Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Google Doodles

So, "we" are all nuts, and have spent since May of 2008 hollering from San Diego to the Oregon border that Hughes is nuts? Time for some "grandiose" talk. Do you want USA to break apart? Federalism? In ashes. No?


May I repair my crowns in my jaw? The president's plan has not kicked-in yet. Four root canals, four crowns in 1987. All of a sudden they are shattering? Thanks, I need to get the tracking devices/bugs out of my jaw. Okay, Hughes, you are the new president. Who might get nuked who is not already on the list?


And, maybe more. Commander in Chief is the job title, and you keep--whoever you are--flooding me with delightful and not so tolerable crazy people. I am a writer. This is hard work. I am a mental health professional. That used to be hard work, until the intelligence community ruined my life.Call my sister? No. Go to daddy? He suffered enough. What did he say about being in the room with Big Mafia, USA?

"I told them what I needed to tell them." I said, "Weren't you scared?" We Hughes people are so very complicated, aren't we? Charles E. Hughes puffed on a cigarette and simply said, "No." I got angry one day, because no one told me diddly. I said, regarding President Obama, to a room full of Mafia, "I do not want this black son of a bitch to make it through four years, but you assholes are not going to kill him. No, you're not! Oh, no you're not!"

Do you want this job, Mr. Rich Kid? Mr. Hollywood? Are you nuts? How's the pay? A shiny penny. A dollar some old dude hands you. Maybe a five dollar bill. Oh, a twenty dollar bill! How generous.Can you spell "xenophobic?" Don't keep me in California, if you know what it means. I need to sit in a Midwestern gas station and listen to big, fat, corn-fed white boys talk about hoops, pigskin, or who's got a 110 m.p.h. fastball.
Damn Chinese all over me since 2005. Ruskies since 1985. Did I nearly get in a fight with an Israeli fighter jock in 1977? Why wasn't I flying, too? USA, you've got no good answer.

Who stole the Israeli spygirl's letters? Oh, I did my "job" by exclaiming, "Your economy is doing fine! Why don't you buy your own damn planes!" [Did the German lady just say, "Oh, they screwed you over." Yes, she did].
CORRECTION: No one screwed me. If you do not cooperate with me, you are going to prison, or if I'm, as the uncles said, ever "In charge of this shooting match" you might find yourself dead. Legally. I do not coddle domestic terrorists, and they are everywhere. FBI? Worthless. What did I just joke in the on paper via USPS letter completed today? $79,000,000,000 of "Instant Savings" on Inauguration Day. Oh, you'd rather default on the national debt? Yes, I think it could happen to a nation, and China stands ready to buy the cocaine & marijuana with yuan. How do I know? This is Mr. Hughes/William V, and I am running for president.


- look at Facebook
- try M.D. to get home
- KC, don't feel like dying here
- Violnece
- SLU's 877#
- Get Enterprise # again!
- Stancorp #'s again!
- CBK p.s.
- Look for Elvis piece
- PFRD, clean/read/comment on Mercury, Sac Bee, KC Star
- What was his beef with Carter?
- K/Christina Radziwill
- Print

[The actual doodles I cannot reproduce without dragging out my moribund Fuji camera, but the Fuji blimp did fly over. As did the Goodyear blimp a few year back. Who's flying all of the damn helicopters around here? Not me]

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