Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Did Your Grandpa Number the Area Codes? No wonder AT&T loves me!

"We" begin our tour today with Mr. Baldwin, who is, as I like to say, "So in jail" for misbehaving on an airliner? I gave the TWA flight crews crap, and did not know it was my old airline. By the way, what soldier or sailor shot down my 747?

Spykids, drone-thingy winged devices are a matter of public record, as are my full-length, original screenplays you like to steal, steal, steal. My I finish this scene? Thanks! [I had to pull it from my homeless "storage," otherwise known as "MSN."]

But first, blond-headed age late 20's VC Deputy who is going to put our not-so-loved GSAC staff in the County Jail if I need to call, how about that poisoning last night? Why, Mr. Bruce had to awaken me like the valet he's not. A dozen nicknames and rising? Get on to your GF in AZ, if she's real.

"Pinkie," on the other hand, has much more sense, after showing way too much "CBK Curiosity." In jail yet? Not yet? He ran off to the vicinity of his lawyer's office. Not as dumb as some, LSS crew.

Where did the NORTHRUP-LITTON DOGWALKING MAN go? He's down the road after watching me suffer for over two years and then muttering, regarding POTUS slavery, "You need a little work, but you're alright." Did "they" do this to Clinton? Obama? I think they did it to fellow TX-ian Bush. He was "missing" for awhile, but not this long.

Next image, please...
My "followers," such as they are, need to grow-up and help me get elected to something/anything. Given they seem to be either nuts, rich, or on drugs, for the Hughes, I guess this is status quo, with no Mormon bodyguards this time.

No, I am not going there. "Tammy, may I have a ride to..."

I have a big Hefty bag full of neckties awaiting me. Oh yes I do, PENSKE! ["CONFESSION" - I did take a few off Charles, then Jimmy Carter wore one like it? It was a body-double? Who cares!!!]

BHI microwave towers by the ceement pond? Mark, I should have put some vodka in that poisoned GoBell punch. Rachel was moving card tables! I saw it! And, without asking, she said, "William, it's eight thirty-five." A female gave me the time of day! And, as a bonus, I got the joke, unlike most CA dropouts, who have what we mental health pros call a, "Poor fund of knowledge." (To go with their bad livers & HIV).

May I listen to the airplanes? It's just not illegal, but making the passengers wait too long is. Sorta...kinda.

The civil case jurists will fall asleep before asking, "Can we find for Mister Hughes and go home now?" Lawyer? Not just yet, my pretty. This is getting too "good" or "bad," depending on, as "I lost 'em* in Thailand Rich" said in 1986, your "perspective."

*Son, that's a reference to the 9/11 hijackers, and yes, you are going to jail.

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