Tuesday, March 15, 2011

East Bloc Writer's Block

Let us see what the latest "hacking" of this Goo-gle site shall be, then try and post the Blues Brothers photo.What did LOREN MICHAELS have for lunch today? How about the CEO or CFO of GENERAL ELECTRIC? Hey kids! It's mean old S.O.B. Democrat after all war-starting liberal* Hughes, and he got the #ucking thing to work. Same AKG microphones as FBC Sound? Nice. They sounded good.

Is JAPAN still there? Me? "Political prisoner?" How would I know? My AM/FM radio "they" jam like a b&w war movie, the Internet works thanks to fed-snitching, which is most unbecoming of a Hughes, 

[Thanks to KSHE 95! That was "Cinderella" living on the Third Floor in New York. I did not know this. Or, maybe I did. I think I previewed their first release and said,"Rock and roll has died," or something to that effect. I brought them light bulbs for the "landlady," NO DRUGS. Is that what they told some mafia record twerp?]

and let us not speak of PACIFIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES. Use your cell phone? No thanks. Device? Banished from all Hughes for President activities. How about a plugged into the wall land-line, fiber optic magic TELEPHONE? No? What if I secretly studied flight video, stole your corporate jet, and used the radio? No? It would be like O.J., only in the air. Me "flipping the bird" to a couple of F-18's? Glorious!

"I'm very open-minded," and North America shall hear it. Central and South America already know I am rather intolerant on a certain issue we shall not discuss this evening. "What are you doing on the Internet Hughes?" Gloating on my paper letters to Pennsylvania Avenue (no, not him), and the other one came out so much better upon diverting from the first draft, I got a big, fat, ham sandwich, Cheetohs, and a Coke-a-Cola. I shared the ham with "Chuck," whoever the hell he is. Is this the right way to campaign for president? Backed-up on reading, sir? Do the other economists [Freudian slip] candidates read The Economist, The Washington Spectator, Information Week, Aviation Week, RF, and oh those Long Beach people keep the circuit board pics coming! Rolling Stone? Who is Lil Wayne? Why did I write music reviews and want to do it for a [sort of] living? Enjoy:

"...on 'Bulldozer', his bandmates whip up a mighty pomp-rock racket. But the songs are tedious and overbearing--they feel much longer than their average four minute length. On the bombastic 'Flying Upside Down', Willett sings, 'Ambition, man, she looks good on you'. Not so much, actually."


Jody, don't you now the poor fellow may be suicidal now? Without testosterone, like Trisha's cat?

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