Monday, February 28, 2011

I Can Do It, Too--Better Than You

Did my maybe reliable news source say the United States Army was running "psy-op" on Senators in Afghanistan? Not okay. Are you guys ever dumb. To the Q&A!

Q: "Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons?"
A: "Yes."
Q:"Who was stupid enough to give them nukes?"
A: "USA."

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Do You Spell That?

Is that spelled "Mann," or "Mahn?" Oh, it just never ends! What did the tax prep help Goebel lady say?
HUGHES: "Good God, is this even part of the U.S.?"

Why bother, when maybe somebody actually sees this blog?

--A Libyan rebel doing chin-up's on the tank's cannon? That guy was from Libya? I suppose I should be happy the mafia man in the Miata came to do the "check-up/check-out." Fortunate I did not kill his ass.
--And, how about the .gov's I called "Little Abner & Uncle Tom?" They must have not cared about the Libyan spy much. Oh no, it's always "Get Hughes," is it not? Did I not run them out of town? It's the "Hometown Advantage" I do not have out here in sorta legal pot land. However, before Bobby the Legendary Bobby "died," he did say, "You've got some friends in this town." You could have fooled me.
--"KIKI" CANAREMA in 1985, and now another one dead? What was my favorite USAF cat named? That would be "Kiki." She peed everywhere, and I tolerated it. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), I, William C. Hughes have grown weary of your weak theatre. You'll get the layoff e-mail someday. Big "sweep," eh? 4.5 million in cash? Peanuts! 107 kilos of cocaine? That much is probably within a square mile of where I sit typing in Cali-fornia. 300 pounds of marijuana? If I had sold that much in college, I would not have my contemporary troubles, because I save my money, and I can be quite frugal. WHO WAS THAT IN PARKER HALL? She will heli-shuttle out for ice and hot dogs in Iowa, or we may have a problem, but not really.
--Wikileaks man's judicial process a "witch hunt?" Surely you jest.
--Trouble in Jordan, too? Who passed a "king hint" in conjunction with the king of...where?
--Prince Sultan ibn Abdulaziz looks a bit too familiar, if 'ya get what I mean.
--Oh that FBI! You'll get the e-mail. Our latest "dumb terrorist" kept a journal, did he? A nutty bloggy-woggy, too, of course. As they say in T.O., "You talkin' to me?" Plotting to blow up Bush's house from Lubbock, TX? Not too smart. And the joke line, please: "At least Laura would be safe." (if you get what I mean).

There, I will say whatever I want, short of shouting "Fire," espousing radical stuff (think revolutions, insurrections, taking over the world, or perhaps tossing crumpled Washington Post front pages over the White House gate while cursing--a lot).

Friday, February 25, 2011

Clearly "Schiziod Personalty Disorder"

To the "Q&A" we go:
Q: "What year was Hughes absolutely, positively, in his own view, not 'Bipolar'?"
A: "Oddly, but not, the 25 cent piece above tells you ca spy-idiots the answer."
Q: "Are you really going to get elected and go to a zero-defense budget?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "Hughes! We will surely be attacked by A-rabs and blah, blah, blah..."
A: "No, we won't. You will be perfectly safe."
Q: "How? How could this be possible?"
A: "I cannot tell you; not yet."

Is it United Technologies or some other competitor a-holes? [hold on...I'll look it up, if the illuminatis leave the TIME WARNER from ATLANTA moden on]. Yeah, thought so. Loaded up the simulator? Not yet? Oh, I'm sleeping in ditches & parks for another year? No Iowa? No New Hampshire? Are you nuts?

Why did I not call the print shop? Don't know. More fun to listen to "Bob" tell late bus stories. The LEE line was late for grandma Navy, too. I was a kid, but I was there. Simi Valley? How late was the bus? That's not the point. How about: a). Many, many THUGS; b). Hot spygirl in dark shades--don't I not love it; c). Bus personell? All negroes, and this, since I am a "liberal," is a good thing, however the presi...[i am not allowed to say anything bad about Obama, because I am the richest mofu*ker on this here Earth], hold on, little missy, I think [STOP THINKING, AND GET INTO STARBUCKS TO LOOK GAY & WEALTHY...hold on there, I'm not paying for this website, but "we" are not all rich, nor healthy, nor wealthy. Should the government care? YES! Did you say 172 million bucks to look for PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE on Al Gore's Internet? cursing! Uh, what if you don't know computers? "We are young hot-shot Democrat policy wonks, and we don't care."]

No vision? All you can say is something about our sadly deployed in the wrong places "troops."
--See the many, many U.S. Navy paint-scrapers or Marines (No USAF allowed).
--See the female at a podium/dias/lecturn with president's seal.
--See Marine One above, flying upside down.
--Hear her say, "I don't know why he does stuff like this, but I swear, he's not really 'biploar'."

[Insert marine grunts, groans, shouts, and stuff in unision. As for the "Football," you will toss your little navy hats in the air when I chuck it over the side of...what boat? MORON SPY CLUE: "Think champaigne." Yes you will, sailor, or you're on "KP Duty," whatever that is].

"WE" WILL ADDRESS DISAPPEARING QUARTERS NEXT WEEK, AS I SHALL STILL BE ALIVE TO DO SO. CHP, would it kill you to put up one (or more) of those DUI road block thingys, and thus put some intoxicated spies in jail? Oh, no, we're broke. Doesn't that make money for the county? They do it in Illinois--a lot. I myself was almost entrapped in one of Missouri's, but they let me fly by (such a non-mystery now). Do you drive on Massachusets toll roads for free? FLYING SAUCERS! FLYING TRIANGLES! FLYING MONKEYS!

No, please answer the question. Did Gardner order more sawhorses yet? Need a purchase order? Get moving! (my e-mail address did in fact end in .gov, and it will again, so I know how it works. shut up! shut up!). Is the bar with a Shamrock in the window all excited? Already? May I keep a secret? Better relent, because I did not reside in 1000 Oaks. Not really, but here they say, "I'll f--- you up!"

What does it mean?
What does it mean?

Google, You've Got a Corporate Confederate

I need to learn French, according to "Jay" (God forbid I'd get a last name around the Mafia Cener). Given, as with my pals at IBM, I've seen a Google big-shot up close, the only French I need is, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

-- The Google boy was exposed through a photo in a business magazine.
-- I am running for president.
-- We/You are in the midst of a new kind of Civil War.
-- Extremists of all "stripes," see the photo above and, "Get the message," please.

have a nice weekend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


What did I call the murder of a drug dealer in my widely read but unpublished book titled Gangster Nation? "A self-explanatory event." Do I look like a "narc?" Maybe, but if you want another joke, my disinterest in what my book termed "drug commerce" is getting so severe, and the campaign for president so not yet underway.....does anybody have some LSD? It's an old CIA/U.S. Army thing.

Let us go to the middle of a previously written piece, where 32 Manchester is scrawled. What does that mean? What does that mean? It's the address of my print shop in Concord, New Hampshire. They remember me. The design is still there. Where's the cash? Not worried at present, with a first slogan of

[drumroll, please]


Do you like it, ca nutcases?

"...yet in the case of Mr. Wikileaks [call 32 Manchester] Assange, he may have chosen the right country in Sweden, due to it's prohibition on booting people over "political" crimes, in an era of thought crimes--for real."

Let us skip to the good part...

"I shall exercise discretion and omit the name of their neighborhood, [and] though not my strongest subject in Primary School (Holy Name & Our Lady of Good Counsel), I can do the math, and my figure is an "On The Street Murder Rate" of 24 per year. What was I told long ago? Most crime in Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley goes unreported. May I beat-up my girlfriend now? That's right; I don't have one. I've got a political one? That's nice. What political party are we taking over?

rob addendum:
I shouted a happy shout in front of the Goebel Center today, and no one called the cops. It had something to do with an "Ed"--no, not that Ed, but he's okay. Half a crab salad sandwich?

"Where is Ed? At Goebel? Playing pool. With who?"


Hey corporate rock music fans! As I listen to my favorite classical station in Cleveland, here's more Hughes trivia, and as a bonus, it is of recent vintage, plus I am not dead. What did the Iranian guy say at UPS? "Mister Hughes! You're still alive!" Do Tehran cab drivers overcharge? Wear turbans? No, they wear NY Yankee baseball caps, I'd imagine, so the guys in NYC can look like "terrorists" and give incompetent .gov people something to do. Do you sit around and wonder what to do with the f---ing State Department? No, you don't, nor do their rejects come in and gawk at you when you mumble stuff about how: a) Unlike the CIA, I'd be stuck with them; and b) I am willing to entertain the possibility they occasionally do something good. (But not very often).

The guy above was on a digital camera somebody showed me, and it looked like he was in a coffee place, but kind of run-down--not Starbucks. I said, "I like their album with the fire hydrant on front. I can't remember the title." Take heart, fans of "Roswell Tech," because one of my many sayings is, "The Cuckoo Dish giveth, and the cuckoo dish taketh away." The album is titled Signals, I realized later, kind of like, "That is her in the big Mercedes, that is her in the actor's dorm, and those two guys planted in front of a TV watching brand new at the time MTV were the [INTERNET CONNECTION TERMINATED, maybe until an anguished President Hughes asks the Pentagon's inner ring, "Why did you let regular people on your little e-mail system? Good God, why did you do it?"]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We Now Take You To A Superior Timeline

Where? You know where. Did I reconnoiter every damn donut shop in NH for this? California, you suck, if I may be Community Torture Program (CTP) tortured excrement-less, and a bit rude. Is this better?

"Who got me into this mess? Oh my goodness, Gardner, there he is. Who let you in? Ladies and gentlemen, it's Senator George McGovern! Hi Senator, looky here, I've got some friends, after all. Senator, did you win? That's right. May we do something for the USA? It sure is a mess, and if you spoil my plan to get back at those cigar store spies, I just might.....

"fine print" addendum: Who needs legal counsel in Thousand Oaks? A place where, as many spies have agreed, they just don't talk too much. Not much.

Mr. Patience Is Now In a "Bit" of a Hurry

Fighting spies is often about what you don't say. Ask Colby. Oh, he's dead? That's right. And, he had a real .gov job with a pension and all of that. Oh, he never lived to collect it, right Steve? Right Rich? Another long story, I'm sure. Hollyscummywood, the script is called Turbulence. Gee whiz, how did he write a crappy "Rom Com" not knowing who he is? As I like to say, this is when the horn sounded @ Langley. "He's what? Looking up how a helicopter works? Get more spies on him! Quick! Talk about tossing hand grenades at Bush with the NSA listening and shit!" So ineffective. So stupid. Did anybody really get murdered? Talon Logs? Soldiers hanging by the cheery trees? Keep it up, asses. This is who it is, and I am not playing some stupid, childish, "game."

Let's see, Mr. CEO. I'm the pres, I am tired of your crap, and I learned this one from George W. Bush in Saint Louis, Missouri. Ready? Here we go, you-know-who!

"So, you don't like social justice? So, you don't like me? You don't like her? You don't like the Pope in Rome? What the f*** does that have to do with the price of eggs? Yes sir, that is indeed Marine One, I flew it here again, and you must have some foreign substance in your ears. See those helicopters up there? They are going to shoot at your stupid little dot com company, if you don't act right. Big bossman, eh? Who am I? Thank you, sir, I'll be on my way, but if I have to come back...


Illuminati Negro President Supporters, You May Rattle Your Keys Now

I Said "Airplane," Not "Aircraft"

MARINE ONE: "Is that Air Force One at Three O'Clock?"


REGIONAL CENTER: "Sir, may we ask where you are going?"
MARINE ONE: "No, and shut the f--- up."


MARINE ONE: "Hey Marine Boy! Make yourself useful and get [insert world leader name here] on the horn."

Did you grow-up in the 1970's? Yes, it would be different.
Very different.

i do not control line spacing on this site. Do we need to publish my/their "scoop" on RONALD REAGAN'S presumably IBM typewriter? Not yet?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rig Count = 3,510

This guy is going to be the mayor of Chicago? Now I'm scared, where drugboys & thugboys have failed. (Just kidding! May I crack a joke? May I urinate indoors?)

This is William Charles Hughes, I am really running for president, and I lost my Department of Justice junkmail passcode. What shall I do? It's only D.O.J. propaganda & disinformation, so I guess I'll just make like any other average computer dolt and ask for another no way secret passcode. "In sight it must be right" was, and probably still is, the slogan of a burger joint where they do not go nuts over the double-double burger, or whether you add cheese. Also, I've noted many times they do not rush the exits when a peace officer enters, as in Newbury Park, California. (Could you be a bit less obvious about the drug dealing I do not particularly care about at present?) 

"Food Code," Beverage Code," "Sports Code," "Weather Code," dance moves, hand signs.....all JIVE, if you ask me. And, if CNN or FOX NEWS ever asks a question, they might not like my answer, but that's politics. I'd journal up here on GOO-GLE if I thought the servers won't crack and the crik won't rise, but compared to paper and Trisha's pencils, that's probably not Bush 41 "prudent."
[Sir, would you like to have some keys shoved up your butt?]

Didn't I just hear a C&W song about "evil forces?" What did the young park district employee say? "William, your whole life is like a movie." SPIES, START IT UP: "No, she did not say it. She's lying. She's mentally ill." etc. etc. etc. She's so right (about that, anyway), so I shall find time to surf and determine the highest amount ever paid for a person's "life story" and treble it. Don't want to pay Hollyscummyland? I'll just have to get elected president and...

As for the "King thing," my Prime Ministers were all fired long ago. Yes, "we" are doing Head of State type talk in "T.O." with mafia(s) and Illuminati's that includes warnings to behave better, or else. What "else," and of course, legally?


Monday, February 21, 2011

Conversations With Koval

Bowling? Billiards? BRUNSWICK. Mark "Mafia," as "we" said in North Saint Louis long ago, "Who died and left you boss?"

Friday, February 18, 2011 4:30 P.M.

Hughes: "I'm going to have to talk fast. I am not 'Bipolar' or on cocaine."
Koval: "I know."

Friday, February 18, 2011 5:00 p.m.

Hughes: "Andrea, I could be in charge of the USA's nuclear arsenal someday, and these people won't even allow me into their home to wash my clothes."
Koval: "That's right."


Navy Guy: "There's a bunch of communists in there."
Hughes: "I know."

have a nice Presidents Day.
Koval is the boss, as of today anyway.

Wiki Dickie

How about that Wikipedia? RUPERT MURDOCH wants you to pay for lies, whereas on Wiki's they are free, and anybody can go on Soldier Boy's Internet and distort your bio, perhaps. Divorced? Nice job of hacking! No, not nice in the prospective Hughes Administration, where an old fashioned cop car comes, and thanks to West Point Community College, and their Five Star Criminal Justice Program (in only two years!), the policeman (or possibly policegirl), says, "It's your neighbor." We all know the Miranda speech from TV shows, don't "we?"

Do I miss my Ford Focus? Not really, but let us recap the spy-action from 2008. Bowing to me at the Mobil station? Where? Maine? What former president lives there? Overcharged on tolls in New Jersey, waved through the toll booth in Massachusetts? What? Who? I saw the policeman on the way, and...what? Really?

No one, Donkey or pachyderm, could top this one, right? Right! May I practice out back of the Go Bell? Ready? "We will take no questions today."

SHUT THE F--- UP!!! (because soon, I cannot say that Chaucerian word any more, but didn't the vice president get in trouble for that? Did anybody really care? No.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Aren't Assault Weapons Legal?

Why did Mark "Mafia" Wiliams come running into the restroom as I sliced-up my face with cheap "prison razors?" "Remington" meant shavers wrecked & stolen at the Presbyterian church, not a rifle, but if you want to press the issue, kooks, I'll damn well get an AK-47 and hide it in the shopping cart. Plenty legal, if the cart technically is not. Buddy, it's a Ralph-approved, Sheriff-approved cart, and would you like to argue? Sorry, I gotta lease some Chevrolet Impalas and close I-80 in running for president, as I promised in 2007.I shall fix the hacked background color on Presidents Day. See you later.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Who Are You?

I tried to read a firsthand account of our U.S. Army & Marines in Afghanistan, but could not. Pissed me off too bad. Worse than Vietnam, in the sense of middle ranking officers pissing, moaning, and not wanting to send any of their people out to get their legs blown off. Finally, somebody apparently musters enough bravado and/or "obedience," to send more out. I thought Obammy was gong to end the war(s), but instead, we got more, plus the A-rab insurrection of the week. Is the president totally incompetent? Yes! Am I, William C. Hughes, fully qualified to get myself elected and replace him? Yes! You don't think so? First, who the f*** are you?

Yes, I am a Roman Catholic. No, I do not go to Mass. Whoever you are, Christian-kook, you are not putting me on one of these, nor my running mate, if he/she turns out to be <cough, cough> Catholic. See, I can do it too, big dog.

Wow! Hollywood people sure look different without makeup on. That said, I could use some of that. Catholic? Bachelor? President? Maybe they will kill my ass.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are We Going Viral Yet? btw, What Does That Mean?

Spykids, after two arsenic poisonings, one from McDonald's on WENDY DRIVE, and the other from MOTEL 6 in Carpinteria, putting "ig" on the screen is distinctly un-scary, because I hang with people who consistently get away with lying to United States kook Inspector Generals; behavior I do not endorse. Why am I writing, when I get time, to a governor who used to be a U.S. Attorney? Maybe he will help me, moron. The spy-word "wet" is not frightening, either, because your sorry butt is being transported by AMR, not mine, sir.

Do not ask who is to the right in my cropped photo above. Do not ask what that woman's daughter did to me--not until we are on Fox News & stuff.

Time Warner, has another diode failed? Not yet? Did I not call it? Why is my Ralph's cart packed with defense/defence mags? Perhaps I know what the tech writers are getting at. Does Huckabee? Pawlenty? Please, no Palin-speak tonight. I saw the cross-eyed photo, thanks to old spooks, I suppose. I don't get out much, girls. Was that guy from DIA? Taking jobs away from the "Dark Side?" We'll see about that, mister, and how positively "T.O." for the boss of the joint to say, "You can talk to him," then when I made total eeeeelectronic sense, the dude said, "Stop talking to me." Could this have something to do with upcoming litigation? The King has no lawyer, because he's all that? Not true, because every thief and con artist has a lawyer in Cali-fornia. How can I fight back, without becoming what they call a "Cop Caller?" What was that old joke of mine? "Please show Mr. Hughes your firearms or shut the f*** up." It's not funny anymore, as I am [BIG SECRET] planning for New Hampshire, 01/2012, and as Ed Sullivan said, "We've got a really big show." What's that H-taunt to maybe go with two "Hillbilly waves?" "You're not 'getting' us. Oh no you're not."

W. Hughes*
G. Hilton^
C. Radziwill#
D. Saunders
The Two Mildly Retarded, Maybe Lesbian, "Ghostbuster" Girls
"Dave," and His Nazi Fraulien Girlfriend
"Greg," from Appleton
The Hippie Goddess Janitor Girl (in the freight elevator with me too often, boys)
G. Margherita on the Phone ("What? Cuban Boat People broke down the door? I'm on my way.")
"Jane" by Jeff Starship on the radio a few times per hour. (Was Jane trying to kill my ass? Of course!)

Outrage Key
*He's nuts! He's nuts! Oh my God, he's what?"
^Q: "Related to the hotel people?" A: "Why would I be working here?" GOOD QUESTION, h-girls.
#Am I right? The old, "My roommates are out of town" routine? Teddy's 1980 office on the Capitol Square was workin' plenty late. Did I say, "Gayle, those Kennedy people are out front of that office looking at me." Nearly seduced as a married man, defending Jimmy Carter all the way? What did the man do in the Navy? Never mind. Is this real? LASER pointers from private jets at 2,000 feet or so? That's not a Follow Spot, spykids, but when I get out of here.....


[who is "we?" "what does he mean? what does he mean?" "They" are correct--I do rehearse lines. Will you back off? A little? Give the two families a little breathing room, please]

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In The Line Of Fire

Why did I post the previous post? 1. Obnoxious hacker in the room; 2. To excite the spy-rodents; 3. It's a free country (I think).

Who were the "extras" in my dollar show screening of In The Line Of Fire? A whole bunch of "them" in the house for Casino? Who were "they?" Don't know, but they might be from a subersive and/or secretive organ-i-zation.


Excuse me, the General Election is twenty-two (22) months away. People, back off, because there is a "we," as far as running for president goes, and oh what a "we" it is.

Settle down, kids.


Fuck Obama--get your ass out of there, negro

May I Enjoy The Happiest Day Of My Sorry-Assed Life? Thanks, .gov

Why did Carolyn quit? Drat! I've got the Howard & Charlie problem--NO TIME. Especially to read Riverfront Times pieces about why she departed the employ of Lee Enterprises. How's TOM FINKEL doing? Any bloody swimming pools on the front page, as with after I said spying is so rampant, it's a case of "Everyone in the pool." [in Gangster Nation (c)2006, right Bush? Right!] Spyin' opon my HP tower at home? (911 St. Rita Avenue, Clayton, Missouri, usa). Shocking! Army to the North--Air Force to the South. 100% "Dark Side" neighbors. How did anyone know? Duh. Have you perhaps "Gotten smart?" See: Hughes v. Whitlock in the United States Federal Court system [Still threre? Of course it is, Mr./Ms. Illuminati!].

Jerry Brown, I really like being homeless [is it wet yet? is it dirty yet? is it broken yet? is it stolen yet?]. Could you find my car and arrest the Obammy Illiminatis responsible? State too deep in the $ hole? Not my problem. Where's my car, Jerry? <tap, tap tap on the counter? Son, that will not keep your girlfriend from tossing your butt in jail> Facebok, eh? Bunch of criminals doing Cornell U. "facetime," if you ask me. NYSE is going back to Holland? And I can't win the election? Are you nuts? I'm not. <Son, do you know I narced-out the "computer lab" to the FBI? Maybe not.>

GOEBEL OLD BAG QUOTE OF THE DAY (they don't think I can win?):
"Wanda" on William C. Hughes as President of the United States:
"God help us."

That's right, girl. God help you (but he/she won't). 

110 South & 110 North? Who? Who was that? Shhhhh...don't tell anyone, kooks.

As a Saint Louis, Missouri appliance spokesman said for the SLYMAN BROTHERS, "Try us, you'll like us." (When the tyme comes).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Ron,

 Back in Admiral Tinkham's time machine we go, to 1985.

H: "Why do you use your last name as your middle name?"
B: "Blah, blah, blah."
H: "What does your dad do for a living?"
B: "He's a dentist."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear [not yet, but soon]

POL SCI love is in the air in cold, crisp, you-know-where. ca rain 'a coming, and the houseless/homeless will get moist, except in ZOMBIELAND (Orange County, California), and Money magazine called them that, straight from the Time & Life Building in New Yawk, NOT me. The other party who may be switching parties honored mom through involvement with the arts.

When I am informed of certain things, I try to remain conscientious, but will indeed exclaim, "You are correct, sir!" when appropriate.

Me? Mom has been honored in many late-night comedic exchanges e.g. "I did not know that." (Until June, 2007 & July 2010). What day is it? What time is it? Deb, who is the president? Andrew Jackson?

Who owns Columbia? Why is Sony's HQ in Culver City? Did he buy CBS instead of ABC? Where is my car? Where is my other car? Is the print shop in Concord, NH still there? Is the guy from Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri still there? He was spying? Is Tom's Bar & Grill still there? What? What's my future penpal's legal specialty? Privacy? What's that?

Time To Go To Dunkin' Donuts//Time To Run For President

What did an old guy say this morning? "Good catch." Hmmm...Dave Diebler used to say, "Nice catch" at Cornell University. We are now in the presidential political courtship season, are we not? Sarah, you failed to stop by America's Best Value Motel in 2008, didn't you?

More hints to follow. Famous people were spying on me? Shocked! So shocked I am--in a good way, for a change. Have a nice evening, spies.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Think Again, Nutcase

If all of you kooks, "mystics," UFO-chasers, George Noory fans, and garden variety schizophrenics want to know why I am going to the TRUMAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY, it is to, as I often say, "Learn from the great ones" in planning for a nuclear war. You see, I am fully qualified to run for president, or serve as president, and dropping/shooting ICBM's tipped with nukes is (we hope not) part of the job. This "plan" I would share freely with the United States Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any lawful agency, but the joke is on you, nutcase, because those kind of people have known me a long time, so I am just not in "trouble" for being undeniably tortured for many years, nor am I a "Person of Interest" to such agencies, although if you-know-who will run with me, maybe they are gearing-up to assist, because as I often say, "You're not gonna get us" [Mr. Assassin]


Thursday, February 10, 2011

The KWK Cystal Receiver & Glob Demagogue Saga

Did I just ring-up a newspaper, or another U.S. intel agency "boiler room." Mr. President, as mama said, "We shall see what we shall see."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No More Jovial

My Google blogs seem to go "missing," then, this evening (5:37 p.m. pst it is), I clicked on Firefox, and what did I see, but the "Dashboard." In case you, Mister Moron, thought there was no strategy behind what I've been doing, the appropriate expression is NOT, "There's a method to my madness," it is more like, "I've got them where I want them."

Who are these domestic terrorists that torment me? Got a name for it? Mafia? Illuminati? Whatever it is, it sure isn't legal, is it? My call for arrest and prosecution was made again to no human ears, because you all really are terrorists, and I'm going to either toss your tushes in prison, or kill you. Is that clear?

Girls, how many times do I have to tell you, via various surveillance methods that cannot be legal, I do not want you. Are you an old "friend?" Dead or a prison term--take your pick. Hollywood girls playing peek-a-boo? No civil summons; no, you are going to jail.

Yes, I am fuming about Jews, and the never-ending quest for Hughes money. No, I do not "hate" Jews, because at least one was honest about: a) A desire to take over his uncle's film company, and b) He really said, "Hughes, we gotta get moving." "They" know how I like being called by my last name. "They" know absolutely EVERYTHING about me, and you have my solemn promise, if I am ever elected President, no one is going to know everything about you.

May I formulate some foreign policy? May I demonstrate how much I know about social services? Mental/Behavioral health? National Defense? Do you really want to keep nuclear command and control in one person, a president? Do you believe that crap is the case in the USA? The Tooth Fairy is coming for you! I have no idea who you people are I call "The Albinos" and "Amgen Cases," but I do know you are not getting your way in this world. No, you are not. 

Here's the plan, nutcases. The jovial goo-gle blog is getting really nasty, and if Mountain View has "issues," besides sexual perversion, illicit drugs, and a baseline sort of legal pot paranoia, that is your problem. Free blog, then censor political speech? I can get lawyers too, and have a "Facebook" & stupid search engine, but why bother?

No money, no problem. Power mad? Let's hear it girls, because you really can't spy your way out of this one. So, why not get to work on the President/King's vacuum tube laptop, which is going to enter a 14 character code three times and wipe your asses off the Earth, and maybe in space, too. Don't be a "rodent," state your problem with that plan.

Oh, they hate the WILLIAM IV firing a Prime Minister truth, and I did not like what I read about so fired by me DAVID CAMERON today. More "secret society" crap? We did not have that in Bellefontaine Neighbors or Moline Acres, Missouri. No sir. Catholic high school is not boarding school. Lindenwood was not Cambridge. Though the undergrad institution was not fit for a Royal, the Afghans & Saudis were there, not by accident. A Legend never told, like the "Keys to the Firebird" story. Here's the short version:
SAUDI GUY: "You don't want it? It's a nice car."
HUGHES: "Thanks, but I don't like Firebirds."

What am I to say? No appeasement. No "cut." No capitulation. No surrenders. Not a damn thing can you have, and by the way, I'll take the Romaine Files about now (to Nixon's Library), Charlie's photos (to the UMSL Library, and that is not "secret code"), and my Spruce Goose is headed to the Transportation Museum & County Park in Saint Louis County, Missouri (I need to build a fancy hangar, Mafia, got any money?). Over twenty fake names at Penske Truck Rental, and no access to justice? No phone. Barely e-mail, that I will not reply to.

Where did all of the USPS mail go? The fax phase? Where? Verizon? No one has an automobile that will make it out of California? Bullcrap! MI-6, you won't like my list of what I call "look-ups" today. Ready, gayboys? BBC, wait until I get my hands around your necks.

The Spectator
Stevan Keane
Frank Luntz
Samantha Sheffield
Charles II
Michael Howard
George Osborne
Ian Osborne
(I know who "Ozzie" is, and did I not say no more jovial? F*** you, Ozzie, you stoned, spyin' fool)
Boris Johnson

My note on these stooges?


What's this H-scribble, nosy mother#uckers? "Ian Hughes"
Who's that? 
before or after a nuclear war?
[see me on the "other blog" for an excerpt from the diary they love to hate--Google makes me sick]

"Mr. Poker Face" a.k.a. "William Charles Hughes" & "William V" can be seen by Hollywood girls not yet being arrested and prosecuted at 1385 E. Janss Road in suckful Thousand Oaks, CA Though "we" are not clear if it is still part of USA, counterfeit U.S. currency is accepted.

1. Photo at the top of this piece is of a head injury case back from Iraq, a policing action I have ordered the United Kingdom to get out of. They are. "Coincidence?" Did the "other" GOP candidates for U.S. president sit in VA Hospitals, trying to get help for Veterans? No, they did not, but I did. Want a "guerrilla campaign," starting now? I'd rather not do it that way--I need a rental car, but nobody in Ventura County has $500 worth of credit? Didn't I say, "Where's HAROLD RAMUS when you need him?" and a guy who looked just like him came in the building. GEORGE KENNEDY, you were here for an Airport joke, but now, I'm attacking you all with nukes, for real, and it will be 100% legal, jackass. Drop that bong, Ding-Dong! THIS IS WAR.

2. Bush, George W., I still don't need a lawyer, but I'd like to have one. What were you and your daddy arguing about 2002-2004? Me? Finkel & I? Should have listened to Bush, George H.W. 

Didn't I Complain About JACKSON DOOR COMPANY?

Did I just drop a letter in the USPS old-fashioned mailbox outside the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER in Thousand Oaks, California asking for overt Secret Service protection later this year in Iowa? Cough,cough all you wish old farts, the next one is to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C.--and it is all about you.

Hey Cameron,what is the "BULLINGDON CLUB?" May I change one word, sir? This is Mr. Hughes/WILLIAM V:

"Give me my tools, and I will finish the job."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Question Two

Fire on the Admiral, eh? If one guy with a last name of "Roy" was selling drugs, does that mean the new one is? Do I look like a "narc?" Don't answer that question, please.  

May I rent a car and go to Kansas City, where I might get some help. If the Kennedy there is not dead yet, don't get all excited by the name. My name is "Hughes," I am running for president in this here nation, and I am tired of the Thousand Oaks, California introductions, where you find out the person's last name only: a) Via a Third Party; or b) When they are "missing."

Can you rich morons be a wee bit "normal," and admit this is not a rational practice? Thanks to the Kansas City Star for all of the charity gig photos, as I'd like to give some money away, as soon as a sufficient number of abducting and murdering nazi/mafia/illuminati asses have been kicked on the Left Coast. Is there still private property in the usa? NOT IF YOUR NAME IS H-U-G-H-E-S, apparently. Where did "The Arnold" run to? Austria? That ain't gonna work.

Why would I call Republican governors in New Jersey and/or Nevada for help in Cali-fornia? Did you get out of High School? Read a book lately? Ever read one about Howard Hughes? Why do I have to make up nicknames for people like, "DAD ON A WALKER BEEN IN THE AIR FORCE GIRL?" Why not read one of my books, as I am not writing any more until I am no longer a political prisoner of the Black Ju Ju black POTUS.

Two Questions

Will the Federal Bureau of Investigation take a collect call? If the Department of Justice did, I'm sure they will. Oh, excuse me, goo-gle, it was on a phone card from the nice MOTEL 6 in Nashua, NH. Who was "Jonas Geissler," Mr. Bush? Do I have to put my will up here again on this site, or file a lawsuit against Goo-gle? Questions, questions, questions, such as, "Who the f*** are you?" hanging around the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER like a damn rodent. May I run for president now, Mr & Mrs. Illuminati?

What was the other question? Let us make it a separate blog piece.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

We Have A Failure To Communicate

My new "plan?" Bottle Saint Louis tap water and sell it in California.
What did I just add to my FBI list? Item #38 says "Inter-cellular processes (Body Weight/Hydration)."

Let's see; mess with the torture victim's physiology, then sell them water. What did Midwest usa William say in 2008 Burbank? "Lotta water stores around here. Why do so many people buy water?" How about that ca marijuana law? Torture people with "Buck Rogers" radiation, and then sell them pot to relieve the pain? Are you all on drugs? I'll ask my Astra Zeneca rep, as I already know your "weed" is very good, and not from smoking the shit.

Why did I write a letter asking for even earlier overt Secret Service protection than Barack Obama, or first crack-dealing Negro president? "Looks can be deceiving" mysterious fellows have said, so don't let the long hair fool your "Stuck in the 1960's/1970's self. Did you say DRUG POLICY? Drug "war?"
1. Occupy the northern one-third of Mexico.
2. Bomb coca producing narco-states.
3. Burn-up every damn marijuana plant in North America.

"No honey, but I'm ready to duck."

Middle East Policy? Let's don't go there, until I get out of Cali-fornia.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh My God, He's Good At Horseshoes! Hide Them All!

Let's be RMN perfectly clear. The president's microphone--unless they changed it because of Hughes--is the SM57, and I am going to use the SM58, pictured above, with a black wire hanging off it in Iowa, just like the <who?> astronaut on that damn ISS who had his sister-in-law shot-up in Arizona. Why did it take me so long to figure out the "connection?" "Incommunicado under the Negro" is my contention, and "Let's go to court!" under Article III of the United States Constitution, instead of constantly questioning where the guy was born.

Don't like Obammy, the Black Ju-Ju demon? Oh, you must be "nuts." No, when they hack one blog, go to the other. How about those SPLC liberals trashing this guy up? He makes sense to me. Yes, now that the official, handwritten, "I need a little help in Iowa" Dear Secret Service letter has been written, the illustrious .illuminati await stealing the image off a photocopy machine, formerly called a "Xerox" machine--that's who invented them, juvenile dimwit.Why was an IBM vice president up at our favorite Starbucks? "Nosey," I suppose, like the oh so in jail Disney stars. Don't worry, they will bond you out like the U.S. Navy Scum Seal selling arms. He was a weapons adviser on a movie? Jesus Christ! May I run for president now?


As the "Swedish Meatball" said, "They can see through your eyes!"
(if 'ya get what I mean)

"You're from Missouri and never shot a gun? That's kinda weird."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy B's

This was the one that worked right. Thank me if you wish, because Grandpa Howard put the engine on--no thanks to MELLON BANK, a joint that closed the HUGHES TOOL COMPANY bank account. Howard had a cash flow problem? Well, he was a very busy man, as am I.
Q: "Did the pilot sit behind Hughes in one of the airplanes depicted above?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "Did said pilot fly out of the way to say, "Look out the left window. There's Ireland."
A: "Yes, because unlike some of my tormentors, I graduated from a fairly good Catholic high school, and I can look at a map."  

This British design blew-up a few times? As former Great Rivers Mental Health Service supervisor Ray Adams used to say, "Hughes did it!" Don't blame me, I wasn't even born in 1952, but I can thank Ray later for the "Jowels and bowels" clue. What did Judy say at the Goebel? "Look at that jaw."

"Other key figures include the colorful test pilots who helped market the aura of jet travel; the British aeronautics professor whose investigation uncovered the cause of the Comet explosions; and the airline chieftans, including Pan American's Juan Trippe and TWA's Howard Hughes, whose orders for planes would determine the outcome of the competition."

Who? Mellon/BNY, one kooky .mafia or .illuminati word out of you when I call, and you are all getting charged with a a crime. Do you have to call the United States Secret Service and ask why the .gov and .com of our sorta private United States Postal Service can't agree on their full zip +4 address? SS, overt protection IS needed for the dwarfs and I in Iowa, because I am not campaining with a pack of Middle Easterners, Chinese, and Russians swarming small Iowa river towns. They'll look at me and say, "Who are all of these people? We're not voting for you."

What happened in Egypt? Girls, I don't get out much.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Okay, "Right Between the Eyes"

My "secret files" say the airplane was full of cocaine, and when it spilled out, the CIA guy said, "Cocaine, what cocaine?" How can the Christian Science Monitor report on Iran-Contra arms, but not the drugs? I guess the coke was mine. No, it was not. May I run for president now? KFI is reportedly calling. I am not calling them back. Oh, once again, my secret source was a published book. Heard of them? No batteries required.

This should be on the "other blog," but since I am totally nuts and just confirmed my United States Department of Justice secret junk mail code, and the Goebel printer actually worked in documenting the achievement, to the journal "they" love to hate we go!

12:54 a.m.

<cough, cough go the mafia girls> So brain-jacked! T[   ] is getting more stamps--won't take a dollar. Discussed Las Vegas, and why would I go there? She said business is booming, with a new 3,000 room hotel going up. This contradicted the "VIRUS-LACED HALF A MC CHICKEN MAFIA MAN" account of no business & nothing is "COMP" or free anymore. Need FBI letter with just the categories of crime--the sarcastic remark for [local lazy g-man address] the F###ING FIRED FBI will be, "You count the counts, that's not my job, and we're not talking about Count Chocula."

"Brain-jacked" means not rational, manifested by covert beliefs in some type of secret society-led New World Order, and SURPRISE! I think at least one time GEORGE H.W. BUSH parachuted out of an airplane, it meant "HA HA, WE DON'T SUPPORT THAT CRAP" (despite SKULL & BONES bullshit). Free enterprise, not everything for free. I thought "communism" meant sort of free goods if you supported the state/politburo/party, etc.

[We now return to the note in my journal after discussing the "L" note]

1:20 p.m.
Things were not so good in St.L, nor NH, so why do I pick on CA so much? Hollywood is here, and I got, "What is a movie?" HUGHES AIRCRAFT was out here, and I got, "Who was Howard? Never heard of him." Then, "we" dish the whipsaw, whereby if I look LOHAN in the eye and do the official Bush Read My Lips "What the f*** are you doing here?" 2x then she was NOT at CARL'S JR./CONEJO VALLEY PLAZA, and I'm "crazy." As for the subpar BRITTANY SPEARS body-double with a bizarre handmade sign at the same restaurant, I should have layed down in front of the Honda Civic (green) that carried the real Spears past Ralph's, because the Sheriff said I was lying down in front of cars when I didn't, so why not? I love the Hollywood National Entertainment State girls with names sufficing as sentences, and I've seen them--for real.
Shields? Spears? May I go back to Missouri? Mr. R is waiting at the library where they told Ollie North "No." The cocaine plane that crashed, and CIA said, as with Powers' U-2, "Plane? What plane?" is in a museum now? In Costa Rica? And someone here at the Goebel wants to go there? Really? What did that other "B," as with B-movie spygirls say when yet another discarded USAF prototype flew over? "Plane? What plane?" It was not an F-117--it wasn't built yet. The big supersonic bomber prototype outside of Dayton? Is this another never-ending bad joke? Kill me today, because though I've never flown, that thang flew over the Ford Focus very low, taking off at night. Wow! Son/Old Fart, you're just not me, and why would you want to be?
BOTTOM LINE: I get out of Thousand Oaks, get going, and NH may be by voice vote acclamation, but the hair ain't going anywhere. Who wants the IA/NH & beyond "cosmo" job? No, not new sex tips--"Does my hair look okay?" "Yes, Mister Hughes." Then what? At present, the camera is a CRPD bush, but this a.m. it was, "The days of a U.S. envoy telling sovereign nations and their Heads of State what to do are over." Could Hosni visit Cali-fornia and beat me with a rubber hose after stepping down? That's far better than Community Torture USA.

William C. Hughes
William V

rob n. addendum: Sarah Birke was our CSM "correspondent" in noting the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency-sponsored coke plane is now an "atmospheric, tiny bar inside the fuselage." Pardon me! I thought "museum" from quickly scanning the piece. May I have a staff now?
How many murders?
How many cases of HIV?
How many dead crack niggahs?
How much domestic abuse?
How many preventable 911 calls? (This costs money, Mr. Mayor)
How many Emergency Room visits? (This costs money, Mr. Governor)
Have they tested the air raid sirens in Bogata?
I knew they were saving those old B-52's for something--for me?
Gary Webb on K Street, with the same hairdo?
can't top that, huckabee!