Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Where's that Compact Disc? In the PENSKE TRUCK! Mindi, Mindi! Where's my financial CD's? Ask COMMERCE BANK Negroes at Kansas City, Missouri's "Bank of the 9/11 Hijackers." How did Harry Truman get started, son? Never mind.

SUN TRUST BANK? Big "frame-up!"

"Thanks for flying on Airways. I know riding with dog crates and chickenwire is inconvenient, but think about what the ticket cost. Now, put away those damn em scourge devices before I crash the plane on purpose. The nice butch, couldn't find a job anyplace else S&M specialists will beat your ass into the seat, and....oh my, we have an unspecified problem on this fancy computer thing I should have studied more carefully {CLICK, CLICK} Did I leave CAB-3 on on purpose? Oh no! What's wrong? The wing is falling off? No, it's not!"

Did Howard turn off two of four engines on Hollywood people? He did! Howard! Shame on you! Connie could have flown on one loaded with bozos. I am sure of it! Maybe I'll try it someday! Wanna take a plane ride? SILENCE.

03.29.11  11:18 a.m.
As I peruse the 2/7 - 2/13/11 issue of Bloomberg Business Week, reading-up on how I don't seem to be in DAVOS, SWITZERLAND I remind the world from my "Made in India" Composition Book and free & fun DELL 755 that all U.K. Prime Ministers have been dismissed by me, WILLIAM V. No one seems to want to talk about Central Banking or the potential for a wave of muni bond defaults, but they've got weed and maybe smoke heroin around the real one, the only one. Is there still a double of me in Santa Barbara? Ventura? At the crack hotel in Newbury Park? No, I will not go to the U-Tube of me flying a DC-10, but RFK's final moments will are going to be played over & over. [Don't call the .Illuminati "Secret Service," or I am quite sure the real ones will toss your butt in a federal "reception center," not to be confused with the Goebel "Go Bell" Reception Area]. To the 100% go call the Secret Service question:

Q: "When RFK says 'On to Chicago,' everybody is bunched-up around him, including later wounded Rosie Greer. Kennedy is taking little steps, like 'Can I leave now?' So, apparently, all of the people around him do not just constitute the thrill of victory, some of them are worried about something, like his safety. What happens between that formation and the kitchen door?

A: "We don't know, unless there is film I need to see and no one would even buy me a loaf of bread at the Goebel Senior Adult [Mafia] Center if I were starving, nor will the network archivists bring me a 16 mm projector and the film. As a 12 y/o kid, I remember the guy pointing his finger at his head and shooting his finger at his temple, because in the pandemonium he wasn't sure if he had audio. How do you California kooks and people who know I'm HH's grandson expect me to pull rabbits out of the hat flat-out homeless, with absolutely no income, medical or dental care, and for a time, I was poisoned weekly. Why is there a long and storied tradition of poisoning on the "Dark Side?" Don't ask me, you are all headed to prison. And, I've boasted that as president I'll take your homes and clean out bank accounts for Uncle Sam because what do the local T.O. kids tell me? This planned community is either about PLEASANTVILLE or ILLEGAL DRUGS, and the two do meet--a lot. Soldier Boy, you are departing the Middle East, and going south of the border, but just like the Spring Fling kegs of beer slush fund, we won't call it the [U.S.] "Army," we'll call it whatever I name it (the occupation force, that is) because: 
a). I would be the Commander in Chief;
b). I am sick of what one missing person called "drug shit."
Would you rather have headless bodies on the 1000 Oaks City Hall parking lot? That's not coming? Yes, it is. Circling back to RFK, who's that strange guy right next to him? (And, I define "strange," adjusted to 1968). Who's that damn woman? And, I know already why Sirhan Sirhan was allowed to walk right up to him McKinley style. What did I do last night in the comfy confines of the "Bobby Memorial Electrical Closet?" A phased-in wall of security between two rather famous last of the breed individuals, and you, whoever you are, are just not killing our asses. Secret Service? We're gonna fight like dogs, or I'll tell you to "Go away." Why? There's another job I could have done well, because as with inattentiveness and stuff like discussing Hillary Clinton's body parts prior to takeoff, mistakes are made and planes crash. Politicians get shot, too, and as we approach the 30th anniversary of the Reagan almost died, but Al's in control event, what did I say more than once that day? "Bush is the president now. What's he doing sitting on the tarmac?"

I, William Charles Hughes now dedicate this "To Be Continued" piece of writing to the Reagan Family. Will my computer work after a re-boot?


Modem Cabinet Open.

Kooks in the room.

Koval playing key rattling games.

Did I mention I am candidate for president of the United States #8003536?

"We" might have real Secret Service out here tomorrow PAMELA BLUM/FINKEL/ROSES, but as John Lennon and Los Bealtos sang long ago, "I have a feeling" it will work just fine.

Nighty, night.

Hey ALICE COOPER, I'd like to be in Vancouver, British Columbia, but instead, I am fighting disappearing text on this screen, as well as disappearing objects. Would they believe me if I said, in New Hampshire, "They were f*ing with President Obama, too, and while I intend to whup his ass here and crush crazy Republicans later, YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, CAN'T DO THAT!"

"Bad Company" by the band of the same name? Thanks Mr. Cooper. What did I say of Cooper's show in 1971. "They strike me as kind of a government act." We rock on!

03.29.11  11:59 a.m. continued from pink type above...

Don't I hate being right in 1981 and 2011. Oh well, let's continue your delusions a bit longer girls. "He was not bit by dogs in 1963." There was no gold plaque that said Hughes & President on the same line." "He was not mushed-up against the president's limo thinking, 'Trisha's cuter than she looks on TV'." "He never talked to Eugene McCarthy." "He never talked to George McGovern." "He never almost got kicked out of school over a full-page Democrat's ad." (Think George from SD). "He never traveled out of the USA and got President Carter on the phone." "They never said, 'C'mon in' at Abbey Road Studio in London (This is not normal, ca kooks, but I thought I was merely lucky). "The TWA Captain (my old airline) never said, 'We are proud to have and all Saint Louis-based crew on the flight tonight', as I thought, per usual, 'Feel Pratt & Whitney through butt, all is well. Feel few bumps, all is well. See no other aviation lights, all is well. See some silly Ohio town down there lit up, all is well. My chicken salad sandwich tastes good, all is well'." Oops! Is it a cop or Secret Service guy who sees Hinckley's gun come out and rather literally looks the other way? How about the second guy who: a). Sees gun; b). Looks away. TIC TOCK TIC TOCK. Then, I like to freeze it on the clean SS agent's face as he: a). Ducks; and b). Thinks to himself, 'There's a pudgy little fucker shooting at us.' As for stuffing POTUS #40 in the limo, I could do that, but I'm too old. What should I do?


William C. Hughes

Rob addendum:
I never got to drive her oh so cool blue Porsche 914, but now she's a Facebook Friend. Oh, that Soldier Boy's Internet! He should have never allowed us civilians to use it. Was I the Chief Executive of that school, too? This is a fact. Oh the humanity!

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