Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I Almost Got It! (B-o-e-h-n-e-r)

I was in that hallway FOUR YEARS AGO. Deny this fact, and get punched in the nose! Did you say, "Call the cops?" YOU are getting a mug shot, not me! NEWLY ALLEGED FACTS:
He said, "Was that a 'private cop'?" I said, "No, I think it was a real deputy." Got any new warrants out on you, moron? Started a fight at the homeless dinner, did you? Drunk again, are you? Do I care? No!!! PROBABLE FACT #2: When I looked around the corner this a.m., and a female was tying her running shoe, again it is not Michael Jackson fans running around the park listening to devices, and you just might be headed to prison for a long, long, time.

Why did I "google" the search term "atomic hoody" and got this, Dougie--my #1 does not ever get a clue STALKER? What did you show the fake deputy, Doug? A little fake narc "Get out of jail card?" Bye-bye; and it's your "friends" putting you away for good, not me.

On to the defense/defence business at hand. How dare he read those Aviation Week mags from who? UNITED AIRLINES. And, Hughes is a "drug counselor?" Got no license, so I can be more or less likely sued, "Leslie?"
GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER -- Ten Million Dollar Lawsuit, Ron.
LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) -- Hughes will let you "slide" on a Five Million civil "rap," because you just won't stop sending-in kooks, drunks, drug addicts, hackers, and generalized SOCIOPATHS.
What do I really want to do with my trillions, boys? BUILD A CHAIN OF PRIVATE (very private) MENTAL HOSPITALS IN CALIFORNIA. I know how to {{[desing] = "de-sing?" Where's Kenny? Who's running up to Ralph's for "provisions?"}} The text read: "I know how to design them." Alas! I know whow to run them, and how! Right "Linda Parks?" Right! Linda, did your staff come out of that Thousabnd Oaks Boulevard office and stare at me like robots in 2009? Sure did! Let's talk about it while there is still time. Gotta get to NH, ma'am.

Moving to national politics, wait until the proper committeee chairpersons get my "Way too many F-35 articles in my 100% free Aviation Week magazines from October, 2011" blasts of hot air. What did Ms. Jensen say? "I'll warn you." (About taking another g**damn defense or electronics magazine from that freaking--is "freaking" O.K. for the news?--table at the Goebel). MORE FACTS: I did interview for a job at McGraw Hill long ago. They do, in fact, publish Aviation Week. This means you are screwed. Why? What was their 1980's assessment of me? "Hughes, you cut right through the bullshit." Has anything changed, sir? No. And, I read in you-know-what magazine that big-shots may say "screwed" at the Press Club in Washington. BTW, Who is getting screwed on trying to blame me for your HEROIN DEALING? Gotta go! 

Obama, so can I!!!!! (No, I did not mean sell drugs with the "Afghan Gang," even though I went to college with one of their Royals. I meant I may legally say, perhaps, "Screw the president's economic snake oil" at the Press Club. Me? A real liberal? Doing "T-party" heavy lifting? Outrageous!

Who's driving to NH, mafia(s)?
You want me hollering in the NV caucus casino? Think it over, fellahs.
"Gambling! It must be made illegal! Drugs! Money laundering! Increasing bankruptcies! I'm not ever buying a damn gambling house like grandpa! The kids have no shoes! Prostitution! (see 'ya later, girls...wink...wink)
*Hey Marine Boy! That excuse for a "cockpit" sure looks scary, and I don't fly anything. How many have dunked in the water? Be honest now, soldier!!! GLUG, GLUG, GLUG--there goes 143 million. Hey buddy, I'll build you some avionics for an old, slightly used Tornado with low miles. Real cheap! Inquire @GSAC.

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