Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rita Didn't Die In hughesscreenplay#6: Too Late, HollyMafia, Time To Run For President

He longs for the old neighborhood (not).

I wanted to blow the Hinckley thing open on wordpress, but they are having technical difficulties. Is this a goo-gle conspiracy? See that little putz, and who's his GF with the oh so 1980 hairdo? I can count gunshots on U-Tube video--can you? Ready...set...echo! Plane crashes, trying to shoot presidents...why do I bother? "They" tried to blame me! Are you Howard Hughes' only grandson? Didn't think so, nutcase. May I live on the first floor of a hotel? I'm thinking truck bomb, not Howie's worry of a chopper dangling a machine gun. Why? M-O-N-E-Y + M-A-F-I-A = the convenience of maybe U.S.A./U.K./E.U. military stuff = screw you. 


I tried to get primary filing dates today, but in 1000 Thieves/Oaks, you have to "watch your stuff."

BEFORE LOGGING-OFF AND CATCHING WHATEVER THE FAT, GRAY HAIRED KOOK HAS <cough cough> LET "US" IN INQUIRE WHAT THE FOLLOWING PERSONS WERE DOING IN 911 St. Rita Avenue (a.k.a. "Paul Turner's Bughouse") while I was working hard at SLPRC ["secret code"]?

andrea spray
mary rotter
"dave the cop" [Last Name Withheld Due to Holding a Real Job]
sarah beckman
angela demeo

as a bounus, see:
Hughes v. Pless et al (A professorial-level hacker @ Washington University in St. Louis)
Hughes v. Whitlock (From West Palm, FL to next door in Clayton, Missouri? Ah, hem!)

Would you trust these people around the President of the United States? Someone did, and Reagan almost got his butt killed. Whew! How 'bout that 03.30.1981 U-Tube action, with the real Hughes doing the clicking and saying, "Who's that?" "Who's that guy?" "Oh, he sees him! That son of a bitch sees him already!" Do I know that guy's.....?"

Jim! He's not dead!
see 'ya,

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