Thursday, December 8, 2011

Handwritten H-notes, Delivered & Undelivered, a Stale, Bitter, Blog Piece, and Andy Rooney Died, but Not On 60 Minutes

JILL JENSEN on Hughes Airwest: "I don't like the graphics."

RACHEL COWEN on the H-life: "William, you're whole life is like a movie."

What was that? "Bond, James Bond," and "Hughes, Charles Hughes." Why quit the MISSOURI ATHLETIC CLUB. All done. William in a suit that would fit once more today at the MAC "Men's Grill." Now I get the joke! No, you cannot have any cake. Yes, I will eat Candy's lunch for dinner. You can't stop it. Will I pull the cart in the GSAC door and call "911?" Only if a weapon is produced. Then, Alan, Jill, and I will kill your ass before "The Cops" arrive. Make up a story? Me? Dinner tonight at the Chinese church, as the one I called "The Church of the C-130" dropped out. First, the helicopter. Then, the easy to fly by .mil dumbos aircraft "Trimmed the trees." Are you deaf, you old mafia buzzard?

I'm "delusional?" Hardly. Who produced that glossy mag with the C-130 flight deck in there? The throttles practically say, "ON GROUND," "TAKE OFF" "FLYING," "GO FAST" "LAND PLANE," etc. I could do that, too. Helicopters are re-fuelable from one? I saw the photo! Am I warm at night? Yes. Can you have one penny? No.

Mike -
I'm now an official Goebel snitch. They called you a word that begins with "A." It was not a compliment.

Candice -
Do you have this kind of problem? Call Ms. Chasson [,gov lawyer on Hinckley's ass] or Mr. Levine [Johnny's lawyer] re: JOHN HINCKLEY? Saw him in Madison, WI in early 1981 and in March he...

By the spot where I picked-up my NY Times. How did I know he'd been in Madison? The Capital Times.

Who Needs a Powerful I.G.?
To the "bullet points!"
- 64.7 Billion Dollar Program Abolished by a Crazed Republican Congress; Bread Riots to Follow
- 300 Million Diverted to Barack and Michelle's Best Friends (Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas)
- 597 Convictions, One Still in Jail; 197.4 Million in Fines, $101.16 Collected to Date
- Forfeiture Orders? No Way; It's Private Property, Like HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO.
- U.S.D.A.  I.G.: Who? What Self-Respecting Gangster Would Care?
- 10 Year Contract; Who Did They Know? Obama's in the U.S. Illegally Relative?
- 25 Million Dollars? I Get the Joke!
- SRA International; Fighting Fraud Since the Ink Dried on Their LLC Papers. I Got One, Too! I-270 & Germantown Road! Is the C.I.A. Your Neighbor Down the Road? Answer the question!!!

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