Saturday, December 31, 2011

O.J. Pushers!

Anita was anti-gay? So am I, depending on the circumstances [like trying to worm your way into my homeless sleeping bag]. Politically, I think they should marry and adopt kids & so forth. I would not want to be raised by two same-sex parents, but it's better than being abused in the LSS non-shelter program, right Elton? Right! What is our "Anita" up to? Only God Almighty knows. Me? I don't give a rat's ass!

Friend of Proust?
Murdered by Nazis?
Tossed into an oven alive?
Your asses are NUKED!
Get along to your neo-Nazi, meth-selling dinner.
You are way out of your league, whereas I am not.
Don't mind the "schiozophrenic" with the Ralph's cart.
Uh, who's taking Zyprexa around here?
Can I feed all of Thousand Oaks off of one Advantage Card?
Ask Jerry Brown, not me.
May I read some court records to catch a few of my '02 Kids fake names?
How about "Amanda Pickle?"
"Dean Nichols?"
The e-mail to Pleban can wait, boys.
Was the USPS mail carrier from Iran?
I think so.
So what?
We discussed many things.
Mind your own f---ing business!
Can Mitt or Newt say, "I got niggahs in Iran."
Did I ask for them?
Is your name Hughes?
Nice dress.

How about some airplanes?

Oh Timmy!


Watching, watching, watching....while I grew tomatoes in the "Community Garden?" Time for Madison Square Garden, you Ding-Dong. I saw the Obammy in 2004 pic. I want my 3 minutes to denounce that jughead, and I'm a liberal. I'm a Democrat. And? He's nuts! I'm not.

Any civilian airliners shot down by our valiant troops lately? Your Honor, may I have my airline back? Buy a new one? I'm easy.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Time For The Prisoner Hood, Jews!

Mumbling? Speak up! The wealthist MO-ucker in the world {William Charles Hughes} wants to hear you. (Not really). Lutheran SS, they gave me a real "We torture A-rabs" [and get off Scott-free] PRISONER HOOD. It's in the Ralph's cart, Deputy on illegal drugs, and it's mine, not Ventura County's. May I put it on, along with some "KookLAFran&Tom" recommended EARPLUGS? No, because they'd "Call the cops."

Buddy, I am the cops. Therefore, let us have a nice peaceful weekend, until Jimmy makes the coffee on Monday morning. "The early bird gets the worm," said Maggie Leonard. She said it often, as William V helped peel potatoes. What else did she say? "The Captian goes down with the ship," and stuff like that. What else? "They'll put you on bread and water."

THANKS FOR THE BAGELS, JEWGIRLS! I'll "redistribute" them to the homeless, like Jesus. It's more than LSS does. "He's a communist!" Louder, spygirls. I can't hear you. Did you hear a presidential candidate from Minnesota is funding abortion doctor assassins? More on Monday, kids. Just call me "Bill Huffington."

*Elton, your greeting card turned nasty, but not ILLEGAL, sir. Ask any real federal agency. They sure watch me a lot. How about you?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Could Someone Please Pick Up The Pace? (Of what I do not know)

That is where I went to college. The school is in Saint Charles, Missouri. Any questions?

That is where we make beer in Saint Louis, Missouri. I got a ticket on I-55 at the spot pictured right after I tuned-up my Fiat 124. The cop said, due to its expense, not any other moving violations, "You could go to a class and make it go away." I took the class. I got my diploma. Then, I was told, "There's a warrant out for your arrest." Why? Supposedly, I did not pass the Driver's Class. Good thing the diploma did not "disappear." (See what it is like to be the Hughes?)
There's a pizza place that was not my favorite, but if intoxicated [Like White Castle visits], it's mighty cheesy, with a unique blend of...Valerie, what the hell kind of cheese is that?

Rick, may I run, too? I'm basically "liberal," but not like Californians, where we sit and ponder your sexuality; and your gender, which is sometimes difficult to discern.

I'm not treated as a political "grownup" until 2020? They'll still work, Jerry, as will the Minuteman III.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Have The Lights Gone Out In Georgia? (They just did here!) Why? Hughes on a computer? STOP HIM!!

Do they want my "Almost struck by lighting" story? Probably not. Very, very busy they are; with what I do not know. I used to call it "President Practice." Now, I may find a few good liberals in Austin, and run the power still on? Internet on? I must have it going on!!! Perry only has 8% among the GOP'ers? Can you spell "vulnerable?" I'm HUGHES TOOL COMPANY? You better believe it, girls! Is Molly Ivins spinning in her grave? [That's a political joke, son]

She's been bringing the Los Angeles Times? She's got cats? She's single? She votes Republican, but denies being one? Now bringing cold remedies? Hey, you lousy OWS seriously confused Obamapods, I finally got some help. Just a little, you not even a Google cubicle-worthy brain-jacked neo-DilbertDigitalMoron.

And the candidate pic comments were: ON ROMNEY, "He looks great, she looks frightful." ON NEWTSTER: "You're supposed to click your heels together before you salute like that." ON RON PAUL: "Pinching a baby's cheeks? He's a doctor, but that's kinda weird." And Mike said, "You're supposed to kiss the baby and steal the Lollypop." Hughes replied, "Yep, in one fluid motion."

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Busy? Just Post the Not Disappeared Yet "Do List"

That turd almost hit us in a what? PT Cruiser - one of the ugliest cars on the road. Hey NTSB, is it a truck, is it a car, is it a bird, is it a plane? Drink up! [At "The Loo" knows where]

What's "fun" about this, as I battle a bad cold that could send me to the ER with no "ObamaCare?" The ca sniffin', foot-twirling, running from their own shadows, IdiotRoboSpies do not get the St. Louis jokes, unless as Mark W. says, I, "Give it up."

What does the number "6" mean to spies? Don't you know the story? An actress of some renoun said, "I don't like all of the sixes in that flight number," and...down went the aircraft. Howard Hughes did it? Are you nuts? I'm his grandson, and you will state the nature of my supposed mental disorder, or I shall, "Call the cops, not deputies, although "we" are up to the Captain level with those rogues.

May I go to a prepared blog piece? What did the president have for lunch today? Michelle still a Targert shopper? I liked K-Mart, and now I read, along with Sears, they are so past tense. Wait a minute, spies. Didn't the Indian man say that about Comp USA? About Borders? About Office Max? Let's all sit at home and coat the walls with tinfoil. Let's not.

And my lawyers ran where? They cannot be found, along with the Judge who started a hearing with a "coded" death threat? Q: "What do the Feds say when Hughes files lawsuits pro se?" A: "This looks good to go." MORON LEGAL DISCLAIMER: It is not illegal to file your own lawsuit, but it does not go very far. Yes, CBK, I skipped law school, got kicked out of a Public Administration program with damn near a 4.0 [explain that one with your last breath, H.W.], got bronchitis {again} to knock me out of a Master's in Education @UMSL, but finally, in December, 1996, finished-up that big, not terribly lucrative SLU MSW.

I had great confidence either Rachel or Jill would get the GSAC printer to crank-out more "Citizen Complaint" forms, and as for Postage Stamps, old dependable will have them, I trust. It's kind of like Howard Dean: "On to Los Angeles County! On to El Segundo! On to Culver City! On to Carson City! On to Las Vegas! Ready? "This is Mister Hughes, Howard's grandson, and I don't want to buy a f___ing casino. I want to shut you jerks down cold. Would you like to 'comp' me a room?"

"Security! Security, come quick!"

Monday, December 26, 2011

Is Kaldi's Still There, Claire?

Homeless guys seem a bit misogynist. Can't imagine why.

Why did "they" turn my Microsoft Word 2007 ink red? As a lady from the Philippines shouted two years ago, "They're rich, and they sit on their asses!" Is that enough for the occupiers I will face-off with, because I'm too "conservative?" Are y'all nuts? I'm not.

"Testing, one, two three...Excuse me, I'm a bit hoarse from yelling at my staff. Where did we find these people? Oh, that's right, I found them, or they found me."

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bah Humbug!

I was watching Charlie's 19 inch RCA TV. It was on 60 Minutes, a long-running show on CBS. The U.S. Army's very expensive auto-gun with computers & shit, turned on the reviewing stand, so Generals +miscellaneous brass dived off the stand out of fear for their lives. This was/is a Hughes Aircraft-style joke? I laughed so hard @11019 I almost cried. That was my company? Bravo!!! Hey Panetta, Leon! Let's waste more taxpayer money after it is landing in my fist!

Today's Receipts:
Albertson's Rapid Rice, Half an Orange Buttermilk Stan's Donut, Minute Maid Apple Juice, LSS Peanut Butter & Jelly San, a Bag of Pretzels (straight sticks, not curved) , one Tangerine, and about 60% of a "previously smoked" Camel Filter cig.

Does that get me to 7900 Forsyth Blvd. in Clayton, Missouri? Sell a screenplay? Direct a movie? Fly an aircraft? Buy simulator time? Allow me to give Greg & the gang $300 and say, "Keep the change!"? Get your hound out of Oxnard, California's "Doggie Jail?" NO!!! 5150? On how many ca kooks if I could? Long ago lost count. What did London say? "You need a buddy in the Sheriff's Department."

From the Desk of CEH:
"I'm tight on time." "I'm fighting the clock" "The clock is working against me." What did I say today? "Ma'am, I can look for the black marker at four forty-five." "When is T---- coming back? When?" "Who are these people? Last name, please." And, on the oddly brighter side: "My son G--! He's out of you-know-where. And you were not there, too? What a lovely young couple. He, the screw-up, and she the attorney's daughter." [who fights like a man--until the cops arrive. Then she's a perfect lady]

Suddenly, they all want to talk, a lot--a whole lot. T-I-M-E. Okay Boson bosom buddies, may I have time to think it over? Review the distinctly not classified evidence? "National security?" Think expensive Disneyland. Under the DSM-IV, it's called "Thought Insertion." What are you going to call it under the stalled, always controversial DSM-V?
I think it will eventually be called "entertainment." Wireless movie beamed into your head? Easy! FACT: The compact disc did not have to spin. When did they decide that? About 1977. When did they design the Space Shuttle? About 1977. Music beamed into your head? There goes the record shop! [I'll miss the skinny guy who knows every rock & roll album ever cut] I'm "nuts?" No "visionaries," we have a problem.
No Post Office?
No FedEx?
No airlines?
No shipping industry?
No trucks?
No trains?
NO <USA gasp> automobiles?
What will we all do for a J-O-B?
M-O-N-E-Y? What is it?
My macroeconomics text that sublimely answered that question is in the PENSKE truck.
Hey .gov types, meantime I fit the McKinney Act definition of homeless as follows: "...individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence."

What's the bad joke, Congress? McKinney-Vento appears to this former bureaucrat and candidate for president to have been an afterthought in the No Child Left Behind Act. Barack who? Didn't he sponsor the "No Banker Left Behind Act?"
Out! Out with the Oreo!
Show that Negro the door!
Win NH in 5 days?
Never my decision.

Choice quote to piss & moan about while you celebrate something or other:

“In three cases the countries themselves called in the court; but this narrow focus has made many African governments suspicious of a body which has many member states…but big absentees, from America to India to most Middle Eastern countries.”

-   The Economist, 11.26.2011

     At 2:45 p.m. p.s.t. I can't use the Dial-A-Ride phone to call the U.S. Attorney's office in San Diego? I hope they had the Friday before Christmas off. Me? I'm busy putting you all in prison--for a very long time.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Opens Thursday at Theaters Nationwide

No stamps? Post Office closed on Saturday? (South of Los Angeles – July, 2008). Post Office closed early? (Thousand Oaks/Newbury Park – October, 2008). Hey! If you’re going to steal, steal, steal, how about from my real life? They are making the movie already? Hey, I’m not crazy or dead yet!

NURSE CREASY approaches.

Mister Hughes, you know lots of stuff, but you don’t look like it.

Hughes replaces a medical chart in the rack.

Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?

Hughes exits the unit.


What was Creasy's* full name? {CLASSIFIED}
Where did this take place?
5300 Arsenal Street
Saint Louis, MO  63139 

Contact Info:

800 Front Street, Room 6293
San Diego, CA  92101-8893

800 S. Victoria, Suite 314
Ventura, CA  930009

They're kind of like my literary agents, but not.

*Same name as a crazed U.S. Army General who sprayed nasty viruses over civilians to see how full the Barnes Hospital ER could get. Firmin (Now SLU) Deloge, too! Yes, The Exorcist boy was at The Loo's Alexian Brothers Hospital. Local Catholics got spooked and tore it down. 

Live From JFK: "Open mike! Open mike!"

What?Must be a "technical difficulty?" A mere "glitch."

A Pakistani Captain is now hurling allegations. "We can't get out of this [parking] place." Jill, issue the usual denials. I have nothing to do with it. It was said today, and they all heard it. I'm like Carville? I said, "Where's my pretty wife?" Was that before or after the niece photos? Timeline, timeline, timeline.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm Still Running as a Democrat, Mr. President Oreo {T-party wimps, here's your man} No election in November? You'll live!


"The apple does not fall far from the tree."

Lawsuit? Please! That's better than Traffic Court with no vehicle.
Where is my Nissan 240SX?
Where is my Ford Focus?
Where did that "Shehab" Russian Coke Whore [Cadillac Escalade] in Agoura Hills, CA go, Mr. LA County Deputy?

LEFT! RIGHT! LEFT! RIGHT! We're in the Army now, eating Army chow, you'll never get rich living in a ditch.....

New GSAC/CRPD Rule: R.S.V.P. Volunteers shall not kiss old guys on the mouth {esp. when below 50 y/o and oh so hot}

"It's not safe." And sleeping in a near-stranger's vehicle is? WELCOME TO VENTURA COUNTY

It has begun. J.K. said it, I did not. "They want sex."

How to pick up girls, by D---. "I've got a place in Malibu." If I had shouted, "No you don't, you lousy c---s---er!" Call the cops, call the cops, call the cops. I've long said, "Poor cops," despite my call to Jury Duty.   

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Least Scandalous Blog On the Web! Boring! Insipid! Foolhardy! Tell us something "we" don't already know, Hughes!

Human sex-slave ring? He looks the part. I had to say "human" because in California they might...

You're going to prison. Dance all you want. Hughes on dancing: "I flap my arms, and do what the woman does." This has not served me well.

Dance Card List:
E.S. ~ 1976
G.M. ~ 1980
K.B. ~ 1988
D.A. ~ 2002 {I wanted to, so it counts. Wrong place, wrong time}
P.B. ~ 2004


Looks a lot like a palatial country, not Countrywide Insurance estate I knew. Man, I'd like to grind your stump country girl, for a little drill "bit" of Gimmie Shelter. Did they act nuts all day in the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER? Yep. And, not a word was said, except maybe Mark Williams has backed-off his statement on Charles Z. in 2009, which was, "Not much we can do about hygiene back there" {In the Computer Lab//No class tomorrow or Friday}. May I blog? Start some sort of Facebook insurrection? Impeach Obama in his second term? Who was RMN? Where is the Wednesday night LSS sleep-over, get no social service help church? On WATERGATE, in WESTlake.

Look it up on Google!!!
Face Book? I'm trying, girls:
Police shooting in the City of St. Louis. Police shooting in Ferguson. Which story do you believe? The crying momma, or the cops? Every newspaper needs a "police beat reporter" willing to get to the truth. News not on paper? News Corporations lying their pin-striped asses off? Crazy blogs proliferating every day? The guy who called himself WB's "Prince" got it right in 1999--"Let's go crazy!" Let's NOT. How about some T-R-U-T-H?

TO: Steven M Palazzo (R)-MS
VIA: The Honorable Roger Wicker

Cutting NASA’s budget by over a half-billion dollars while bumming rides from the Russians? Disgraceful! Critics have dubbed the heavy-lift rocket propulsion system under development the “Senate Launching System?” No Orion? No further exploration of Mars? The president cut NASA travel “fat,” and an administrator promptly departed to audit science projects at the South Pole? May I travel to Washington, D.C. and raise some hell?

Monday, December 19, 2011

"Occupy Houses?" Hughes is still alive!

Didn't the court bust-up Microsoft? Not yet?

And filing "Citizen Complaints" by USPS as fast as I can! Mailperson, I've even got the Zip+4!!!

You really need to get off that "kick." What? I call it, "E.T.'s and Flying Saucers, Flying Triangles."

Oh RIDLEY SCOTT and JAMES CAMERON, let's don't get like Howard and Ronald, or maybe we should.

JERRY BRUCKHEIMER? Unspeakably sick-o!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

What Are You Missing?

My very liberal, ACLU attorney has been arrested already? Who's got ESP? Not me.

What don't they get about W-O-R-K? I'm not wealthy--yet. I have no income. I DO NOT qualify for a pension--yet. I can quote the Social Security Disability standard from the regs because I know them inside-out. What is my disability? There is none. DA Man "Ryan," could you hold off on any further harassment until I see if my job offer and acceptance is just another scam?


Thursday, December 15, 2011


F-15A - General, I loved it as a kid, but the National Guard fellow needs a real job, in my opinion.
F-15C - Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Senator Jim Talent may have even helped. A little. Senator Bond, we're not discussing. Not tonight. May I call the FBI? Thanks. People who don't work for them are telling me what their jobs entail. Take the psychotropics and keep quiet. You don't need them? Yes, you do!!!
F-15F - Models "keyed" to nations willing to buy? I could have thought of that.
F-15S - Ditto.
F-15SA - For Gulf States scared of Iran? I can fix that mess--cheaply.
Mirage - Looks nice. As with my F-15 line, a bit long in the tooth.
Raphael - May I take one for a spin?
Gripen - Broke? Now fixed and ready to disrupt the world's strategic balance even more. My advice? Stick to making Volvos. The problem was probably electrical, as with the automobiles.
Tornado - Competitive bums had to claim they were as close to one as I. Changed the name? NO SPARE PARTS FOR USA. Sorry (but not).
Typhoon - Kenny was so excited he crashed his bike, like the "Deputies on Drugs." How fast? And it what? 5150 time! For you, not me.
J-20 - So boring, I think I'll...zzzzzzz.....
SU-27 - Russians look just like us. This can be a problem, spies. Bill Colby once famously said all was well in his life because no one followed him around Moscow anymore. May I travel there on a boat and be followed? No deal? I'd better run for president. They would have to transport me there, unlike secretly wealthy VC helpless & homeless who have automobiles, yet like the Concord, NH cops, have "Other things to do."
India's Jet - Will you please knock it off?
~~more usa waste~~
F-16 - Who was "The Fischerman?" Okay, let's keep making this one, and only I know why? Are you nuts? I'm not, Newt.
F/A-18 - It has better radar? And, as a distinct bonus, everything works right? Thumbs up from H-man.
F-22 USAF, in their infinite wisdom, hid them because the F-35 boondoggle was so out of control, then either faked or had a real problem, "fixed it," then flew them again, and it screwed-up? I'm confused.
F-35 - You know the four letter word I use. "A piece of s---." Not sorry I know why. Has Ed torn-up my ticket yet? Not yet?

Two Journal Entries "They" Won't Like

It's deputy-you-know who's mom.

Deputies, my demand is for your illegal drug-filled asses to land in your own jail by Monday. I'm sure as hell not looking at the number (date), nor do I want a date with a female. [PBF, please so inform the Ft.Lauderdale frosted hair spying gay boys. Thanks. The local "Spystabulary" is utterly hopeless]. Given I've just won an argument with a "Brain-Jacked' youth about a GSAC rule regarding the Computer Lab door staying open, except during class, I'll calll it a night and use the microwave, rather than be attacked with the same energy, right President Oreo, WAR CRIMINAL? And Mr. Bush, a bird of a similar feather. WAR CRIMINALS.

On HEROIN "Deputy Bobblehead" date? 09/16/2011. Start your lying, LSS!!! {Or not. Need shelter? Stick with Hughes}

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Got a Name Now! "The Canadian Bacon and Molasses CounterRevolution"

Slow. Boring. Effective. How long ago did I remark to myself how I could well assist in working out some unspecified kinks in the airplane pictured above? Q: How do you remain sure you're Howard's grandson, William? A: When the way cooler Gripen photo did not get posted. Why not? Hughes (me) is now studying heat dissipation around the aircraft. This has been a problem with the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] F-35, but not the Typhoon/Eurofighter. Rachel, is the Internet still on? We go to!!!

Work, work, work. How about I cheat and post the hometown remarks. Today, regarding a Deputy selling heroin. Really? Please, don't ask what's in the "Northern Lights" bag, deputy. Dean can't spell in January of 2011? He was corrected by February. Oh, those computers! What is a Skype? She knows? Add the Bond movie
"Stop them! Stop them!" May I take a nap? Only at the library? Leave it to Aviation Week to explain, uh, I'd better shut up, right?

"Wow! I worked with those guys, and if I may referee, Sheriff Deputies are generally not as well-trained as the, for example, mighty "Internationally Accredited" Saint Louis County Police. Mighty cranky, that "Sheep Dog." No one wants to be "framed" for a crime--in uniform or not--so may we see what emerges in the TRIAL? So easy to blame others for the government's prohibited substances of any era. Remember alcohol Prohibition? It was repealed, and it was regarding the most dangerous drug of all."

The Clash? Help! More free stories? They came to the Great StudentGov Bossman Hughes in his dorm room. The women want this, the women want that. [At a formerly all-female Presbyterian College]. Hughes was, and is, a "good listener." The 1976-77 purse strings had to be controlled by "the guys." After marijuana was smoked, and many words were spoken, I declared, "Let's steamroll them!" That is what HH's people said? One more CA/T.O./GSAC conversation about Howard's Lieutenants, the glory days of Hughes Aircraft, etc. and I'm "calling them all" (CHP, FBI, SS). That's right, "Ed 3.0."

What did they say this a.m.? "William, we don't know what to make of her. Could you check her out?" Diagnosis: CONFIDENTIAL. My Treatment Plan? "Gain 15 pounds and resume working out." A CA interview question was, "You fight like a guy, don't you?" Blushing? Not allowed! It's the Great One!!! Is she ever stong. Don't let the skinny size fool 'ya! As above? No comment. Did they say it about Ms. TV Star? "She's on drugs!" Repeat PRN when your name is HUGHES, not FORD.

Dressed like an 80's "Big Hair Band" member on Halloween? Must be nice. My real-life slogans? "This ain't no movie!" "This ain't Harrison Ford!" And, "Did you see Air Force One?" SPY-MORON EXPLANATION: The president in the movie would not yield to terrorists. Is this Kansas City? Not yet, Senator Claire.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Betsy," YOUR DEPUTIES ARE ON DRUGS, and Tell DA Greg I Said, "Hi"

"Lowell" is here. Put out on the street in a wheelchair by Thousand Oaks Innkeepers. Jerry, where is his MO RCF II?

And what were the founding "guys" mumbling? "That woman is nuts." OWS and neo-Nazis alike, Hughes has news for you. Some things never change.

More right here fans, when the risk of additional acts of Ventura County's second favorite activity--STEALING--has diminished. Their favorite illicit activity? Selling drugs, of course!

My "followers" have many strange ideas they do not share, then they yell at me to, "Shut up!" I think they are slowly figuring it out. I can make the movie. I can run American Airlines. I can get, as I like to say, "Stuck in there" as POTUS. Latest FREE pitch? "William, Pot Policeman." In this wacky 30 minute comedy, William the Sheriff Deputy has a tough job--counting California's legal pot plants. He was drummed out of the Army and grew that ponytail? Viewers can't figure it out, as America laughs from week to week at William's military demeanor when he says to the illegal pot farmer, "May I sample the product, sir?" After some violent coughing, the weed is rated, envelopes of cash tucked up behind the Sheriff's vehicle sun visor, and...oh my! Evil, highly comical growers have decided to "take out" our corrupt screwball cop! Every week they fail, of course! "William, Pot Policeman," next Fall on ABC. CBS? I'll drop the president thing; I promise.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The 9 That Will Be a Movie? Never!

Spalsh! It's a screenplay (FOR SALE), you idiot CreatureGameBoy!

Boom! "Lunch time!" movie director Hughes would yell. Are you perhaps a union man? "Hey mafia! Where were 'ya? That was sure a long f---ing break!"

Can't distinguish fact from fiction/fantasy? You may need strong medication. 

"I'm just a voting member when I'm flying an F/A-18...The Hornet's my day job. But in these [antique] planes, I'm the flight computer."
- Capt. Mark Hubbard, Lemore NAS

Captain Hubbard, I realize that's the wrong jet, because I really did build radio stations from scratch, launch model rockets, make movies, and bug people with listening devices. All well before I got elected president--of my Catholic high school.

Call a family member? They didn't seem to think writing is work. Red beret types in North or West Hollywood, you know the deal, don't you? It's the best thing since sliced white Wonder Bread! It's shit! It's something in between. No, it's HughesScreenplay#9, and it is how good? "They're gonna kill you and steal it," said Mario over #8. This one is way better?

I gotta go to NV, MO, TX, IA, NH, SC, FL - or someplace where I either rightfully own something, or can run for office as a Democrat. Friends? Surely you jest. And that screenplay? It's kind of like a.....What's my name? The obligatory dogfight has been completed. My favorite lines, Mr. Hollywood Literary Agent? You want it for free? Go to hell!!!