Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hinckley Eyeware: So Cool, So "In,"--in T.O.

Okay, GOOGLE gets the honor, as WordPress.com is "working on it" in read-only mode. Didn't I already confirm my "Facebook" face? How could Susie be my friend if I had not? She went to LCI, I think was from California, and might be a you-know-who. "Uh oh," they are all saying about now. Guns? Who needs 'em.

Since musing to Mrs. Hughes as follows, with Madtown's Capital Times in hand, a la WARD CLEAVER--"Holy shit! John Hinckley was in Madison?"--I wondered if that particular, as Wade Wilkin, the minister's son called them, "killer nerd," had come near me to better fuel the fires of neo-fascism. (And BTW, I've read a bit of Adam Smith in my time, and--shhhhh...keep it quiet!--he was a liberal).

How about that Hughes Brain? Like the RAM on your stupid computer, always running, searching. What cracked it? A BOTTLE OF KNOP PROPUS DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. How?

1. The bottle is yellow & black--same color as my New York Times subscription card circa 1980-82.
2. The University of Wisconsin Memorial Union was a suspected skulking ground for John Hinckley since March 30, 1981.
3. CEH spoke too much of the World News newsstand (Clayton, Missouri) relocating.
4. Everyone in Thousand Oaks, California seems to like those retro-Hinckley maybe back in style eyeglasses (no accounting for taste in fruit & nutland).
5. A girl with a "shank" lying with Hughes. What famous black man did she once give a New York Times to as the newsstand girl? Oops!
6. Did some merry prankster drop a load of manure on the Memorial Union steps prior to the Wisconsin v. Missouri football game in...1981? 1982?

No matter, because the Conejo Recreation and Park District (CRPD) rabbits & squirrels heard once more what all of USA and the world will hear soon, as the memory image saw the college guy handing the newspaper out of a kiosk. Look down at the rest of the bundled newsprint...turn to the left...who's that nerd? Oh, baby! he screamed last night, it's JOHN HINCKLEY!!!!!

[more than once, Mr. Bush]

[CLICK...Pardon me, passengers, it's getting a little bumpy up here, so please return to your seats, and by all means, uh, jeez what the f...? fasten your seat belts. As soon as the company and friendly underpaid bureaucrats...what?...at the FAA give me, uh, permission, we'll do something to help you better digest your peanuts and expensive soft drinks. What the hell are th...? CLICK]    

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