Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mr. Patience Is Now In a "Bit" of a Hurry

Fighting spies is often about what you don't say. Ask Colby. Oh, he's dead? That's right. And, he had a real .gov job with a pension and all of that. Oh, he never lived to collect it, right Steve? Right Rich? Another long story, I'm sure. Hollyscummywood, the script is called Turbulence. Gee whiz, how did he write a crappy "Rom Com" not knowing who he is? As I like to say, this is when the horn sounded @ Langley. "He's what? Looking up how a helicopter works? Get more spies on him! Quick! Talk about tossing hand grenades at Bush with the NSA listening and shit!" So ineffective. So stupid. Did anybody really get murdered? Talon Logs? Soldiers hanging by the cheery trees? Keep it up, asses. This is who it is, and I am not playing some stupid, childish, "game."

Let's see, Mr. CEO. I'm the pres, I am tired of your crap, and I learned this one from George W. Bush in Saint Louis, Missouri. Ready? Here we go, you-know-who!

"So, you don't like social justice? So, you don't like me? You don't like her? You don't like the Pope in Rome? What the f*** does that have to do with the price of eggs? Yes sir, that is indeed Marine One, I flew it here again, and you must have some foreign substance in your ears. See those helicopters up there? They are going to shoot at your stupid little dot com company, if you don't act right. Big bossman, eh? Who am I? Thank you, sir, I'll be on my way, but if I have to come back...


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