Friday, December 2, 2011

Rosary High & Lindenwood College, What Did You Expect?

 Bunch of Navy bullcrap! Have I changed at all, Irwin Hall?

Some crazy guy--I don't know his last name--borrowed my lighter. My least favorite, been in the joint more than once, maybe gay stalker is nearby. I'm listening to Montreal ATC and 103.5 in Denver, "The Fox." I am composing an e-mail to Barack Obama, and I intend to, as I told the NH Secretary of State's people, "Beat his butt." My Ralph's homeless cart sits outside an Agency on Aging Senior Center, where all are under credible threat of arrests on federal felonies for continuing to try and drive me crazy. Did you hear about the big National Socialist (Nazi) takeover out here in a consistently "Blue State. Liberal? What a bunch of crap!!! 

I talk to myself a lot. So does Tom in the beat to shit Red Nissan Sentra. He used to be a stockbroker. I used to be a social worker, until I started running for president. Today, I've been saying, "I'll punch your teeth down your throat and put you in jail." Are they "Calling the cops" yet? I hope so. Call the cops, and I'll call the Secret Service off their butts in LA. Send the real Secret Service to run down a lie, and I'll "Call the cops." As the old mafias in the Billiard Room have exclaimed, "Only you can do that!" That's right, asshole!!!

May I get a job as a "community organizer?" Sorry, I'd rather make president and pay you all back. Think Hound Dog, MX. Minuteman, etc.

How about "beetle," "studebaker," "K-man420," "jjk," "DanThe Man," "JournalismOftenSucks" "summerlin," "doctorrock," "lancelot," and me, "William Hughes" on that PD comment blog? Like my coffee and occasional cig, it's just not illegal.

"Rough-up" Hughes at the library during June, 2009? My sin? Interfering with local drug traffic by eating a peanut butter sandwich and wondering why you were all sitting there like rodents. Witnesses denied being there? Shocking! What did MIKE MCADAM say yesterday when I termed my lack of last names over the past three years "weird." "Not in this town," he said. Really? May I smoke some crack like the New Republic guy did in 1982? Why did I know a guy on the staff there? Why did William F. Buckley engage in a "stare-down" with me? Why do I seem to know Royals from all over the world? Favorite story? "We were flying along in the King's 707 and..." It was Nasser's great-granddaughter? Somebody is in deep doo-doo, not me. She said, rather loudly, "We are journalists from Egypt, blah, blah, blah." I thought, "I don't like that obvious Air Force guy out there." Not the real one? Get a grip, sailor!


Andrea -

I heard a rumor there was a meeting at the library regarding the many homeless persons in the CRPD park. Unfortunate it is that the best qualified candidate for President of the United States was not invited.

If true, who sponsored the meeting? Who attended? Were you in attendance? If you attended, would you kindly summarize the proceedings in writing?

William C. Hughes

<when google changes the colors, and I can't change them back, it means their mafia attorney has been contacted via Nickelback speed dial. to the "other blog!">

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