Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's The Army-Navy Hacking Bowl

This is the one built by DeHavilland that blew-up more than once. Howard Hughes did not have anything to do with it. However, Olivia DeHallivand tried to put "HH" in the loony bin. Given grandpa had ALL THE MONEY, it did not work.

This is the airplane Howard Hughes put engines on, after Mellon Bank closed-out the HUGHES TOOL COMPANY account. It is now part of BANK OF NEW YORK, and if they give me any crap about my stock account with MELLON INVESTORS, we might have a real civil war--not film my screenplay about a fictional one, titled "II."

Why all of my "Pittsburgh Problems?" Didn't Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, etc. like William IV spying on them? Too bad. What did the Pittsburgh spygirl say to me in 1986 regarding steeltown? "We're re-tooling." One more "tool joke," many MX missiles did "we" build, by the way? Classified? Now look, "The Great Psy Op of 1988-89" was, I now realize, in part because I figured out where they are. One behind Ralph's (more than once)? Good.

What is a "person?"
What is an "insurgent?"
What is a "terrorist?"

During the Hughes Administration, we shall go to the blackboard and start over. "No Fly Zone?" Is three an echo in here? Is anybody in this world free? No.

Next question. And your full legal name is?

I think, without consulting any British history books, that the reason William IV's carriage moved so fast was the guy with the wig on in there was not him. MI-6--keep this "hush-hush." Where was he? Pittsburgh?

Why did the pilot of the DAN AIR 707 sit behind me in 1977? I thought it odd; how about you, pipsqueak mafia man? No shooting missiles at usa's terrorists in the u.s.? We shall see about that.

What did the Dan Air Captain say? "Look out the left windows. There's Ireland." I was an "A" geography student, so I thought, back when thoughts were private (I think), "Why did he fly out of the way?"

The NY DC-9 tail-sitting was not 10 days after PAN AM 103 hit the ground, but dancing with a spygirl ten days later means WAR today. And, what did that TWA Captain say? "Look out the left windows, as we will be delayed by a squadron of F-15's." What did I think as the front of the airplane went up way farther than is "normal?" Mr. Hughes/William V, disguised as some AAA Travel Counselor, always sat by the Prat & Whitney engine on the right side of the aircraft. [How's Patty Pratt doing?] That way, you can feel it and hear it real loud. Scared? No, more like, "Gosh by golly, we are going straight up." Kind of like my trajectory to live single in your White House. Oh, I can't give it a try? Didn't the Brits burn the place down once? Scummy Navy/Mafia, "we" are just talking about history here, like the National Security Act of 1947, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. the USA PATRIOT Act, etc. etc. etc. 

Scummy Navy, Kook Mormon Air Force, Already as good as abolished Army, Trigger-Happy coked-up Marines, THESE ARE THE FACTS. I win? No more military "gravy train." We are out of cash for floating around screwing whores. No more money for the "B-3," which the USAF showed me so they could turn around and say I'm crazy if I talk about it.

tap, this microphone on? Damn it, I paid for it! (Like Ronald Reagan).

What did the producer's nephew say? "Do you think anybody reads your blog?"
may I run for president, please?

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