Monday, March 14, 2011

I Guess I Gotta.....

This is William The Fifth

This is Will Rogers. Some webpage called him a "blogger" before his time. He had to use a "telegraph." Do Cali-fornia high school grads know what a telegraph key was? Probably not, and Jay Leno proved how stupid you are on the streets of LA in a bit I loved--in Missouri. May I not be killed and go to Kansas City in a leased Impala? I will go to St. Louis, too. If it seems safe, after "checking signals" in Jeff City (That's the state capital. My address ended in .gov and I got paid more than $8 an hour. Really, I did).

I gotta stay a Democrat? McCain, I tried to "convert, but Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve? Not prudent. Besides, I already know, and I told "Carrie," that you-know-who will wear heels, and "Ow!" "Ouch!" "Cut it out!" I will supply I got a homeless shopping cart, but helicopters fly around--a lot. Hmmm. I supply "The Plan." May I listen to some speeches from 1980? "They" were watching on the Capital Square? And, she was living on the 500 block of West Mifflin? 

Don't think so. Don't know so.

I did drop her off at the door. That much I know.

KEYWORDS: Cousin, Polish Prince    

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