Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's Got a Name Now! "The Canadian Bacon and Molasses CounterRevolution"

Slow. Boring. Effective. How long ago did I remark to myself how I could well assist in working out some unspecified kinks in the airplane pictured above? Q: How do you remain sure you're Howard's grandson, William? A: When the way cooler Gripen photo did not get posted. Why not? Hughes (me) is now studying heat dissipation around the aircraft. This has been a problem with the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] F-35, but not the Typhoon/Eurofighter. Rachel, is the Internet still on? We go to!!!

Work, work, work. How about I cheat and post the hometown remarks. Today, regarding a Deputy selling heroin. Really? Please, don't ask what's in the "Northern Lights" bag, deputy. Dean can't spell in January of 2011? He was corrected by February. Oh, those computers! What is a Skype? She knows? Add the Bond movie
"Stop them! Stop them!" May I take a nap? Only at the library? Leave it to Aviation Week to explain, uh, I'd better shut up, right?

"Wow! I worked with those guys, and if I may referee, Sheriff Deputies are generally not as well-trained as the, for example, mighty "Internationally Accredited" Saint Louis County Police. Mighty cranky, that "Sheep Dog." No one wants to be "framed" for a crime--in uniform or not--so may we see what emerges in the TRIAL? So easy to blame others for the government's prohibited substances of any era. Remember alcohol Prohibition? It was repealed, and it was regarding the most dangerous drug of all."

The Clash? Help! More free stories? They came to the Great StudentGov Bossman Hughes in his dorm room. The women want this, the women want that. [At a formerly all-female Presbyterian College]. Hughes was, and is, a "good listener." The 1976-77 purse strings had to be controlled by "the guys." After marijuana was smoked, and many words were spoken, I declared, "Let's steamroll them!" That is what HH's people said? One more CA/T.O./GSAC conversation about Howard's Lieutenants, the glory days of Hughes Aircraft, etc. and I'm "calling them all" (CHP, FBI, SS). That's right, "Ed 3.0."

What did they say this a.m.? "William, we don't know what to make of her. Could you check her out?" Diagnosis: CONFIDENTIAL. My Treatment Plan? "Gain 15 pounds and resume working out." A CA interview question was, "You fight like a guy, don't you?" Blushing? Not allowed! It's the Great One!!! Is she ever stong. Don't let the skinny size fool 'ya! As above? No comment. Did they say it about Ms. TV Star? "She's on drugs!" Repeat PRN when your name is HUGHES, not FORD.

Dressed like an 80's "Big Hair Band" member on Halloween? Must be nice. My real-life slogans? "This ain't no movie!" "This ain't Harrison Ford!" And, "Did you see Air Force One?" SPY-MORON EXPLANATION: The president in the movie would not yield to terrorists. Is this Kansas City? Not yet, Senator Claire.

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