Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Where's that Compact Disc? In the PENSKE TRUCK! Mindi, Mindi! Where's my financial CD's? Ask COMMERCE BANK Negroes at Kansas City, Missouri's "Bank of the 9/11 Hijackers." How did Harry Truman get started, son? Never mind.

SUN TRUST BANK? Big "frame-up!"

"Thanks for flying on Airways. I know riding with dog crates and chickenwire is inconvenient, but think about what the ticket cost. Now, put away those damn em scourge devices before I crash the plane on purpose. The nice butch, couldn't find a job anyplace else S&M specialists will beat your ass into the seat, and....oh my, we have an unspecified problem on this fancy computer thing I should have studied more carefully {CLICK, CLICK} Did I leave CAB-3 on on purpose? Oh no! What's wrong? The wing is falling off? No, it's not!"

Did Howard turn off two of four engines on Hollywood people? He did! Howard! Shame on you! Connie could have flown on one loaded with bozos. I am sure of it! Maybe I'll try it someday! Wanna take a plane ride? SILENCE.

03.29.11  11:18 a.m.
As I peruse the 2/7 - 2/13/11 issue of Bloomberg Business Week, reading-up on how I don't seem to be in DAVOS, SWITZERLAND I remind the world from my "Made in India" Composition Book and free & fun DELL 755 that all U.K. Prime Ministers have been dismissed by me, WILLIAM V. No one seems to want to talk about Central Banking or the potential for a wave of muni bond defaults, but they've got weed and maybe smoke heroin around the real one, the only one. Is there still a double of me in Santa Barbara? Ventura? At the crack hotel in Newbury Park? No, I will not go to the U-Tube of me flying a DC-10, but RFK's final moments will are going to be played over & over. [Don't call the .Illuminati "Secret Service," or I am quite sure the real ones will toss your butt in a federal "reception center," not to be confused with the Goebel "Go Bell" Reception Area]. To the 100% go call the Secret Service question:

Q: "When RFK says 'On to Chicago,' everybody is bunched-up around him, including later wounded Rosie Greer. Kennedy is taking little steps, like 'Can I leave now?' So, apparently, all of the people around him do not just constitute the thrill of victory, some of them are worried about something, like his safety. What happens between that formation and the kitchen door?

A: "We don't know, unless there is film I need to see and no one would even buy me a loaf of bread at the Goebel Senior Adult [Mafia] Center if I were starving, nor will the network archivists bring me a 16 mm projector and the film. As a 12 y/o kid, I remember the guy pointing his finger at his head and shooting his finger at his temple, because in the pandemonium he wasn't sure if he had audio. How do you California kooks and people who know I'm HH's grandson expect me to pull rabbits out of the hat flat-out homeless, with absolutely no income, medical or dental care, and for a time, I was poisoned weekly. Why is there a long and storied tradition of poisoning on the "Dark Side?" Don't ask me, you are all headed to prison. And, I've boasted that as president I'll take your homes and clean out bank accounts for Uncle Sam because what do the local T.O. kids tell me? This planned community is either about PLEASANTVILLE or ILLEGAL DRUGS, and the two do meet--a lot. Soldier Boy, you are departing the Middle East, and going south of the border, but just like the Spring Fling kegs of beer slush fund, we won't call it the [U.S.] "Army," we'll call it whatever I name it (the occupation force, that is) because: 
a). I would be the Commander in Chief;
b). I am sick of what one missing person called "drug shit."
Would you rather have headless bodies on the 1000 Oaks City Hall parking lot? That's not coming? Yes, it is. Circling back to RFK, who's that strange guy right next to him? (And, I define "strange," adjusted to 1968). Who's that damn woman? And, I know already why Sirhan Sirhan was allowed to walk right up to him McKinley style. What did I do last night in the comfy confines of the "Bobby Memorial Electrical Closet?" A phased-in wall of security between two rather famous last of the breed individuals, and you, whoever you are, are just not killing our asses. Secret Service? We're gonna fight like dogs, or I'll tell you to "Go away." Why? There's another job I could have done well, because as with inattentiveness and stuff like discussing Hillary Clinton's body parts prior to takeoff, mistakes are made and planes crash. Politicians get shot, too, and as we approach the 30th anniversary of the Reagan almost died, but Al's in control event, what did I say more than once that day? "Bush is the president now. What's he doing sitting on the tarmac?"

I, William Charles Hughes now dedicate this "To Be Continued" piece of writing to the Reagan Family. Will my computer work after a re-boot?


Modem Cabinet Open.

Kooks in the room.

Koval playing key rattling games.

Did I mention I am candidate for president of the United States #8003536?

"We" might have real Secret Service out here tomorrow PAMELA BLUM/FINKEL/ROSES, but as John Lennon and Los Bealtos sang long ago, "I have a feeling" it will work just fine.

Nighty, night.

Hey ALICE COOPER, I'd like to be in Vancouver, British Columbia, but instead, I am fighting disappearing text on this screen, as well as disappearing objects. Would they believe me if I said, in New Hampshire, "They were f*ing with President Obama, too, and while I intend to whup his ass here and crush crazy Republicans later, YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, CAN'T DO THAT!"

"Bad Company" by the band of the same name? Thanks Mr. Cooper. What did I say of Cooper's show in 1971. "They strike me as kind of a government act." We rock on!

03.29.11  11:59 a.m. continued from pink type above...

Don't I hate being right in 1981 and 2011. Oh well, let's continue your delusions a bit longer girls. "He was not bit by dogs in 1963." There was no gold plaque that said Hughes & President on the same line." "He was not mushed-up against the president's limo thinking, 'Trisha's cuter than she looks on TV'." "He never talked to Eugene McCarthy." "He never talked to George McGovern." "He never almost got kicked out of school over a full-page Democrat's ad." (Think George from SD). "He never traveled out of the USA and got President Carter on the phone." "They never said, 'C'mon in' at Abbey Road Studio in London (This is not normal, ca kooks, but I thought I was merely lucky). "The TWA Captain (my old airline) never said, 'We are proud to have and all Saint Louis-based crew on the flight tonight', as I thought, per usual, 'Feel Pratt & Whitney through butt, all is well. Feel few bumps, all is well. See no other aviation lights, all is well. See some silly Ohio town down there lit up, all is well. My chicken salad sandwich tastes good, all is well'." Oops! Is it a cop or Secret Service guy who sees Hinckley's gun come out and rather literally looks the other way? How about the second guy who: a). Sees gun; b). Looks away. TIC TOCK TIC TOCK. Then, I like to freeze it on the clean SS agent's face as he: a). Ducks; and b). Thinks to himself, 'There's a pudgy little fucker shooting at us.' As for stuffing POTUS #40 in the limo, I could do that, but I'm too old. What should I do?


William C. Hughes

Rob addendum:
I never got to drive her oh so cool blue Porsche 914, but now she's a Facebook Friend. Oh, that Soldier Boy's Internet! He should have never allowed us civilians to use it. Was I the Chief Executive of that school, too? This is a fact. Oh the humanity!

mafia Said It Long Ago, "Bill, could you tell us what you REALLY think."

"For God's sake, if I break my f&cking leg in Davos, I can't run for president. How do I get into these messes?"
"Shut up and ski, you big baby! You're not half bad at it."
"I was poor! Really poor! Start explaining, girl!"
"Nope. You gotta win first."
"Win what?"
"Very funny!"
"Tree? I did not see that tree. Honest."

Ask, Don't Spy

#5 Forest Home Court, 1972

DEE: "We're going to McDonald's. What do you want?"
WILLIAM V: Two fish (Fillet-o-Fish) sandwiches."
ENTIRE FAMILY: "Ha, ha, ha."

White House, 2013

WILLIAM V: "I seem to have been elected President of the United States, and you are all NOT in deep doo-doo? Really?"

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"You Have the Right To Remain....." (and, you do it well)

Nice blue top. Let's start it up, girls.
a). Call a preferably 100% corrupt lawyer.
b). Say you were never in the Sherman Oaks, California Whole Foods.*
c). You've never seen WILLIAM CHARLES HUGHES in your entire life.
much later
d). "Mr. Lawyer, President Hughes is on the phone, and, uh, he's not happy."

*You don't know LC II "Bob?" He lives in Sherman Oaks.

It Works Both Ways

"Hurry on down to Sammy Hagar's Audio/Video. He's got old Pioneer stereos with some sort of early 1970's resin on them. He will deny knowing what it is, and you will get a good deal at Sammy's. This week only, he's got jacked MP3 players by the bushel. One dollar apiece, and maybe you can fix it. Oh, so you call yourself an 'audiophile?' Yeah, Sammy's got vinyl by the .mafia truckload, and there is a person in Missouri/Missourah who knows how to properly set up a Linn turntable. He died? Take two!"

Hughes set up a big, expensive VPI + Rega RB 600 tonearm (from that damn U.K.), and his USAF girlfriend looked at the poor boy like he was nuts. Man it sounded good, until the real mafia stored it. Thanks, the LAPD will get it back soon, right?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Listen To Your Elders

Didn't Mr. Rooney tell me to use the "Two finger typing method" in 1999? Is he still with us? I wouldn't know, given my lack of .net time and unalterable position that we fix the mighty HP C-300 in Saint Peters, Missouri. No appeasement. No compromises. No "bullfeathers." See, I'm curing potty mouth to run for president.

Oh, No! A"Donna Special" Composition Book!

I deny any knowledge of what you think I know, and if you think I'm lying you can always read my mind. Why do you all hang around me, when the fellahs I call "grandpa mafia" are as good as locked-up, and I had nothing to do with it? How am I so sure? I can see, and it looks to me like the grandkids are hanging out and musing on what to do with the house, fancy cars, etc. "Business as usual," and a future President Hughes would be incredulous in exclaiming, "They're doing the same stuff? Oh, for criying out loud!"


I enter a room with computers, and off goes the Internet <cough, cough, yawn, yawn>, however, after my weekend 48 hrs., not quite like the movie, but almost, I'd say you didn't want to have the [POWER FAILURE! CALIFORNIA ICE STORM--POWER DOWN! WILDFIRE! NUKE MELTDOWN! run! run! run!] journaling strike to end. Did you see me at Starbucks? They are off h-probation! What did I hear on KSHE 95? Then, the emergency brodcast tone on WGBH? This will keep me off atc, as I am really trying to cause no--don't lie, Bill--oh, just a "bit" of trouble. Kids, the old ones might think HH rose from the dead, but he had a big Lincoln, and an old Chevy. Ralph's cart? All together now, girls: "He's awesome!" What did they say at the Kremlin? "He's viewing the 'Girls That Rock' photos, so what could possibly be wrong?"


10:17 p.m.
Fun night with new pal "MIKE LIGHT," who lives in MAFIA-laden hood WAVERLY HEIGHTS, but now, he is merely storing his sacred "stuff" there, because after an all-nighter with Hughes on Friday, March 25, try a DOG ATTACK in the same spot as the crazy "Four Cop Cop Stop" long ago when I was searched Canadian-style by a Sheriff's Deputy as the T.O. Cops laughed. THIS IS NOT FUNNY. Since my decrease in journaling, so much has gone undocumented, like A[   ] M[     ] and I exchanging T.O. stories where the assessment was that they were all "mean" and nuts with few nice people. This meeting was observed by CHUCK WAGON, who lives in his car, and LOUIS M[    ], who is wealthy. They both appproved of this ridicule of 1000 Oaks, because they don't live here. Louis asked about my sex life while talking to T[     ], I told him I'm trying with the "other one," meaning the super-Catholic, not schizophrenic, maybe not lesbian A[   ] M[    ], named after a relative. I don't spy, but I'm not that dumb, and the A.M. girl is more SANE every time I talk to her and BTW has a fabulous Ultra Bright smile with nice teeth. This long clowning session, which took place IN Goebel, was very much a hit, and took place early last week. I'm driving them nuts by typing the CBK letter very slow, [have] not hand copied it yet, and WILL NOT ask Koval to use the copier. All of a sudden, MARK MAFIA and RICK "RADAR" TANAKA are buddies, and how about RACHEL COWAN's 15 mph over ticket, disclosed with me at the Reception Desk informing them of per usual computer problems. As she spun around in her office chair, I suggested a ticket-fixing lawyer, but she said, "I'll just pay it."


10:56 p.m. 
Tomorrow: Why won't my oh so hot approx 50 y/o walking doggies girl give me coffee any more?

William C. Hughes        

Friday, March 25, 2011

Money? No, Need An Aide: Pay? Why? All Is Free (even gasoline) Under USA's Neo-Nazis

Extremists, what went wrong? I would not know, I merely have about 1/6 of the whole wide world's wealth if there is ever justice, and I'm not told much as I try to keep our barge of state in the middle of the ditch. This is my job. The pay is lousy. President pay is $400,000 per annum. The pension is a Cabinet member's salary, plus a million bucks in addition to the SS morons. As a bonus, private sector parties will contribute money toward a library. I spend a lot of time in libraries, because I am really a writer.

Motivation? That's about it. Library. Bossman for four years only. Roaring economy? World peace?

"Try me, you'll like me," and the hair isn't going anywhere.


Don't drink & tweet, use your Apple device, or do bad things this wekend, please.

I-44 West--Not O.K.

We're headed to Cali-fornia--to have whatever is left ripped-off. Some things never change.

Worried about "One World Government?" I don't need any medication, but if this concept keeps you awake at night, you might. Yes snoop dogs, the German lady said, after a long time, "You're alright." The classic rock today, in honor of this 03.24.11 event, is from Munich. Oh, that Soldier Boy's Internet!I have a Google coupon worth $75 that expires on 03.31.11, but I'm not sure of the "fine print." Air Traffic Control audio today is from Calgary, in Canada, and I will surely switch to JFK later, because I love the very obviously black controller who, as the family said, "Lays down the law." And, don't I love the sassy black female in Chitown, I believe, who dares speak sort of unprofessionally in saying stuff like, "Hurry it up sir," and I actually heard, "Get that plane out of the way!"

All-time ATC faves, before you murder me (and do not use the "P-word," or I will put YOU on 72 hour loony hold) have been the Tulsa flyguy who sounded exactly like the Dr. Stangelove character (it's a message, worldwide media, but don't quote me, as I am just Howard Hughes' grandson). And, you can't beat the, "We're stuck," and the next flight in says, "We'll take a look," presumably to determine why. You don't hear this with Bose noise-canceling headphones on, and the airline mag in your lap. The ulitmate, if it was even real:

PILOT #1: "Hey, there's vapor coming from that guy's engine."
TOWER: Roger.
TOWER: "Sir, are you declaring an emergency?"
PILOT #2: "No."

SPIES, IT'S ANOTHER "Hughes-Related Inside Joke"

"What? What does he mean?"

KEY WORDS: "Vapor" & the very pissed-off "No." Get to work!

Q: "Why did Hughes look for a photo of the Moline Acres, Missouri Police Department, and get a White Barn Burger pic?
A: "Don't know."
Q: "Why didn't Charlie allow William on the White Palace set?"
A: "Don't know; possibly for William V's personal safety."
Q: "Where did the president's plane crash in Escape From New York?"
A: "Downtown St. Louis, Missouri. Ask KMOX's Charlie Brennan. He knows everything."
Q: "Has Hughes walked past the home of Kurt Russel's mom?"
A: "Yes; more than once."
Q: "Why did you come to California, Mr. Hughes?"
A: "Not to walk past the childhood house of an actor, or look up Lohan's skirt, but I did. These are the facts."
Q: "Did you enjoy the latter?"
A: "Yes."
Q: "Did someone ask if Paris Hilton is good looking?"
A: "Yes, and I confirmed this fact."
Q: "What is your mental health assessment of Charlie Sheen's recent behavior?"
A: "Get drunk, take speed. Or, do meth, start drinking. It's very popular out here."
Q: That's all?"
A: "Yes, and it is very helpful to me, because I am just not nuts."
Q: "No bipolar disorder?"
A: "No."
Q: "Are there really records of a hospitalization?"
A: "Yes. I was sane as the day is long."
Q: "Why did it happen?"
A: "If you strongly suspect daddy is Howard Hughes' son, and do not engage in criminal activity, the intelligence community "they" had to do something, and it is oh so Soviet to allege mental disorder. Heard of America's gulags? The Scientologists, who I do not agree with generally, have a point on the mental health system. It stinks, and I know that, because I worked in the system for twenty years. Do not even dare argue with me."  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

NSA's Greatest Hits: Track 6 "ValuJet Critter"

The English call this "black humor," because maybe this crash actually ocurred. Until I make President of the United States, I cannot say for sure, but "gators" sure were a 2002-06 "theme."

I freely admit to laying my own brand of spy-op retaliation on a bit thick when it comes to your precious e.t. and "flyin' triangles." I should have recognized, as does A[   ] M[    ], that most of the people in 1000 Oaks are a mess, and a sane individual can look "nuts" from too much exposure. My $30,000 for graduate school was in vain? What does S.J. stand for? It's a Holy Roman conspiracy, alright. What did I script last night in talking to a wall? "I never had it, she always had it. We don't care about money. May we assist, as you folks are in some mighty deep doo-doo."

Tired of reading NTSB crash reports? Here's the premise for "no fly zone Hughes." I am flying the DC-9, not Kubeck. But before we go back in time to 1996, here it is, nsa civilian ponytial division:

H: What was the deal with that Valujet crash?"
B: "Oh, they love it down here, it's really cheap."
H: "It crashed."
B: "I know."
H: "Gators and shit. Into the Everglades."
B: "Something caught on fire."
H: "I know. It was a female flying it. What was her problem?"
B: "I don't know. It crashed."
H: "Yeah."
B: "It's cheap. They love it down here."
[January, 2013--END OF PHONE TAPS-i hope]


1410.07  CAM-1 "What was that?"
1410.08  CAM-2 "I don't know."
1410.12  CAM-1 "Well, genius, figure it out fast."
1410.15  CAM-2 "Losing a bus. We've got an electrical problem."
1410.17  CAM-1 "A bad one. Jesus! We're losing everything."
1410.18  RT-1     "Critter five nine two. Miami Center, I got a bad electrical problem. We need the nearest concrete."
1410.20 CAM-1 "Crap! We need to go back to Miami, now."
1410.22 CAM-1 "We're losing it. The charger. It kicked-in. Nothing."
1410.25 CAM     "Fire! Fire! "We're on fire!"
1410.27 RT-1      "Miami! Post haste!"
1410.30 DEP       "Uh, critter five ninety two, roger, turn left heading two seven zero."
1410.32               [Sound of horn]
1410.32 RT-1      "Don't think so. Where's the highway?"
1410.33 CAM     "Fire! We've got lots of smoke back here!"
                             [Sound of Door]
1410.38 CAM-1  "Holy shit! Get them up front! Hose 'em down with something! Seltzer! Soda!"
1410.40 CAM-1  "Genius, are the oxygen masks down?"
1410.42 CAM-2  "Yeah, and gear down?"
1410.43 CAM-1  "Yeah."
1410.45  RT-1      "Miami, anytime. My airplane is on fire."
1410.48  DEP       "Critter five ninety two, try two sixty two, and look out the window. We've notified the Everglades Wildlife Management Firefighters."
1410.50  RT-1      "Thanks. Did you tell the Weston cops, too?"
1411.00                  [Shouting from the cabin]
1411.01  CAM-1  "Well, genius, whaddya think? one eight two knots, and...."
1411.02  CAM-2  "Fifteen. Got smoke."
1411.03   CAM-1 "I've noticed this. Bonnie! Can you get some order restored back there?"
1411.05   PA-3     "Passengers! Stay down, and stay wet! This is the captain, and I am not crashing this airplane.
1411.07   CAM-2  "There it is. There's the Interstate."
1411.09   CAM-1  "Nice. I don't like these hydraulics."
1411.10   CAM-2  "We got no power."
1411.11    CAM-1 "That's why I call you genius."
1411.12    CAM-1 "Will the gear come back up?"
1411.13    [Sound of gear retraction]
1411.15    CAM-2 "Guess so."
1411.17    RT-1 "Miami, the trees are getting bigger. Did I mention we're on fire?"
1411.18    DEP  "You did, sir. The EMS people are en route."
1411.20    RT-1 "To where?"
1411.22    [Alarm Chimes]
1411.24    CAM-1 "No stalling, sugar. Genius?"
1411.25    CAM-2 "Uh, one twenty one."
1411.27    CAM-1 "Christ Jesus! Get out of the way! Get outta there!"
1411.28    [Sound of Door Opening]
1411.30    CAM    "They're braced."
1411.32    CAM-1 "You look good all wet. Christ, how are the engines lit? My plane is on fire."
1411.33    CAM-2 Coughing.
1411.35    CAM-1 "Help yourself to a mask, genius." Wheaton Van Lines! Out of the way! Out!"
1411.38    CAM-1 "Look at 'em run! Nothing like a big plane on fire. Get outta my way!"
1411.40    CAM-2 "Two five zero."
1411.42    CAM-1 "And?"
1411.44    CAM-2 "About one zero zero."
1411.45    CAM-1 "What's that shit? Swamp gas! Don't need that."
1411.50    CAM-2 "Thermal...something..."
1411.54    [Shaking sounds]
1411.55    CAM-2 "Rock and roll."
1411.56    CAM-1"Thirty fuckee pooch today!"
1411.57    CAM-2 "Oh, my God."
1411.58    CAM-1 "He's not helpful. Here comes the concrete!"
1412.00    [Sound of Impact]
1412.02    CAM-1 "Yeeeeeha!" Stay together, baby!"
1412.03 - 1413.0   [Scraping Sounds]
1413.02 CAM-1 "Stopped. You alright, genius?"
1413.03 CAM-2 "Yeah."
[Clicks From Seat Belts]
1413.05 CAM     "Let's get outta here! Weee doggies! Look at all the daylight!"


May I fly a kite? Urinate indoors? I really am the guy's grandson.

The President is in the Next Room

We were young, looking for IDI AMIN, and...he was unfortunately otherwise engaged.

Where is the tape? "We" know where.

EQUIPMENT: Ma Bell wall phone, alligator clips, Belden cable, SAE Equlizer, Roberts 7 inch analog tape recorder, Phase Linear 400, Altc Lansing 15" speakers, Altec Lansing 811 high-frequency horns [Loud, very loud, spies].

WH: "White House switchboard."
BW: "Is Jimmy in?"
WH: "Uh, yes."
BW: "We'd like to speak with him."
WH: "I'm afraid that's not possible."
BW: "Aw, c'mon, there's a lot of people here, and we all voted for him."
WH:"We're glad to hear that, but the president is busy."
BW: "Doing what?"
WH: "Pardon me."
BW: "Doing what?"
WH: "He's, uh, he's in his study."
BW: "Well, we're a bunch of college students, and we got to vote for the first time. We like Jimmy, and we want to talk to him."
WH: "Oh. Well, hold on."
BW: "Kiddo! [Hughes] They transferred the call!"
H: "We're aware of this, Willie."

WH: "Good evening, Oval Office dork."
BW: "Hey! We wanna talk to the president!"
[Ambient Noise rises--party! party!]
Oval Dork: "He's, he's...who is this?"
[Repeat: "We're students who voted" schmaltz]
Oval Dork: "He cannot be disturbed."
BW: "Why not?"
Oval Dork: "What?"
BW: Why not?"
Oval Dork: "I have orders not to disturb him."
BW: "Aw c'mon, we'd all really like to talk to him."
[LC I&II din rises. "Jimmy! Jimmy! We want Jimmy!"]
Oval Dork: "What is going on there?"
BW: "We're having a party, and we want to talk to Jimmy."
Oval Dork: "I'm sorry, I cannot...
BW: "Aw c'mon, we love the guy, we all voted for him, etc. etc. etc.
Oval Dork: "I have my orders."
BW: "What is he doing in there?"
Oval Dork: "What?"
BW: "What's he doing in there?"
Oval Dork: "Reading. He's, uh, reading."
BW: "Reading what?"
Oval Dork: "He's, he's...I don't know, he has directed that he not be disturbed."

Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy!

[You know how it ended, don't you? Hostages? What hostages?]
To the aviation beat!

More "Coalition Forces?" No Jobs "Stateside?" When Does the Revolution Start? (no one tells me anything)

Are those new? Stinky French fighters causing trouble for a U.K. Royal boy again, and I might be admittedly talking that damn "spy talk." I'm yelling at night? Eight years of TORTURE, and I am not in the police blotter, or ordering some blotter LSD? Am I a saint? No, I am not. Knuckle Sandwich coming right up, and YOU are going to the lovely, temperature-regulated, County Jail. As Dick Lugar (R-IN), of all people, is saying, "Get real!" Ripped off again! Into the ocean like the end of Vietnam? Paris, fishies could be harmed.

Speaking of Paris, my source of all intelligence product, People magazine, informed me via an old man booger-covered, 12.06.11 issue, Hilton did do community service, whitewashing graffiti. Washed up? May I get myself arrested and paint with her, and I am not talking "spy talk." CROWN CANDY KITCHEN? Painting! LINDENWOOD COLLEGE? Painting! ALICE? Painting! HUGHES @ 441 W. Mifflin, yet another historic marker? Painting! With who in swimwear next door? Not Paris Hilton, kooks, but "Get your motor running," as the Steppenwolf song goes? A married man! Not right! 

"A Joke is a very serious thing."

--Winston Churchill

"Mr. Hughes, ideas are dangerous things."

--Delores Williams

Me? Stop joking? Stop hollering? Dirty tricksters of the future, please make the Public Address System (PA) "squat." [Big Preview--"How could they? <bang, bang, bang> How did they do it again? <bang, bang> Pelosi, how did you do it? Harry "moron" Reid, how did you do it? Every president since Eisenhower, wanted it! <bang, bang, bang> How could they? They screwed up national health care again! How? How? Mr. President...(the "pregnant" pause) did you screw it up?]

I will be heard, mother#ucker. And now, in the next piece, more "action" in ridiculing criminally liable U.S. presidents and their aviation toadies.

{mafia/gulfstream jet-chasing lawyer + .gov kook/.illiminati/.milgrunt/.waytooreligious.nut disclaimer: The term "bang" refers to the podium, dias, or crate of lemons, not firearms of any kind, although I am about to hitch a ride to the Ventura Sheriff Shack to obtain a gun permit, for real}

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Should the gear [be] up?" No girl, and even a "grounded" Hughes knows THAT

Aren't you glad Spring is about to sprung? SAS. De-icing. They know how. And how! "What was CIA really doing over there?" Yes, dumbass, it's you worst nightmare. A President Hughes on the telly to Stockholm. Copenhagen? No thanks. No further comment, either. Did I mention I have work to do? Yes, "Loo" @ 63123, research & writing is hard work. Did I clean the bloody meat pans at Pat's? Age 15? No MO Work Permit? Illegal! (No wonder Dee & Charlie got discounts! They didn't?)

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not trying to defend lawsuits, I am trying to file a bunch, so even I know when to shut up. Really, this is a proven fact. However, I can read. 

Grunting Sound [Oh Captain, where did you go to flight school?]

"Personal Portable Electronic Devices"
"Hotel Room" (First Officer = Female/Captain = Male)
"Herbal Supplement"
"Vitamin C" (What did Laura tell Doug, more than once/MPC Code--not illegal!)
"ice detected" (how about them thar computers!)
"stick shaker" (This has nothing to do with Quakers, but you'd better be praying)

"on the company's buck"
"The Captain interrupted his own conversation[?]" [my question mark, not the NTSB's, but at least their server is working today] For what? "To point out [to girlfriend] traffic was crossing left to right."
"...she indicated they were stuffy and popping." [girlfriend's ears]
"Lots of ice."
"Conversation unrelated to their flying duties."

42 degrees, when flight idle is 35 degrees?
70 degrees, zero (0) flaps, and 131 knots? Even I know this outcome.
You rolled 105 degrees to the right, time to roll left, and he asked what?
Mountain View, and all holy, holy Christians, I think we wrap this baby up with:
"Gear up...shit!"
And, like a damn movie, the First Officer girl screams?
"We're down," he said as last words.

*The fast way, on top of a damn home in Clarence Center, NY.

what did Uncle Clarence say, more than once? "Let's go home!"

Rob's Kinko's addendum:

"William, you've been drinking too much coffee. It's affecting your judgment. Why don't you call them back? Don't you mental health people call it substitution? Displacement? Something like that? I never had to study Freudian stuff."
"Caroline, do you have an idea for a new FAA person?"
"That's very close to who I had in mind. Start the search committee immediately. As for the guys in the bombers, I'm like Jack Benny...I'm thinking. A lot."

"Did you say there's someone on the phone for me? Pray tell, who is it?" 


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time Warner? Try Terrorists--They Are Real--They Like Your Church

Here it comes. Who called in sick? Who jumped over the wall? We're still looking for Osama? For cryin' out loud! What did the ex-cop say when I said I'd tell the truth? "You're gonna get your ass killed." What did I, William Charles Hughes, reply? "I know," and then I strolled to another quadrant of the Goebel Senior Adult Center patio, as I often do when I'm pissed-off. Poor, poor, pitiful me, and "funnyface?"

It's political love at first byte. Have you caught enough spies yet? Does anyone care? May I go renew my library card at the Truman Presidential Library? It is in Missouri. It is not illegal; I'm sure of it. They will get impatient. The old librarian who knew Harry, and denied any hanky-panky, may die on me. Yes, I asked her, and she was flattered, not insulted. Spies, don't try and change the story around.

"No Fly Zone?" Am I caught in a time warp? A downed F-15E? Looked like a bunch of crap from a Tripoli garage, soldier. Airmen saved by "rebels?" I'm so glad I saw some old RFK commercials, complete with the beep..beep..beep intro. This isn't the right way to run for president, but it's all I got at the moment. Hey big dog, got any money? Yeah, m-o-n-e-y.

three, two, one....


Scorecard! Got another war! Get yer scorecard!

Barack Obama promised peace. Prosperity. Gitmo? Still open. Iraq? We're still there. Afghanistan? Stuck there. Pakistan? A big mess there. Egypt? Sold out out ally, they will say. Libya?

Get yer scorecard! Can't tell a terrorist from a good rebel without a scorecard!

Hey! Gimmie one of those!

INSERT: Goofiest photo possible of BARACK OBAMA on the Scorecard.



Seventh Inning Stretch is in progress.

The Fat Fan has about a dozen empty beer cups.

Beerman! Jeez, I need another cold one. Terrorists? Freedom Fighter? Insurgent? Good rebels, bad rebels? Hey! Hey, beerman!

(with echo)
Now pitching for Egypt, number thirty eight, some general who is not named Mubarek.


Hinckley Eyeware: So Cool, So "In,"--in T.O.

Okay, GOOGLE gets the honor, as is "working on it" in read-only mode. Didn't I already confirm my "Facebook" face? How could Susie be my friend if I had not? She went to LCI, I think was from California, and might be a you-know-who. "Uh oh," they are all saying about now. Guns? Who needs 'em.

Since musing to Mrs. Hughes as follows, with Madtown's Capital Times in hand, a la WARD CLEAVER--"Holy shit! John Hinckley was in Madison?"--I wondered if that particular, as Wade Wilkin, the minister's son called them, "killer nerd," had come near me to better fuel the fires of neo-fascism. (And BTW, I've read a bit of Adam Smith in my time, and--shhhhh...keep it quiet!--he was a liberal).

How about that Hughes Brain? Like the RAM on your stupid computer, always running, searching. What cracked it? A BOTTLE OF KNOP PROPUS DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. How?

1. The bottle is yellow & black--same color as my New York Times subscription card circa 1980-82.
2. The University of Wisconsin Memorial Union was a suspected skulking ground for John Hinckley since March 30, 1981.
3. CEH spoke too much of the World News newsstand (Clayton, Missouri) relocating.
4. Everyone in Thousand Oaks, California seems to like those retro-Hinckley maybe back in style eyeglasses (no accounting for taste in fruit & nutland).
5. A girl with a "shank" lying with Hughes. What famous black man did she once give a New York Times to as the newsstand girl? Oops!
6. Did some merry prankster drop a load of manure on the Memorial Union steps prior to the Wisconsin v. Missouri football game in...1981? 1982?

No matter, because the Conejo Recreation and Park District (CRPD) rabbits & squirrels heard once more what all of USA and the world will hear soon, as the memory image saw the college guy handing the newspaper out of a kiosk. Look down at the rest of the bundled newsprint...turn to the left...who's that nerd? Oh, baby! he screamed last night, it's JOHN HINCKLEY!!!!!

[more than once, Mr. Bush]

[CLICK...Pardon me, passengers, it's getting a little bumpy up here, so please return to your seats, and by all means, uh, jeez what the f...? fasten your seat belts. As soon as the company and friendly underpaid bureaucrats...what? the FAA give me, uh, permission, we'll do something to help you better digest your peanuts and expensive soft drinks. What the hell are th...? CLICK]    

Rita Didn't Die In hughesscreenplay#6: Too Late, HollyMafia, Time To Run For President

He longs for the old neighborhood (not).

I wanted to blow the Hinckley thing open on wordpress, but they are having technical difficulties. Is this a goo-gle conspiracy? See that little putz, and who's his GF with the oh so 1980 hairdo? I can count gunshots on U-Tube video--can you? Ready...set...echo! Plane crashes, trying to shoot presidents...why do I bother? "They" tried to blame me! Are you Howard Hughes' only grandson? Didn't think so, nutcase. May I live on the first floor of a hotel? I'm thinking truck bomb, not Howie's worry of a chopper dangling a machine gun. Why? M-O-N-E-Y + M-A-F-I-A = the convenience of maybe U.S.A./U.K./E.U. military stuff = screw you. 


I tried to get primary filing dates today, but in 1000 Thieves/Oaks, you have to "watch your stuff."

BEFORE LOGGING-OFF AND CATCHING WHATEVER THE FAT, GRAY HAIRED KOOK HAS <cough cough> LET "US" IN INQUIRE WHAT THE FOLLOWING PERSONS WERE DOING IN 911 St. Rita Avenue (a.k.a. "Paul Turner's Bughouse") while I was working hard at SLPRC ["secret code"]?

andrea spray
mary rotter
"dave the cop" [Last Name Withheld Due to Holding a Real Job]
sarah beckman
angela demeo

as a bounus, see:
Hughes v. Pless et al (A professorial-level hacker @ Washington University in St. Louis)
Hughes v. Whitlock (From West Palm, FL to next door in Clayton, Missouri? Ah, hem!)

Would you trust these people around the President of the United States? Someone did, and Reagan almost got his butt killed. Whew! How 'bout that 03.30.1981 U-Tube action, with the real Hughes doing the clicking and saying, "Who's that?" "Who's that guy?" "Oh, he sees him! That son of a bitch sees him already!" Do I know that guy's.....?"

Jim! He's not dead!
see 'ya,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Where's Bob?

Let me tell you what is NOT O.K. when running for the office of President of the United States. See a news article on the Jan Jose Mercury website and it says Robert Mueller is going bye-bye in September? Ten-year FBI Director term? Hughes did not know this, and those pesky reporters almost have ESP/telepathic abilities on this sort of thing! Running for president, kook? No, you are not. I'm suppposed to know about the ten year rule. When did Congress do that? May I use the Intenet tomorrow? will still be there, boys & girls.

Running For President? Internet Off? See Mr. Hughes

Is this a photo from my buddies @ Reuters, or my new "aide."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's The Army-Navy Hacking Bowl

This is the one built by DeHavilland that blew-up more than once. Howard Hughes did not have anything to do with it. However, Olivia DeHallivand tried to put "HH" in the loony bin. Given grandpa had ALL THE MONEY, it did not work.

This is the airplane Howard Hughes put engines on, after Mellon Bank closed-out the HUGHES TOOL COMPANY account. It is now part of BANK OF NEW YORK, and if they give me any crap about my stock account with MELLON INVESTORS, we might have a real civil war--not film my screenplay about a fictional one, titled "II."

Why all of my "Pittsburgh Problems?" Didn't Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, etc. like William IV spying on them? Too bad. What did the Pittsburgh spygirl say to me in 1986 regarding steeltown? "We're re-tooling." One more "tool joke," many MX missiles did "we" build, by the way? Classified? Now look, "The Great Psy Op of 1988-89" was, I now realize, in part because I figured out where they are. One behind Ralph's (more than once)? Good.

What is a "person?"
What is an "insurgent?"
What is a "terrorist?"

During the Hughes Administration, we shall go to the blackboard and start over. "No Fly Zone?" Is three an echo in here? Is anybody in this world free? No.

Next question. And your full legal name is?

I think, without consulting any British history books, that the reason William IV's carriage moved so fast was the guy with the wig on in there was not him. MI-6--keep this "hush-hush." Where was he? Pittsburgh?

Why did the pilot of the DAN AIR 707 sit behind me in 1977? I thought it odd; how about you, pipsqueak mafia man? No shooting missiles at usa's terrorists in the u.s.? We shall see about that.

What did the Dan Air Captain say? "Look out the left windows. There's Ireland." I was an "A" geography student, so I thought, back when thoughts were private (I think), "Why did he fly out of the way?"

The NY DC-9 tail-sitting was not 10 days after PAN AM 103 hit the ground, but dancing with a spygirl ten days later means WAR today. And, what did that TWA Captain say? "Look out the left windows, as we will be delayed by a squadron of F-15's." What did I think as the front of the airplane went up way farther than is "normal?" Mr. Hughes/William V, disguised as some AAA Travel Counselor, always sat by the Prat & Whitney engine on the right side of the aircraft. [How's Patty Pratt doing?] That way, you can feel it and hear it real loud. Scared? No, more like, "Gosh by golly, we are going straight up." Kind of like my trajectory to live single in your White House. Oh, I can't give it a try? Didn't the Brits burn the place down once? Scummy Navy/Mafia, "we" are just talking about history here, like the National Security Act of 1947, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. the USA PATRIOT Act, etc. etc. etc. 

Scummy Navy, Kook Mormon Air Force, Already as good as abolished Army, Trigger-Happy coked-up Marines, THESE ARE THE FACTS. I win? No more military "gravy train." We are out of cash for floating around screwing whores. No more money for the "B-3," which the USAF showed me so they could turn around and say I'm crazy if I talk about it.

tap, this microphone on? Damn it, I paid for it! (Like Ronald Reagan).

What did the producer's nephew say? "Do you think anybody reads your blog?"
may I run for president, please?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Stories That Will Win The President Job

Homeless. Helpless. Need a disability check? Can't remember ANNE LENOX's name. Can't remember BRYAN ADAMS' name. Uh oh, can't remember Cardinal Centerfielder JIM EDMONDS' name? "It's not the government, it's not the government.?" Bullshit. Why not try to open the 1989 records administratively, given NO LAWYER WILL EVER HELP, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (save possibly a felony committed by me, William Charles Hughes, and yes, I sure am William V, too, UK asses). What is this "California" crap? Did I not say it in West Hollywood, tooling around in the "bugged" Ford Focus? What did he say? "Howard was dealing with the same crap in the 1950's." And, may I say Richard Nixon got all of the anti-commie credit? I just did.

Left-Right, Left-Right...hut! hut! Are you people nuts? I am not, but then again, I am running for president. No, the story is not the Hollywood radicals looking at me with saucer eyes as I shook-off a big, bad, arsenic poisoning. [Grandma Navy ESP childhood hint: Arsenic and Old Lace on her B&W TV--more than once, ca nutcase] "How is he still alive?" the looks on their faces said. The joke? "That was a two-Sprite poisoning," and the .mafia boys were indeed in 7-11 buying lottery tickets, because at least they know the Hughes job well. Two shiny pennies were in the car when I took delivery of my now wrecked and who knows where it is Ford from PLAZA FORD in beautiful Maplewood, Missouri, a community where the whole police force comes out when state bureaucrat Hughes calls them. I got a layoff notice? Aw, crap. I'll have to conquer California and prevent them from getting the Rams back.

What happened to NH license plate "LILBRAT"? Does anyone care? Best computer hacker I've ever encountered, and Hughes has been hacked a few thousand times, so look for me to give those kooks at Microsoft & Apple a "bit" of competition (when I get time, and mafia(s), money is not an issue, now is it? KY jelly for your missile going up there butt? Better get some, because I will say the command .illuminati impostor Secret Service don't like). Elected? May I sound "cocksure?" Get me out of 1000 Oaks--I win. Oh no? Dig this, from all places, the Methodist house organ, Sojourners:

"In a time of grave economic crisis and massive government action, the traditional right-wing alarm about 'statism' has gotten out front of the 'traditional values' agenda that would use the power of the state to enforce a code of personal behavior."

Not on my watch, buddy.


"The American Right has always carried this internal contradiction. It's a twin to the American Left's contradiction between libertarian personal ethics and communitarian political economy. But the Right has really risen when it has had a figurehead leader who can turn the contradiction into a unifying paradox."

Congrats, Mr. Collum, as I could not have said that better if the california Cuckoo-Birds got me a suite at the Hilton. That person to which he referred is Gov. Palin? "Hughes Road Kill," she'd be. Can the President of the United States say that? In a word, "No." USPS mail to Gay Head, MA? Stop him! Stop him! (Like a Bond movie, I'm ashamed to say). I had "the moment" last March on a park bench formerly occupied by "Special Forces Mike." It goes like this, nutcases. "Oh shit! What if they really stick me in there?"

You sit.
You look up at the stars.
You see wars & shit.
Did I start them?
Did a "they" start them?
Do "we" win them?
What if "we" don't? Yuk. Not me. Oh, not me.
Nah, it's all parades and clowning around.
Peace & prosperity.
Chickens in pot.
People at work.
They all have to come to me.
I don't fly.

Too complicated, drug-dealing dropout? Spies? You're not going there, because you are a f$cking idiot!!!

And now, the story.

Poor homeless Mr. Hughes/William V was sitting in CARL'S JR. (HARDEE'S where I come from), and saw a woman "signing" (begging for money) on "Jeff's Corner." Fully aware of how territorial the ca homeless can be, Hughes thought, "That girl could get in trouble if drunk, girlfriend-beating Jeff sees her." Then, what did I spy? A too clean-cut accomplice in a car. Out loud, because I talk to myself, I said, "Oh Jesus, the Secret Service wants to know who's giving those bums money." I resumed musing. "She's pretty hot. Why don't you come in here, honey?" Lo & behold, the door swung open shortly after my editorial was magically heard, and in strutted SS girlfriend. "Gotta have an opener, like Howard," I thought. I think I said, "Signing? Doesn't Thousand Oaks suck?" and she said, "Hold on, I'll be right back." Into the rest room she went, for either cocaine lines, what I call "Communication with Zoltar," or possibly both--I would not know how your tax dollars are spent--not yet.

Plop. A real woman. A porn star? New headlamps? California gentlemen do not ask what they cost, but they looked, uh, good. Aw, don't you know the SS Ponytail Division had to send a guy to our table to spoil my dreams of a hotel room and Howard-like activities. A friend of who? "Bobby, The Legendary Bobby?" Now I am suspicious, sir. Oh well, good convo is good convo. Long interaction, and I liked the tarted-up limo photos. How "paranoid" am I? For many months, I bragged that my most normal conversation in three years of California homeless was with a porn star. No, it's never them, is it? How long ago was it? Her male buddy got his hair buzzed off, and was staring into the Mafia Billiard Room, as many do. Shit! It was them! Again! Who cares, as I kinda knew it already. As for my one night Carl's coffee agent, she looks nothing like who she said she was, pictured at the top of this blog piece, but I would have.....

Never mind.

when is that NH filing period?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hey Ed! (Koch)

My face on the big screen? Makeup girl! And, the hair isn't going anywhere. Let us practice, as a woman from, uh, Charolette said it makes perfect...

"The president had a dream of a more equal and just society, but this kind of ideal, while certainly noble, cannot be achieved [BANG ON PODIUM HERE] at the expense of the core activities of free enterprise, and the privacy we will not surrender to anyone, anywhere, anytime."

As the mayor of NYC once asked, more than once, "How am I doin'?"

They tremble. They shake and twitch like Quakers, and BTW, was someone "wired" for my high school religion class field trip to a Quaker meeting? I thought I chose which faith to take a "test drive" with freely, but once more, the intel "fix" may have been in, because RICHARD M. NIXON was an unlikely to rain bombs down on Hanoi Quaker. 'Ya do what 'ya gotta do in that job, I presume he figured. And, of all recent presidents--if you are over 50, at any rate--I believe I could make money by passing the hat during my RMN impersonation. It's positively paraniod. Plus, it really sounds like him. As Carson said, "It's wild, man!"

"Get Henry in here! Al Haig, you son of a bitch! Howard's ^ucking grandson beating Hoover's ass out of a goddamn shopping cart! No money! No payoffs? How in the hell did this get started? Ralph! It's that *ocksucker! No? Who got him out here? What the &uck went wrong in New Hampshire? They had in in that, uh, ops house. Like his granny, we can't kill those people! I'll tell 'ya Bob, when it's my time, I'm damn well gonna die. Right? What? Hoover's dead? Who the $uck offed that crazy shit? Howard was right about that much, I'll admit." 

Did the "NORTHRUP MUTT WALKIN' MAN" give me a "thumbs up" this a.m.? Were "the cops" swarming last night like they care? About me? In a good way? What did my "aide" say? "I don't go in there when he's in there." Hmmm. Rick is allowed to shake the vending machine--and he did. 85 cents saved! She bought me M&M's? A new orange afghan from a lost Russian? Is it raining yet to ruin it, weather/earthquake controllers? Let's go to court! (On that?)

No, the Nazi "they" do not want that. Cali-fornia, you did not report the time of my very first ca earthquake accurately in the Ventura Star. Nope, because I immediately looked at my trusty set on Starbucks register time Dollar Tree watch. Sending messages with earthquakes? Not prudent. Not acceptable. Got any room for a Japanese family? Didn't think so, Mr./Mrs. Narcissist. One, two, three..."He's nuts!" Sorry, no mental disorder here, and today, the rodents are very excited about my Lockerbie print-outs from stolen classified secrets. Nah, just Wikipedia, but this is Hughes, and the notes in the margin already say, "I remember that!"  "He's right on top of it!"  "This is not good."  "More giveaway."  "AAIB report, please."  "Who's being dosed with meth at the same time?"  "Green Monster--staggering, ready to drop!"

What does he mean? [2-3x] Open your mouth. Ask a question. I will say I am running for president. Don't call the cops, as they know this already.

People, when "Vera" named her home state yesterday, I thought she said, "Ohio," so my comment was, "Columbus is a nice town." No, Hughes, get the homeless stuff out of your ears. She said "Iowa." And, politico kids, what did she say next? What did she say?

      "You'd better get going on campaigning."

Three (3) years of Vandenberg crap in california? Many are headed to prison. Not me. Court? That's the stump. That's the whistle stop. That's the rally. That's the political convention. Causing torture effects in human bodies from space? Wiping human memories? Playing with the cells in your body remotely? No right to your own DNA? Knocking airliners apart with a "grav cannon?" Altering the weather? Causing earthquakes? This is big. This is William Hughes/William V, and you are screwed.

I'll sign the commutations & pardons. 

Not for you, dude.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Am Sorely Tempted, but Too Damn Old

What did "Vera" say? "You'd better get started campaigning." Isn't the RAF going to come here, crush a bunch of mafia cars with the aircraft above, and yell, "Hughes, get in." Oh, that may cause an explosion. Don't call the cops, but after another day of remaining under close observation by nutcases, I might say, upon the rise of a fireball, "Good."

"Where's the damn rail yard, Mormon navigator-boy? This is the newly very mean motherf#cking President of the United States flying this old crate, and the coca farmer never did anything but sell paste to feed his family. Where's that g*d damn bank? I'm going to make a deposit, with some help from those Raytheon thieves."

Ready? "He can't do that!" (Repeat as needed, or as directed by your mafia lawyer).