Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are We Going Viral Yet? btw, What Does That Mean?

Spykids, after two arsenic poisonings, one from McDonald's on WENDY DRIVE, and the other from MOTEL 6 in Carpinteria, putting "ig" on the screen is distinctly un-scary, because I hang with people who consistently get away with lying to United States kook Inspector Generals; behavior I do not endorse. Why am I writing, when I get time, to a governor who used to be a U.S. Attorney? Maybe he will help me, moron. The spy-word "wet" is not frightening, either, because your sorry butt is being transported by AMR, not mine, sir.

Do not ask who is to the right in my cropped photo above. Do not ask what that woman's daughter did to me--not until we are on Fox News & stuff.

Time Warner, has another diode failed? Not yet? Did I not call it? Why is my Ralph's cart packed with defense/defence mags? Perhaps I know what the tech writers are getting at. Does Huckabee? Pawlenty? Please, no Palin-speak tonight. I saw the cross-eyed photo, thanks to old spooks, I suppose. I don't get out much, girls. Was that guy from DIA? Taking jobs away from the "Dark Side?" We'll see about that, mister, and how positively "T.O." for the boss of the joint to say, "You can talk to him," then when I made total eeeeelectronic sense, the dude said, "Stop talking to me." Could this have something to do with upcoming litigation? The King has no lawyer, because he's all that? Not true, because every thief and con artist has a lawyer in Cali-fornia. How can I fight back, without becoming what they call a "Cop Caller?" What was that old joke of mine? "Please show Mr. Hughes your firearms or shut the f*** up." It's not funny anymore, as I am [BIG SECRET] planning for New Hampshire, 01/2012, and as Ed Sullivan said, "We've got a really big show." What's that H-taunt to maybe go with two "Hillbilly waves?" "You're not 'getting' us. Oh no you're not."

W. Hughes*
G. Hilton^
C. Radziwill#
D. Saunders
The Two Mildly Retarded, Maybe Lesbian, "Ghostbuster" Girls
"Dave," and His Nazi Fraulien Girlfriend
"Greg," from Appleton
The Hippie Goddess Janitor Girl (in the freight elevator with me too often, boys)
G. Margherita on the Phone ("What? Cuban Boat People broke down the door? I'm on my way.")
"Jane" by Jeff Starship on the radio a few times per hour. (Was Jane trying to kill my ass? Of course!)

Outrage Key
*He's nuts! He's nuts! Oh my God, he's what?"
^Q: "Related to the hotel people?" A: "Why would I be working here?" GOOD QUESTION, h-girls.
#Am I right? The old, "My roommates are out of town" routine? Teddy's 1980 office on the Capitol Square was workin' plenty late. Did I say, "Gayle, those Kennedy people are out front of that office looking at me." Nearly seduced as a married man, defending Jimmy Carter all the way? What did the man do in the Navy? Never mind. Is this real? LASER pointers from private jets at 2,000 feet or so? That's not a Follow Spot, spykids, but when I get out of here.....


[who is "we?" "what does he mean? what does he mean?" "They" are correct--I do rehearse lines. Will you back off? A little? Give the two families a little breathing room, please]

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