL-IN THE NUMBER OF DEAD] killed with
guns. It’s impersonal, and it’s quick, just like the flawed and likely hacked “background
check” federal computer. Yes, if I was a smart Russian in love with Don Trump,
why I’d get in that database and delete a few of my best shot associates. Did
you say “hitmen?” “Mister Speaker, the gentleman from Missouri is making most
outrageous allegations and must be censured…or censored if he should try to
even blog this statist nonsense.”
(Here’s an invitation I received from my alter-ego, Mr. Spencer)
We all know the infrared scope is needed for hunting at night.
There can be no argument on this. The large magazines of high caliber bullets are
needed because baby that deer can run fast! In fact, if the deer is too large,
a tripod and surplus World War Two machine gun is a must in order to feed the
family in Moscow Mills, Missouri. After the deer is shot into several pieces,
all hunters know this makes it easier at the butcher shop. And, the new venison
burger is a hit at Carl’s Jr., though California liberals on drugs are planning
a protest. Just ignore them.
Yes, the gun show is an American tradition and all lawful gun
owners in need of powerful psychotropic medication know that the best defense
is a good offense, as provided by the AK-47. For example, if an Islamic State guy
gets the idea he can get a job at Target and rent a trailer in Union, Missouri,
all militiamen know to “Fight fire with fire” and open up on that sand nigger
with his own favorite weapon. Then the new sheriff will see it our way.
Keeping the USA safe with somewhat justified rifle fire is what it’s
all about, and my NRA rep said there is a good chance we can get rid of the background
checks completely. Those socialists in Washington will never get our guns, and
you are all invited to my place for an Alex Jones webinar on the trade
agreements that have sent all our jobs to slanty-eyed masses who are
Koran-carrying threats to my R.V. Park where the gun range is always open at no
extra charge.
Will Spencer
(NRA Member Since 1956)
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