Friday, February 25, 2011

Clearly "Schiziod Personalty Disorder"

To the "Q&A" we go:
Q: "What year was Hughes absolutely, positively, in his own view, not 'Bipolar'?"
A: "Oddly, but not, the 25 cent piece above tells you ca spy-idiots the answer."
Q: "Are you really going to get elected and go to a zero-defense budget?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "Hughes! We will surely be attacked by A-rabs and blah, blah, blah..."
A: "No, we won't. You will be perfectly safe."
Q: "How? How could this be possible?"
A: "I cannot tell you; not yet."

Is it United Technologies or some other competitor a-holes? [hold on...I'll look it up, if the illuminatis leave the TIME WARNER from ATLANTA moden on]. Yeah, thought so. Loaded up the simulator? Not yet? Oh, I'm sleeping in ditches & parks for another year? No Iowa? No New Hampshire? Are you nuts?

Why did I not call the print shop? Don't know. More fun to listen to "Bob" tell late bus stories. The LEE line was late for grandma Navy, too. I was a kid, but I was there. Simi Valley? How late was the bus? That's not the point. How about: a). Many, many THUGS; b). Hot spygirl in dark shades--don't I not love it; c). Bus personell? All negroes, and this, since I am a "liberal," is a good thing, however the presi...[i am not allowed to say anything bad about Obama, because I am the richest mofu*ker on this here Earth], hold on, little missy, I think [STOP THINKING, AND GET INTO STARBUCKS TO LOOK GAY & WEALTHY...hold on there, I'm not paying for this website, but "we" are not all rich, nor healthy, nor wealthy. Should the government care? YES! Did you say 172 million bucks to look for PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE on Al Gore's Internet? cursing! Uh, what if you don't know computers? "We are young hot-shot Democrat policy wonks, and we don't care."]

No vision? All you can say is something about our sadly deployed in the wrong places "troops."
--See the many, many U.S. Navy paint-scrapers or Marines (No USAF allowed).
--See the female at a podium/dias/lecturn with president's seal.
--See Marine One above, flying upside down.
--Hear her say, "I don't know why he does stuff like this, but I swear, he's not really 'biploar'."

[Insert marine grunts, groans, shouts, and stuff in unision. As for the "Football," you will toss your little navy hats in the air when I chuck it over the side of...what boat? MORON SPY CLUE: "Think champaigne." Yes you will, sailor, or you're on "KP Duty," whatever that is].

"WE" WILL ADDRESS DISAPPEARING QUARTERS NEXT WEEK, AS I SHALL STILL BE ALIVE TO DO SO. CHP, would it kill you to put up one (or more) of those DUI road block thingys, and thus put some intoxicated spies in jail? Oh, no, we're broke. Doesn't that make money for the county? They do it in Illinois--a lot. I myself was almost entrapped in one of Missouri's, but they let me fly by (such a non-mystery now). Do you drive on Massachusets toll roads for free? FLYING SAUCERS! FLYING TRIANGLES! FLYING MONKEYS!

No, please answer the question. Did Gardner order more sawhorses yet? Need a purchase order? Get moving! (my e-mail address did in fact end in .gov, and it will again, so I know how it works. shut up! shut up!). Is the bar with a Shamrock in the window all excited? Already? May I keep a secret? Better relent, because I did not reside in 1000 Oaks. Not really, but here they say, "I'll f--- you up!"

What does it mean?
What does it mean?

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