Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lauren Hutton - Son Not Tumblin' Dice

Not yours. Mine.

May I continue my letter to the Ventura County Star complaining about LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES, a crazed spying/drugselling ring I've been trying to file a lawsuit against since April 1, 2009, the day they tossed a sleeping bag at me on the Lutheran church lot to signal, "You're on your own, buddy"? Since then, I've done quite well for myself. 210 hours of not so secret volunteer time at the senior center, five "Hollywood Helpers," many rich & famous sightings,* a pack of crazies who might get me a pack of cigs, or they might not, a "drug advisor" who knows what he's talking about, a guy who looks like a "hitman," so punks tend to not stand over me with a lit laptop computer in the park, as they used to, two smart young women who accepted HUGHES FOR PRESIDENT 2012 jobs as a "joke," then correctly figured out I can indeed do the job. {In fact, after this much of what I call "spy movie crap" I am overqualified}, and several people who might actually DRIVE ME OUT OF YOUR ACCURSED TOWN NAMED THOUSAND OAKS, CA, NOT DRIVE ME NUTS.

[I'm watching bad weather on radar in the Northeast. Get the "message?" Gardner, this is not looking good. So mafia!]

The late HP spying lady said what? [look-up quote, fast!]

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