Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Not Bankrupt Soon? How About Later?

Monte Hall Time! I retire from Democrat politics, and...nah. F*** you, O-man. Excuse me, I meant U-man. I meant.....O-rings. Did Reagan really die? I think so [NASA joke, son]. 

Did I almost forget the Saint Louis, MO skyline--such as it is--from the new ballyard I've not been in...yet?
Don't like my "frank" or Frank, Frank, Frank [which goddamn "Frank" do you stooopid spies mean?] approach to RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT? I've got  a new idea, besides excoriating the F-35-dash anything. DADDY, I'M GLAD I DID NOT BUY GENERAL MOTORS. In a similar manner, I am so f***ing happy I did not buy those traitors at TIME WARNER. In league with filthy GERMANS, they are. NSA knows, in 1989 I said, "Watch out for one Germany." Bullfeathers! Is that okay, Churchlady?

No grownup politics for William? No movies? Okay. I got money I got jet fuel, so fasten your seatbelts. It's "Captain Williams." Not terribly original: See "Charles Howard."

"This is Captain Williams. I am so terribly sorry your paperwork, cell phones, cloud computers, and various devices have benn sucked out the window near, uh, seat 33B. We will be in Dayton, Ohio in about twelve minutes. Don't worry about a thing."

"This is Captain Williams. I am aware, uh, painfully so, of the smoke emitting from our left engine. I'd rather not be in Armarillo, Texas either...stand by. However, we will be there in, uh, about six minutes. Do not pay any attention to all of the fire equipment. This is routine."

"This is Captain Williams. Yes, we are circling. As to why this is ocurring over the, uh, Scottsdale area...I do not know. Are you late for your meeting yet? Pardon me, while I shout at the tower. And...I have exactly one hour and ten minutes...late. So sorry about that."

"Excuse me. This is Captain Williams. That loud noise was indeed another airplane. He or she was way too close to our aircraft. Do not call your attorney before I call mine, and under no circumstances tell my company I said that. Holy cow! That was really close!"

"This is a long route! And you are not to bump on the door! Captain Williams here...again. And, if you'd like to be eaten by sharks, this could be arranged, because that is not the Hudson River down there. How many under arrest? People...passengers, if the Sky Marshal runs out of plastic handcuffs, I'll be forced to...stand by."

TO THE MORE EXPERIENCED HAND ABOARD: "Will this f***ing jet come out of this dive?" He/she may yell, "Hughes, I don't know!" I may shout, "Alright. We're gonna find out right now!"
"What the hell did you people do to my airplane? Puking? Defication aboard my airplane? Disgusting! What is wrong with you ninnies? Put all of that overhead crap back in the compartments right now! Move it! Lawsuit? Are you nuts? That was some badass Clear Air Turbulence. You stiffs are lucky to be alive. And this is the thanks I get? Flight attendants crying? That's the last time you fly with me, and we'll discuss your performance later! Good God, I should have run against...what was his name? That black one-term guy."

CLUNK. [That the door, morons, and if you come up there, YOU GO TO JAIL, unlike HEROIN DEALERS IN THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA.

The Star, October 20, 2011:
"AMERICAN AIRLINES: Carrier looks for a lift"
Experts stress [duh] controlling costs, improving service [duh 2x]

I'm kinda busy runing for president with no money, so as with the thirteen publications that published me before I was conscripted into USA's not-so-secret Civil War, here are some social work "keywords" applied to BUSINESS.
"fallen 66 percent"
"as investors worry"
"$5 billion in cash" [not for long, dummies]
"loss of more than 12 billion since 2001" [now you're getting into "Hughesian numbers"]
"labor costs are 600 million a year more thanother airlines" [what was that Summer of 77 loan amount?]
"other airlines dumped pensions" [not right, and I'd own the airline, kids]
"American's unions hotly dispute AMR's figure" [is 'duh' getting redundant yet? not yet?]
"American wants pilots to fly more hours per month" [cough, cough = cops, cops, & more cops]
""American Eagle...cancels a large number of flights" [as spies say,"Tell me something I don't already know"]
"middle of the pack and falling"
"Internet service and power outlets" [don't have that? Wow! Paranoid about your avionics, Capt. Ken?]
"reducing fuel and maintenace costs" [brilliant minds at work!!!]
"those planes don't begin to arrive until 2013" [what planes? Think TWA, baby!]
"whose ideas includ[ed] frequent flier rewards and baggage fees" [assault rifles are legal...ask Elton]
"Lately American's creativity seems to have run dry." [new end to hughesscreenplay#9! steal it!]
"flights to Helsinki" [war crime trials?]
"Fuel spending 2.3 billion, easily topping wages and benefis as the biggest expense."
What's that address in Houston? Please call the cops.
"This is Mister Hughes, the founder's great-grandson."

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