Saturday, October 22, 2011

Who is "Frank?" Where was the Damn USPS---Soon Under Dept. Of Homeland Insecurity--Mailman?

In the movies, a mad mailman shot people up. In my real life, he came up to my San Mateo motel room as a guy with a big machine gun under his lab coat smiled at me. Don't question my credibility, rather please ask how they got away with that crap. Question my sanity...again? "911, we got two dead guys out here. Take your time. They're already good and dead."

Pay off student loans? You got it! So, how long do we all live in "La La Land" until the Time Warner truck comes again to not turn-on any gear and have me walk up and sort of insult them. What was that line? "We're only TV people." And I'm who? Hughes v. United States is on its way--as soon as the fucking mailman returns. [Pardon my French, Jane]

Would you trust this man? I don't. [am I still legal?] On the bracketed material, I think so, because yet another true story I'm damn well going to tell is from this morning. Yes, when I said, "There's a healthy-looking girl jogging and listening to Michael Jackson who is not moving like a creature." SHE WAVED AT ME WHEN I SAID THAT FROM 100 YARDS AWAY? OKAY, MAYBE 75? This has been going on for some time, heroin dealers. You might be in Deep Dutch. I wouldn't know. Jill said I'm driving to New Hampshire? In what?

Who was that at the Motel 6 south of LA? Another Newbury Park "taxi girl" on what street? Danville? Could you please specify which "Dan" you RoboSpies are referring to? I JUST DON'T S-P-Y. Not at all. Did I mention I'm killing all of the old spooks now, in addition to those pesky mafia? I was going to post some screenplay lines for some little Hollyshit who has never worked a day in his or her life to steal, but I now have the official "T.O. TORTURE HEADACHE" onsetting. Why is JANE SEYMORE not on the cover of the "Free Clinic" propaganda any more? Handing out painkillers are we? Selling them on the street? Was "Dr. King" receiving his "cut?"

To the political, before "sleepy" arrives:
Q: "How did California slash its state [read national] budget?"
A: "No more Thousand Oaks 'slush funds' to torment the homeless."
Didn't I hear about the milk & honey during 2009. Better in Oxnard? Better in Simi Valley? Better in Ventura? NO! Where else can a sleazy bum/lowlife sell drugs with impunity, curse-out Hughes at will, drive without headlights, kill a few sweaty Mexicans, sit like oversized vermin in the library lot with long-expired license plates, spy, spy, spy and share "intel" at the Churchlady's diarrhea dinner, stink up the GSAC Computer Lab like a black hole-sized dirty butt crack, then repeatedly say the problem is me, William the Fifth?

Even Mr. Rick said non-GSAC employees, like raging drunks, are not defining what "disruptive" means. Hello? I cannot get elected to anything hiding behind the senior center. Oh no! I thought they stopped selling drugs. Fooled again! And, I thought it was cocaine. So 1980's of me! Heroin? Still got the "syringe clue." Give it to MI-5? I thought I was "nuts." Why would I give it to MI-5 in California?

Never mind.

Please crash on the 101 in your German car this weekend,

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