Saturday, March 12, 2011

Clarification/Early "Spin Control"

Lost tourist, perhaps? World leaders, like that scam artist in China, have taken to walking about with no security guys visible. So cool they are!

Could you please lay off crazy license plates that go back to the Belleville, Illinois IHOP--I don't even remember the exact year...1975 maybe? Why is a "Gary" always looking for illegal drugs? Set-up crap does not work. California, please take note, before the inevitable "justifiable homicide," wherein Hughes is not dead--YOU ARE. Didn't I tell "Albert" at Obama's CHESTNUT HEALTH SYSTEMS, that like gay, cop boinking, selling dope on HUD property under protection Albert, I'd go on the "mission," but had no interest in selling drugs for fun, profits, and the prospect of e-z oral sex. You-know-who verified this personally? I saw those SS cowboys smoking pot. Yes, I did. "September, 1986 'P' & Jesus Christ?" Enlarge the photo, and see I do not lie.

See what happens when I get on the Internet? I thought it was the ZZ Top drummer I saw aimlessly driving around 1000 Oaks, when it was the 6-string guitar player! START IT UP, GIRLS: "He's nuts! He did not see anybody from ZZ Top!"


First, "we" try this.

Then, "we" try this.

No comment, except to say I may grab a truncheon and help beat some sense into them. Uzi? Let us not speak of firearms, except in the context of the Second Amendment.

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