Thursday, June 9, 2011

ca Kooks, The End Is Near

How about that Soldier Boy's Internet! In a few short minutes, the real Hughes was wondering why grandpa Howard's 707 won the day to carry whining & complaining cattle over the "Pond," while crazy USAF Mormons apparently still like the DC-8. Did one crash at JFK on my alleged birthday? Is the Internet off yet? Is Obammy still the president? Just wondering.
What were those lame U.S. Marine excuses for hitting my big yellow airplane on June 6, 1971?
"The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the failure of both crews to see and avoid each other... [H-note: this is always the case in a midair collision] other causal factors include a very high closure rate [H-note: the F-4 was much faster than my plane. This is a fact] comingling of IFR and VFR traffic in an area where the, limitation of the ATC system precludes effective separation of such traffic [H-note: Did I mention lame excuses? I'm not "crazy," I think I did, and, speaking of lame/worthless/ineffective, all .gov's at the D.O.J. IG's shop, could you tell me why the comma is there, all of the fonts are different, extra spaces are everywhere, and "we" can overlook old spookies and their underling, bitter notes, drawings of ghosts, etc. etc. etc.] and the failure of the crew of BuNo458 [stoopid Marines] to request radar advisory service. [guess they "forgot," and why a period when it should be a comma, 2012 NTSB?] particularly considering the fact they had an inoperable transponder. [must have been broken, like on September 11, 2001]

What did Jill say? "I don't like the graphics." What did she say? I'm telling you Soldier Boy, they ALL work together. What was next? "You know, the s's." I don't like the way the "s" looks, either, but here I do notice the plywood on the right side window. Man, oh man! They must have Ken-Ken's & Ben-Ben's back then, too. Good thing I was busy being president--of my high school, dumbass. Want more? See the little plane I never learned to fly, Nazis? Why? Now, you're in deep National Socialist doo-doo. More still? Try a big-assed digital photo file from, uh, 1974? 1973? 

Later, (like now!)

What did the "Adopted August 30, 1972"* .gov nutcases say?
9. "The pilot of the BuNo458 [dead Marine] attempted to eject from the aircraft, but was unable to do so, because the forward canopy did not jettison."
49 civilians dead. And, the Marine who discovered a malfunction in the last few seconds of his sorry life died, making it an even "50" dead. HINT: It's often the First Officer. He parachuted safely? Getting "paranoid?" Not me, sir. Shooting shotguns in the park after Goebel closes, are we? No cops? Spying rodents, I'd get in the car and scram, if I were you. The real gov'ment has strange ways, and a good sense of humor, as do I. Can't help it if I recognize them all. That's because I am the real one, dickhead!

What did the CBS Radio station say this a.m.? Long security line at the LAX AMERICAN AIRLINES gate? It was not any plane that said "Hughes" or "TWA" hitting anything on 09/11/01. This is a fact, kooks. Whew! Big 10th anniversary this year, and I'm not laying any wreaths, boys & girls.

*Brain jacked! (Into typing the accident date, instead of the date this pack of .gov/.mil lies was adopted. My not so sagely advice? "Use the 'two-finger typing method', and a stylish aluminum foil hat won't stop it, but it helps--a little."

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