Wednesday, October 26, 2011

steal! steal! steal! My "BOB" is not that Bob: The Minnesota Camel Chronicles

A film by "William Polandsky" so big, he got hit on the head writing it! More than once!

Notes to steal. YOU can write it, North Hollywood nutcase. "Betsy is an actress. Betsy is not an actress." They love the show! Who's driving to NH? Airplane? You mean my Eurofighter is here? The 'lil computer will tell me how to [----] you all, right?

9:13 a.m.
"Debate Rehearsal was rudely interrupted by 'Betsy' and her damn jogging & listening. To what? I said, 'She could be from DISNEY, MGM, SONY, UNIVERSAL, GENERAL DYNAMICS, NORTHRUP GRUMMAN...' get the point? Trouble for you, MR. COUGHER, @8:40 a.m. or so is, she might be all that. Whine, whine, whine--as last night I speculated that the GOP Dwarfs are 'playing it bulletproof' b/c they are 'BRAIN-JACKED.' Oh, but we are so imprtant & Mafia, we want...dream on, stupid. Today I asked, 'Who is Hughes Tool Co.' etc., etc. How about that A[    ] & Boston Lady? Mention XANAX at Coffee Kart, and while I was on the Mr. L[    ] talk show que, yet another AA Group TUES. - E end of GSAC is staring at me for 45 min. dressed in purple sweats with '89' on them and went away ZITTT - the phone went dead, thank God. I'm more conservative than y'all think, but not like that. RICK PERRY is God Almighty? Flat tax? No. Private SSA? No. VAT? No. National Sales Tax? No. Herminator 999 = Oh so nuts! 'What was it like running Burger King?' At least Jill might laugh. Back to #9, I might jot some notes on my intellectual property--dump strange ending--old Mr. Beard IBM Mainframe opens the door to 'the hole.' VP sends troops who look stupid as door opens & the not S[    ] S[     ] POTUS staggers out, and of course magic .mil cameras are on him as VP says, 'No hocus pocus tonight. Who's in charge around here?' Non-S[   ] says, barely standing, 'I am.' NOT LIKE AF-1, BUT SORTA. Mandatory sex scene>>>Cuban with gun. 30 y/o. EVA's still got it going on @60. She gets gun, beats his ass. It's mandatory. In a.m. she shoots over the little prick's head and first says, 'If this were a spy movie, your ass would be dead.' BANG. Another famous hole in the wall? 'Put your pants on, you little shit,' with literal smoking gun. And, down the elevator she goes, with a nervous gay hotel employee jabbering (B--- W----? In my movie?)

Credit roll? All ME. Lights & stuff. Mafia unions. Fat guys everywhere.
"Are 'ya back from break yet, assholes?"
"Did I just sign for explosives? Is there a lawyer on the set?"
"Who the hell is Tom Kisker? Eight oh five Area Code? Hang-up on him."
"Why is American Airlines calling? Oh, that's right, I bought the airline."
"And you do what here, missy? Did we frisk this one?"
"You all got drunk last night? Again? Take thirty! I got more money!"
"Hey costume girl! Do I look like Orson Welles? Could 'ya hurry up?"
"The president is here? Tell that f***er to go away! We're trying to mke a g**damn movie!"
"Where are the big money actors? Snorting something? Shooting something? Better not!"
"Who are you? Refresh my memory."
"Call the mental health police! Beter yet, f*** all of you. Back here tomorow. Be sure to be good and f***ing late!"
"Yes, I drink too much coffee. And yes, I'm about to kill your overpaid ass!"
"Is that steam tray poisoned? I'm feeling a little Howard today."
Caroline Kennedy was 'Jackie' at that hell hole? No, she wasn't. Where do you people get this shit?"
"Devices! I see devices! Get those people out of here!"
"What? Don't backtalk me, asshole. I saw a f***ing Blackberry in 1993. Explain that, smarty pants. Are they 'gone' yet? Not that kind of gone. Oh, these mafias!"
"Where's editor girl? Put a pot of coffee on. I'm feeling mighty creative tonight. No, send the good-looking one. Do I look nuts?"
<<how long is this epic? Fooled you! Is NC burning? Not yet?>>

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