Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Now, Let's Get Really Nasty

I saw Jerry's version in a Temple. No comment. 9 stories up. I smoked it out. Look at the girl, son. Always keep an eye on the girl.

As for Donna's place out in what the fuck Florida...oh, Tamarac? I'd like to pull a Uzi myself and, "Take care of business." They'd do that for me? Cool!

AND NOW, AS Onion Horton would say, to "Send 'ya home," HERE ARE THE MICHELLE OBAMA TARGET PHOTO "INSIDE JOKES" "Hey Frank! Does this blog go anywhere? China? What the hell? There, too? I still call it the 'Soviet Union.' Do you think that will get me some 'traction.' Oh, that's right, I quit again."

To the Journal You Are Not Stealing, "Peg-Leg":
"Walk much?"
Steal any of my property yet? Not yet? Are all of the ex presidents still alive? If not, I did not do it, Mark. Is Obammy okay? I would not know.
VERA: "William, how could you hurt the president?"
ME: "Vera, there is no way for me to do that."
Do I know "Vera's LAST FUCKING NAME? Of course not. Mine is "Hughes," or "Brunswick." Bobby thought it was the latter. He got murdered. So did James. He got murdered. What a nice little community you have here! No wonder they jog around, numbnuts!!! [Are Peter and Doug in jail yet? Not yet?]

The following is dedicated to a black man who got his fellow black folk a J-O-B, unlike the President of the United States. Is the Internet off yet, Jill? ALL CA SPIES: "Who is that guy? Who is that guy?" HINT For Ninnies: He's from Missouri, like me.

L. to R.
1. Michelle Obama is carrying one bag, with nothing visible in the cart.
2. The woman behind her is carrying two bags over her shoulder.
3. The woman is wearing an "apparel joke."
4. I've placed the woman next to me in 2000-2001.
5. Michelle's hat color.
6. The Nike checkmark.
7. Michelle's blouse is like a nurse's or dental hygenicist's. May I fix my crowns, please?
8. Gold purse? I thought you & hubby were only worth a cool million or so.
9. The woman behind her is under the Aisle #8 sign.
10. Michelle has the #6 sign behind her.
11. The look on the First Lady's face says [to me, anyway], "Hughes, that's enough." What? I'm just getting started beating the stuffing out of Barack with less than $10, a Ralph's cart full of court-ready evidence, four blogs, four e-mail boxes, and a bunch of clowns, many of whom belong in a drug treatment program or State Hospital RONALD REAGAN closed long ago. Did you say "debate?" I'll feed him a good joke line. Ready?

ME: "The American people cannot afford four more years of Michelle Obama."
BARACK: "Mister Hughes, you cannot afford to run for president."
ME: "You are correct, sir."
No one would laugh? I guess I'll check-in @Hillmont for 72 hours and free meals, but the nurse hung-up on me two years ago. Never worked in a mental hospital? That means they don't want me there.

A 6:25 p.m. pdt on 10.02.2011 "p.s."
"President Hughes, why did you suspend SSI payments to Alaska and California?"
"Too much S-P-Y-I-N-G. Next question."


Later fans,

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