Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No More Jovial

My Google blogs seem to go "missing," then, this evening (5:37 p.m. pst it is), I clicked on Firefox, and what did I see, but the "Dashboard." In case you, Mister Moron, thought there was no strategy behind what I've been doing, the appropriate expression is NOT, "There's a method to my madness," it is more like, "I've got them where I want them."

Who are these domestic terrorists that torment me? Got a name for it? Mafia? Illuminati? Whatever it is, it sure isn't legal, is it? My call for arrest and prosecution was made again to no human ears, because you all really are terrorists, and I'm going to either toss your tushes in prison, or kill you. Is that clear?

Girls, how many times do I have to tell you, via various surveillance methods that cannot be legal, I do not want you. Are you an old "friend?" Dead or a prison term--take your pick. Hollywood girls playing peek-a-boo? No civil summons; no, you are going to jail.

Yes, I am fuming about Jews, and the never-ending quest for Hughes money. No, I do not "hate" Jews, because at least one was honest about: a) A desire to take over his uncle's film company, and b) He really said, "Hughes, we gotta get moving." "They" know how I like being called by my last name. "They" know absolutely EVERYTHING about me, and you have my solemn promise, if I am ever elected President, no one is going to know everything about you.

May I formulate some foreign policy? May I demonstrate how much I know about social services? Mental/Behavioral health? National Defense? Do you really want to keep nuclear command and control in one person, a president? Do you believe that crap is the case in the USA? The Tooth Fairy is coming for you! I have no idea who you people are I call "The Albinos" and "Amgen Cases," but I do know you are not getting your way in this world. No, you are not. 

Here's the plan, nutcases. The jovial goo-gle blog is getting really nasty, and if Mountain View has "issues," besides sexual perversion, illicit drugs, and a baseline sort of legal pot paranoia, that is your problem. Free blog, then censor political speech? I can get lawyers too, and have a "Facebook" & stupid search engine, but why bother?

No money, no problem. Power mad? Let's hear it girls, because you really can't spy your way out of this one. So, why not get to work on the President/King's vacuum tube laptop, which is going to enter a 14 character code three times and wipe your asses off the Earth, and maybe in space, too. Don't be a "rodent," state your problem with that plan.

Oh, they hate the WILLIAM IV firing a Prime Minister truth, and I did not like what I read about so fired by me DAVID CAMERON today. More "secret society" crap? We did not have that in Bellefontaine Neighbors or Moline Acres, Missouri. No sir. Catholic high school is not boarding school. Lindenwood was not Cambridge. Though the undergrad institution was not fit for a Royal, the Afghans & Saudis were there, not by accident. A Legend never told, like the "Keys to the Firebird" story. Here's the short version:
SAUDI GUY: "You don't want it? It's a nice car."
HUGHES: "Thanks, but I don't like Firebirds."

What am I to say? No appeasement. No "cut." No capitulation. No surrenders. Not a damn thing can you have, and by the way, I'll take the Romaine Files about now (to Nixon's Library), Charlie's photos (to the UMSL Library, and that is not "secret code"), and my Spruce Goose is headed to the Transportation Museum & County Park in Saint Louis County, Missouri (I need to build a fancy hangar, Mafia, got any money?). Over twenty fake names at Penske Truck Rental, and no access to justice? No phone. Barely e-mail, that I will not reply to.

Where did all of the USPS mail go? The fax phase? Where? Verizon? No one has an automobile that will make it out of California? Bullcrap! MI-6, you won't like my list of what I call "look-ups" today. Ready, gayboys? BBC, wait until I get my hands around your necks.

The Spectator
Stevan Keane
Frank Luntz
Samantha Sheffield
Charles II
Michael Howard
George Osborne
Ian Osborne
(I know who "Ozzie" is, and did I not say no more jovial? F*** you, Ozzie, you stoned, spyin' fool)
Boris Johnson

My note on these stooges?


What's this H-scribble, nosy mother#uckers? "Ian Hughes"
Who's that? 
before or after a nuclear war?
[see me on the "other blog" for an excerpt from the diary they love to hate--Google makes me sick]

"Mr. Poker Face" a.k.a. "William Charles Hughes" & "William V" can be seen by Hollywood girls not yet being arrested and prosecuted at 1385 E. Janss Road in suckful Thousand Oaks, CA Though "we" are not clear if it is still part of USA, counterfeit U.S. currency is accepted.

1. Photo at the top of this piece is of a head injury case back from Iraq, a policing action I have ordered the United Kingdom to get out of. They are. "Coincidence?" Did the "other" GOP candidates for U.S. president sit in VA Hospitals, trying to get help for Veterans? No, they did not, but I did. Want a "guerrilla campaign," starting now? I'd rather not do it that way--I need a rental car, but nobody in Ventura County has $500 worth of credit? Didn't I say, "Where's HAROLD RAMUS when you need him?" and a guy who looked just like him came in the building. GEORGE KENNEDY, you were here for an Airport joke, but now, I'm attacking you all with nukes, for real, and it will be 100% legal, jackass. Drop that bong, Ding-Dong! THIS IS WAR.

2. Bush, George W., I still don't need a lawyer, but I'd like to have one. What were you and your daddy arguing about 2002-2004? Me? Finkel & I? Should have listened to Bush, George H.W. 

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