Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Issue the usual threats."

Are you (Google) going to tell me after this kind of day, there is another photo of this easily solved MASS MURDER? And, some of the local "Brain Altered" think this is funny? Let's recreate my "Wall Talk" with myself just before I entered the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER. (I'm spooking myself out, and that's not good).

It went like this: "What are the common threads between Com Air, San Diego, and a few others? Captain, First Officer, pilot 'hitchhiker' and you did not see the problem?" [Approaching aircraft, settings on flaps wrong, de-icer not working, and the ultimate--lights not on, runway too short with four sets of eyes on the flight deck?] What was my KY "black humor" joke before I knew my HH ancestry? Coworker taking a flight? "Don't let them get on the wrong runway." Ouch! [No one was injured or killed]

Ready for some hellraising? Here "we" go!

At 4:03 p.m. pdt, some asshole walked by me in the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER, and though I don't even know him, said, "Did you stay dry last night?" Seems the USC Annenberg School classical station said one inch of rain. It was more. What don't you understand about homeless? What don't you understand about me?
I'd like housing, but I can live in a ditch.
I'd like a computer, but I can use a public one.
I'd like a phone, but they still have pay phones (barely).
I'd like a girlfriend, but I don't need one.
I like an occasional cigarette, but I don't need one.
I'd like a real, nutritious meal, but I don't want some goddamn crazy church feeding me.
I need Food Stamps, but I'd like to cut-up the card and stick it up Brown's {***}.
I'd like to fly a helicopter, but it does not have to be Terrorist One.
I'm Howard's grandson, and I don't like you.
I don't have to.
I respect your rights.
You pieces of shit don't care about mine.
Any GOP candidates have questions?
As for the president, I can't write or say what I think about him.
[If you get what I mean, because I don't break laws]
"Thought crime?"
As they said at the food coop in Concord, NH, "He spilled the beans."
Don't think so, because anything I know is OLD NEWS to the real intelligence community.
Are you all mentally ill?
I'm not.

LET US GO BACK to 1996, between Christmas and New Year's. We're at "Aunt Shelly's" house. "PAMELA BLUM FINKEL" was asked the following question by her "aunt's" rather sleazy-looking husband. "Is it a wet job?" The reply, in a sing-song voice was, "I don't know." Was she talking about me, or the "Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States?" Could some damn liberal please file an FOIA on the September 11, 2001 Air Force One manifest, because I'd spot the aliases immediately.

As for KELLY ANN BEATON, my address book is being held in a secure and very disclosed to the LAPD location, however, I remember where the house is in Texas. One address, and the walls shall come tumbling down. As a bonus, the Post Dispatch "inside joke" in 1987, when I could not find a job and drank a lot, was what? The only jobs were as "Skip Tracers" and Third Shift Hotel Clerks. I passed on that until I got the AAA job in about 10 minutes. I recall walking across the South Outer Forty Drive parking lot and thinking, "How did that happen so fast?" I also wondered why guys from the State Trooper place down the road would appear maybe too often. Would it kill you to turn the red lights on in front of me when I get back? Just wondering.

Maryland did it. He's crazy! No they didn't! Calm down, girls. When do I tend to be hired for jobs? NOVEMBER. Not funny, and too late to salvage me. 43 months homeless and enough material to write more than one book? Movies? May I watch the ones you seized illegally I have yet to screen? I paid for them. And as for USA's defense, I'm not paying one fucking cent. What's the real defense budget, seriously mentally ill ca "key rattler?"

Easy, Obammy, you big liar! Ready?
ONE TRILLION (stolen/extorted) FROM ME
Media, it's been going on since my papa swam around Catalina Island with Howard sipping a drink and telling him what to do. Can you believe I have, as a kid, examined the early Hughes Aircraft Company financial records? Sure did. Get rational! Get real! [Unless you bugged your parents' bedroom, too]. We reap what we sow, right Mitt? Oh, that book of Mormon! So fucking crazy, I'm headed to the U.K., buddy! Head of the Anglican Church? It's a big hint regarding why I have so much hair at my age, and it's sure hard to shave that big old William IV jaw. Look at the painting and shut the fuck up!


p.s. I look forward to reviewing security cam video of Mr. Camp Bell and Ms. Beaton in Arizona, along with you know who at a Virginia Mailboxes Etc. Big sunglasses like momma? Who's laying down a bet, as I lay down my sorry life on the line every day and get nothing but California crap. What did I say in 2004? "She wouldn't drive across the country like that without some cash in...a very public mailbox?" Were they trying to get caught? A-rabs did it? Don't think so. They were what I think my grandpa called "stoogies." I'll get no "conspiracy" discussion from locals, because they either already know I'm correct, or find themselves on to the next terrorist plot.

p.s. II: KILL ME TONIGHT DEPT. - The look on the Marines' faces. Can't take it away.
"Betsy" looking quizzically at what I call a "Park Automaton" as she jogged by.
A poisoned again me, yelling at the first one (a guy) I caught looking in the trees behind your Teen Center. It went like this: "You lousy motherfucker, if you come any closer to me, I'll kill your ass." Like misc. mafia, they love that "spunk." He departed promptly, and of course did not "Call the cops," but Rachel asked, "William, why did you leave early last night?" My reply? "I was sick." Read POISONED, and listen to all of the corporate musical groups singing, if not celebrating it. Way sick-o U.S. society, I'm afraid I gotta go.

NEW SLOGAN?: "I'm not serving as president of any mess I can't fix."

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