Friday, December 23, 2011

Bah Humbug!

I was watching Charlie's 19 inch RCA TV. It was on 60 Minutes, a long-running show on CBS. The U.S. Army's very expensive auto-gun with computers & shit, turned on the reviewing stand, so Generals +miscellaneous brass dived off the stand out of fear for their lives. This was/is a Hughes Aircraft-style joke? I laughed so hard @11019 I almost cried. That was my company? Bravo!!! Hey Panetta, Leon! Let's waste more taxpayer money after it is landing in my fist!

Today's Receipts:
Albertson's Rapid Rice, Half an Orange Buttermilk Stan's Donut, Minute Maid Apple Juice, LSS Peanut Butter & Jelly San, a Bag of Pretzels (straight sticks, not curved) , one Tangerine, and about 60% of a "previously smoked" Camel Filter cig.

Does that get me to 7900 Forsyth Blvd. in Clayton, Missouri? Sell a screenplay? Direct a movie? Fly an aircraft? Buy simulator time? Allow me to give Greg & the gang $300 and say, "Keep the change!"? Get your hound out of Oxnard, California's "Doggie Jail?" NO!!! 5150? On how many ca kooks if I could? Long ago lost count. What did London say? "You need a buddy in the Sheriff's Department."

From the Desk of CEH:
"I'm tight on time." "I'm fighting the clock" "The clock is working against me." What did I say today? "Ma'am, I can look for the black marker at four forty-five." "When is T---- coming back? When?" "Who are these people? Last name, please." And, on the oddly brighter side: "My son G--! He's out of you-know-where. And you were not there, too? What a lovely young couple. He, the screw-up, and she the attorney's daughter." [who fights like a man--until the cops arrive. Then she's a perfect lady]

Suddenly, they all want to talk, a lot--a whole lot. T-I-M-E. Okay Boson bosom buddies, may I have time to think it over? Review the distinctly not classified evidence? "National security?" Think expensive Disneyland. Under the DSM-IV, it's called "Thought Insertion." What are you going to call it under the stalled, always controversial DSM-V?
I think it will eventually be called "entertainment." Wireless movie beamed into your head? Easy! FACT: The compact disc did not have to spin. When did they decide that? About 1977. When did they design the Space Shuttle? About 1977. Music beamed into your head? There goes the record shop! [I'll miss the skinny guy who knows every rock & roll album ever cut] I'm "nuts?" No "visionaries," we have a problem.
No Post Office?
No FedEx?
No airlines?
No shipping industry?
No trucks?
No trains?
NO <USA gasp> automobiles?
What will we all do for a J-O-B?
M-O-N-E-Y? What is it?
My macroeconomics text that sublimely answered that question is in the PENSKE truck.
Hey .gov types, meantime I fit the McKinney Act definition of homeless as follows: "...individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence."

What's the bad joke, Congress? McKinney-Vento appears to this former bureaucrat and candidate for president to have been an afterthought in the No Child Left Behind Act. Barack who? Didn't he sponsor the "No Banker Left Behind Act?"
Out! Out with the Oreo!
Show that Negro the door!
Win NH in 5 days?
Never my decision.

Choice quote to piss & moan about while you celebrate something or other:

“In three cases the countries themselves called in the court; but this narrow focus has made many African governments suspicious of a body which has many member states…but big absentees, from America to India to most Middle Eastern countries.”

-   The Economist, 11.26.2011

     At 2:45 p.m. p.s.t. I can't use the Dial-A-Ride phone to call the U.S. Attorney's office in San Diego? I hope they had the Friday before Christmas off. Me? I'm busy putting you all in prison--for a very long time.

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