Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mr. Mitchell is NOT the AG, and BTW, what are you high on?

More stolen property today? Excellent!

From:    William Hughes (
Sent:    10 December 2011 22:52:46

The Fed Rescued failed CEO's? The Fed rescued failing European banks? The Fed "arm-twisted" English, Canadian, Japanese, Swiss, and EU Central Banks? Nearly 8 Trillion down the tubes, per Bloomberg? And, that was in addition to Bailouts I & II? They printed money worth HALF a year's USA GDP?

Now GOP blames a "socialist" President Obama, when the Fiat Money was handed out by an old Bush 43 appointee? Yes, Al, that is scary, but not because the dominoes are going to fall. The fright--to me at least--is is our banks squandering the "free money" as they raise decidedly regressive "private taxes" like ATM fees. That's quite a squeeze on Pat Buchanan's disappearing "Middle America."

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