Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Have The Lights Gone Out In Georgia? (They just did here!) Why? Hughes on a computer? STOP HIM!!

Do they want my "Almost struck by lighting" story? Probably not. Very, very busy they are; with what I do not know. I used to call it "President Practice." Now, I may find a few good liberals in Austin, and run the power still on? Internet on? I must have it going on!!! Perry only has 8% among the GOP'ers? Can you spell "vulnerable?" I'm HUGHES TOOL COMPANY? You better believe it, girls! Is Molly Ivins spinning in her grave? [That's a political joke, son]

She's been bringing the Los Angeles Times? She's got cats? She's single? She votes Republican, but denies being one? Now bringing cold remedies? Hey, you lousy OWS seriously confused Obamapods, I finally got some help. Just a little, you not even a Google cubicle-worthy brain-jacked neo-DilbertDigitalMoron.

And the candidate pic comments were: ON ROMNEY, "He looks great, she looks frightful." ON NEWTSTER: "You're supposed to click your heels together before you salute like that." ON RON PAUL: "Pinching a baby's cheeks? He's a doctor, but that's kinda weird." And Mike said, "You're supposed to kiss the baby and steal the Lollypop." Hughes replied, "Yep, in one fluid motion."

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