Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The in.OUT "Double-Double"

Jill moved from Moorpark to Newbury Park, whatever that means.
No money. Coffee coins the last of it. I saw them all run from the Sheriff.
Why? We didn't even do that in 1970-something, and MOlaw was very strict.
Drugs? Terrorism?

He turned down a movie role? We both said, "#uck Hollywood?" As my maternal grandma said, "Now we're cookin' with gas." Will we look better in the inevitable movie?

"I've got to make sure you're not a terrorist."
"Do I look like a terrorist?"

Yes kids, it really happened. 

William C. Hughes
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
California Highway Patrol
Dear CHP Commissioner:

I’ve written a similar letter as the by right and inheritance richest S.O.B. in the world to the VENTURA COUNTY SHERIFF, and I’m even more incensed at your despicable outfit that apparently cannot distinguish the very important distinction between policing and "spying."

I think my streetside taunt of, "Secret police in black and white cars!" will hold up in court when I get there, and it is taking too long. Ironically, as part of my none too grandiose—if you can do the job—political ambition, I’m trying to give state police a substantial increase in salary as part of my "vision" for a new National Defense/Intelligence Infrastructure more like Canada. However, as with the health care debate, I’ll be called names in trying to end up your president with a 14-plus trillion dollar I.O.U. due to the rest of the world.

If I succeed, California gets the red pen line-item veto every time, because "Are you alright?" as I was being chased up and down I-5 by the "Bush 43 Mafia" wasn’t helpful, or any Internal Affairs matter. Heard of the "Good Samaritan?" Have your attorneys found time to read the Tarasoff case? It originated at the University of California—Berkeley, of all places.

Bottom line on the level of danger I’ve endured? President someday or not, I WANT YOUR ENTIRE COMMAND STRUCTURE TOSSED IN A FEDERAL PRISON. As the best candidate in the early field, I would answer any of your questions honestly, much like when I get in the White House as "occupant" and tell the American people who killed the Kennedy’s, who really perpetrated "9/11" on us, etc. etc. etc.

Thanks for not much,
William C. Hughes

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