Friday, February 11, 2011

Think Again, Nutcase

If all of you kooks, "mystics," UFO-chasers, George Noory fans, and garden variety schizophrenics want to know why I am going to the TRUMAN PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY, it is to, as I often say, "Learn from the great ones" in planning for a nuclear war. You see, I am fully qualified to run for president, or serve as president, and dropping/shooting ICBM's tipped with nukes is (we hope not) part of the job. This "plan" I would share freely with the United States Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any lawful agency, but the joke is on you, nutcase, because those kind of people have known me a long time, so I am just not in "trouble" for being undeniably tortured for many years, nor am I a "Person of Interest" to such agencies, although if you-know-who will run with me, maybe they are gearing-up to assist, because as I often say, "You're not gonna get us" [Mr. Assassin]


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