Thursday, December 15, 2011


F-15A - General, I loved it as a kid, but the National Guard fellow needs a real job, in my opinion.
F-15C - Jobs, jobs, jobs, and Senator Jim Talent may have even helped. A little. Senator Bond, we're not discussing. Not tonight. May I call the FBI? Thanks. People who don't work for them are telling me what their jobs entail. Take the psychotropics and keep quiet. You don't need them? Yes, you do!!!
F-15F - Models "keyed" to nations willing to buy? I could have thought of that.
F-15S - Ditto.
F-15SA - For Gulf States scared of Iran? I can fix that mess--cheaply.
Mirage - Looks nice. As with my F-15 line, a bit long in the tooth.
Raphael - May I take one for a spin?
Gripen - Broke? Now fixed and ready to disrupt the world's strategic balance even more. My advice? Stick to making Volvos. The problem was probably electrical, as with the automobiles.
Tornado - Competitive bums had to claim they were as close to one as I. Changed the name? NO SPARE PARTS FOR USA. Sorry (but not).
Typhoon - Kenny was so excited he crashed his bike, like the "Deputies on Drugs." How fast? And it what? 5150 time! For you, not me.
J-20 - So boring, I think I'll...zzzzzzz.....
SU-27 - Russians look just like us. This can be a problem, spies. Bill Colby once famously said all was well in his life because no one followed him around Moscow anymore. May I travel there on a boat and be followed? No deal? I'd better run for president. They would have to transport me there, unlike secretly wealthy VC helpless & homeless who have automobiles, yet like the Concord, NH cops, have "Other things to do."
India's Jet - Will you please knock it off?
~~more usa waste~~
F-16 - Who was "The Fischerman?" Okay, let's keep making this one, and only I know why? Are you nuts? I'm not, Newt.
F/A-18 - It has better radar? And, as a distinct bonus, everything works right? Thumbs up from H-man.
F-22 USAF, in their infinite wisdom, hid them because the F-35 boondoggle was so out of control, then either faked or had a real problem, "fixed it," then flew them again, and it screwed-up? I'm confused.
F-35 - You know the four letter word I use. "A piece of s---." Not sorry I know why. Has Ed torn-up my ticket yet? Not yet?

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