Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Busy? Just Post the Not Disappeared Yet "Do List"

That turd almost hit us in a what? PT Cruiser - one of the ugliest cars on the road. Hey NTSB, is it a truck, is it a car, is it a bird, is it a plane? Drink up! [At "The Loo" knows where]

What's "fun" about this, as I battle a bad cold that could send me to the ER with no "ObamaCare?" The ca sniffin', foot-twirling, running from their own shadows, IdiotRoboSpies do not get the St. Louis jokes, unless as Mark W. says, I, "Give it up."

What does the number "6" mean to spies? Don't you know the story? An actress of some renoun said, "I don't like all of the sixes in that flight number," and...down went the aircraft. Howard Hughes did it? Are you nuts? I'm his grandson, and you will state the nature of my supposed mental disorder, or I shall, "Call the cops, not deputies, although "we" are up to the Captain level with those rogues.

May I go to a prepared blog piece? What did the president have for lunch today? Michelle still a Targert shopper? I liked K-Mart, and now I read, along with Sears, they are so past tense. Wait a minute, spies. Didn't the Indian man say that about Comp USA? About Borders? About Office Max? Let's all sit at home and coat the walls with tinfoil. Let's not.

And my lawyers ran where? They cannot be found, along with the Judge who started a hearing with a "coded" death threat? Q: "What do the Feds say when Hughes files lawsuits pro se?" A: "This looks good to go." MORON LEGAL DISCLAIMER: It is not illegal to file your own lawsuit, but it does not go very far. Yes, CBK, I skipped law school, got kicked out of a Public Administration program with damn near a 4.0 [explain that one with your last breath, H.W.], got bronchitis {again} to knock me out of a Master's in Education @UMSL, but finally, in December, 1996, finished-up that big, not terribly lucrative SLU MSW.

I had great confidence either Rachel or Jill would get the GSAC printer to crank-out more "Citizen Complaint" forms, and as for Postage Stamps, old dependable will have them, I trust. It's kind of like Howard Dean: "On to Los Angeles County! On to El Segundo! On to Culver City! On to Carson City! On to Las Vegas! Ready? "This is Mister Hughes, Howard's grandson, and I don't want to buy a f___ing casino. I want to shut you jerks down cold. Would you like to 'comp' me a room?"

"Security! Security, come quick!"

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