Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let's Go Shopping! (At K-Mart, robo-spy creep)

Michelle, what is my PAC "People for the Real Deal" for if I am kept a CA/"T.O." prisoner for four fucking years? Worst photo of your husband we can find. Worst photo of you we can find. You know the rest. My "Tag Line": "Free enterprise? Only for a few of their best friends." Did I mention the rest of us are on Food Stamps, and now, psycho Republicans are talking about cutting them off? Good job, Barack! Are the borders closed yet? And buddy, I'm not talking about some goddamn Canadian bookstore. Why was Marine LePen at Starbucks? You know the one. "605" someplace or other. Oh, those "number kooks!" What did I tell the squirrels I was going to do to the Eiffel Tower? I was kidding? Maybe. Same old, same old, with the French. Libya? Already in there sniffing for what? O-I-L.

Did I threaten one of my noncompliant governments today? I get a lot done talking to my hand. And, as a kid I wondered thusly: "We are so poor, how do we know people in Australia?" ca kooks, why are my temples not balding like Howard and Charles?Why is my skull kinda round, again unlike Howard & Charles? Grandpa Leonard was bald? Why not me? I'm a genetic experiment through sexual intercourse. LET US REVIEW:
The Lie: Half Irish, one quarter Austrian, one quarter English.
The Truth: one half English, one quarter Irish, one quarter Hungarian.
[They re-draw the borders in Europe from time to time. This is coming to North America, and I'm sick of trying to prevent it. Let's get it on, Soldier Boy!]
SHORT OLD SPY CLUES: (It's generally all I need, Apple/Android thingy boy)"Read your Cicero."
"It's like a Western."

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